Vikings were Muslim. Facts hurt your feelings? Get fucked :)
Vikings were Muslim. Facts hurt your feelings? Get fucked :)
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who cares what religion some pirates were?
Who gives a shit?
>All of a sudden it's ok to be Muslim to people who spend 8 hours a day talking about how much they hate muslims
were saying who cares what religion some random guy who was the equivalent of a biker gang member was 1200 years ago?
lol maybe that is just what you assume.
lol, (((facts))).
Some roastie cunt is jacking off with conjecture.
Where's the writing then? I mean surely you should provide evidence if you claim something like that is true.
yes its the equivalent of saying we was kangz, very good tyrone
Is this based on the burial thing for VALHALLA which is their heaven?
boat niggers that acted like niggers and went around stealing and raping were actually sand niggers?
Yeah, archaeologists asked them if they were Muslims, and objects are obviously ideas, yeah right.
>Vikings raped and pillaged Europe for centuries
Yeah they were Muslims
Med master race as always.
The article that first came out with this blabbered on about how they might have been muslim then at the very end they quote an expert who says that the scribblings are likely mistranscribed viking babble. Literally ancient aliens tier bullshit.
Wow a bunch of thugs and rapists were muslims :^)
"Some" "may" "have been". GTFO you illiterate
This article is bullshit.
Are muslims even muslim?
One drop rule Sven , once a Allah worshipper, always an Allah worshipper
sup mudslime nigger
>Claims Vikings were dune dwelling nogs.
>Cites a fucking BLOG as sauce.
Daily reminder that OP is a retard.
>implying i give a shit what semite god these faggots started praying to
any white man who worships a semite is a slave
Wow.. a swede is finally angry...
>any white man who worships is a slave
This isn't leftypol faggot.
That's how you know you've struck a nerve.
There has been a meta-guerrilla war against the nords yet none of them have noticed.
I think about 3 of them (at least that I've seen) have caught on.
It's Anglos going after them
came in to the thread to post this. glad to see someone else already did. people are so desperate to prove that we've always been multicultural that they'll grasp at absolutely nothing
it's like if we found some scribblings in north america from the 10th century that vaguely looked like a part of a word written in fraktur and assumed that germans had been there, despite the fact that fraktur wasn't created yet and you had to squint really hard in order for it to look even remotely like anything written in fraktur
yet of course idiots jump on it because oh man those nordics were actually muslim, wypipo btfo
I see a whole lot of speculation there and zero proof. We already knew that Vikings traded with Muslims. Why would the Vikings give a shit about what symbols or patterns were on the cloth they traded for as long as it looked nice?
This is just progressives going full retard again coming to conclusions based on their own feelings rather than reality.
So it's just an assumption based on loot plundered or goods traded?
Like idiots that get tattoos in languages they don't understand?
It's not to say some couldn't have converted to islam, but it's something of a bizarre logical leap, might make sense if say they were buried with a quran or whatever, but short of that, again it's just a proof of import or something.
Another politically motivated (((study))). Yawn.
Again with the muslim Taqueea Kebab?
We wuz sea kangs?
Strange how their runes and nordic crosses don`t have the iconography that would support that.
Converting to religions was often apart of military deals. That's historic fact and they even showed that happening in the show that's your .jpg low quality b8 m8
Some Viking takes a piece of ornament from an eastern European or an mediteranian that has been traded all the way from the middle east.
Suddenly leftist all think every viking was a mudskin muhammedworshipper.
This is why you guys should take / buy actual history books and stuff.
The multiracial multicultural revisionism is coming for your history and culture too.
This is how they describe it in the Swedish media
>The finding strengthens the theory that the Vikings had a connection with the Islamic faith. Since the writing occurs in time-typic clothing, it can be concluded that the findings are not about the outcome of robbery and trade in the East. At Uppsala University, rather, the Vikings are believed to be inspired by Islam and faith in eternal life in paradise after death.
>some vikings were likely muslims and we desperately want white supremacists to hate it
Fixed that for you. Nice clickbait though.
They've found Buddha statues in Viking graves. They brought tons of shit back from their raids. Stop harping on about this bullshit "story".
>Be Viking
>Live in filth
Thank God the Brits killed them, forced them to convert to Christianity, and brought the Nords to civilization.
Pagan Vargtards BTFO
Islam BTFO
Witness me in Shiny Goats pussy gooch!
Described by Swedish media and ((professors)).
The entire academia in Sweden are Cultural marxists.
go back to cripplech /leftypol/
user this is Swedish and have nothing to do with Western Raids. These are the Vikings that went East.
What would happen if I found a single Christian Cross in time-typic metal? Would that mean all Muslims are now Christians? This doesn't really mean anything.
First, American negroes stole Egyptian identity, now Vikings are considered islamic?
did no one read that antonio banderas movie beowulf?
I meant to add a location to my argument but I'm sure you can read between the lines.
They would have just raided parts of Europe that the Umayyad's controlled
Some of them might have converted though sure, but it would have been very few
It's all based on an opinion and no proof.
“My opinion is that those who wore the fabrics must have understood the symbolism,” said Dr. Larsson. “But certainly, the person who wove the fabrics could read and write and knew what the characters meant.”
“Viking burial customs were very likely influenced by Islam and the idea of an eternal life in paradise.”
>Viking burial customs were very likely influenced by Islam and the idea of an eternal life in paradise
Vikings had a large array of influences, this doesn't seem like a significant finding to me. Any information to the contrary?
>friendly atheist
Man those faggots are the worst, and to top it off he's one of those street shitters with a rapey grin
>be viking
>travel around the world with your shitty boat
>meet arabs
>burn villages rape woman take stuff
>return home
>get killed by a deer
>that robe you stole was packed with you in the coffin as a gesture
>be a archeologist with government support and agenda
>find that coffin
>immedialty say that vikings were muslim because your country is taking down atm by some
>hope that your people believe that shit and are ok with muslim niggers raping their daughters
>what if jesus were muslim and mohammed a buddhist
this piece of paper says so
>Annika Larsson has earlier in her research highlighted the extensive occurrence of the Oriental silk in theViking Age tombs. In Valsgärde's boat graves, located just north of the younger age of the Iron Age, Old Uppsala, the occurrence of Silk in funeral costumes is far greater than finds of wool and linen. Analyzes of materials as well as weaving techniques and design languages suggest ancient Persian and Central Asian origins.
>"In the Qur'an it is said that in the paradise you wore clothing of Silk, which, along with the inscriptions of the text bands, can explain the widespread occurrence of the page in Viking era tombs. The findings are the same in both male and female tombs.
They literally found loot from a raid in that tomb.
Thats all it is. Some muslim got his ass handed to him and his fancy clothes looted, and some ended up in a viking burial mound.
>can explain the widespread occurrence of the SILK in Viking era tombs
Bait thread.
Vikings were notorious traders as well es pirates.
On top of it, Pagan people had a thing that was called Celestial insurance:
They would not just pray to their own gods but also force their serfs/ underlings to pray to their gods for the well being of the pagan tribe/empire.
See: Romans did that, Mongols did thath, Ottomans did that and Vikings did that too.
The whole article is complete bullshit and is just a cheap way to get clicks.
The arabic writing turned out to be random squiggle. They also found a swastica there too. Were vikings nazis too?????????
You could have at least tried... Lurk moar newfag
WTF I hate Vikings Now!
I'm Klaxon for Saxon!
Wow, user. I wasn't aware that Muslims are actually polytheists. Please, tell me about all the different Muslim Deities.
>heathen murderer rapist thieves admired heathen murderer rapist thief
this is news
hilarious how these fags "stumbled" upon this fact after the mass immigration of nigger muzzies in the Nordic countries
>and (((experts))) agree that it’s the result of a deep “cultural exchange and shared ideas.”
Thorahu Akbar?
Here is the original paper from the University without any Media spin.
coins with arabic written on them were found almost 20 years ago.
>Dr. Annika Larsson, a textile archaeologist
She is a fucking artist! She has no qualifications in archeology or even history at all.
>The textile archaeological project group also includes artists Shabnam Faraee and Ylva Ceder
lets find out
>no helmets in battle
>because we must show you their fancy hairstyles
wearing a helmet with horns on it to battle is a stupid idea. it just gives your opponent something to grab your head by.
>Hollywood makes movies that are historically accurate
Pic related are also in these graves
Youre the first person to mention horns.
He said a helmet. The ones that the actual vikings wore
They didnt have horns.
>The ones that the actual vikings wore. They didnt have horns.
yeah that is true. but people comely believe that their battle helmets had horns.
Vikings dont wear horned helments. At least that is true for vikings whos wife not cheating when husbund doing his raze and kill job.
SOME vikings probably were..
The vikings had made it to Iceland, Greenland, the Americas and the far east.
To think that at least one or two (or 35, as the article suggests) didn't pick up some random funky ass religion on their worldy travels would be naive.
SOME vikings may have been muslim as I'm sure some ancient Chinese people may have been convinced Zues or Apollo existed.
Why is part of Norway, in the north, isolated and cut-off from the rest? Why is the land below it said to have been uninhabited by Norse people? Did the Sami live along the western-central coastal regions?
See, islam is compatible with Europe, as long as you to define Europe as a bunch of people pillaging and raping the countryside
>>Hollywood makes movies that are historically accurate
They can make at least historic costumes. I believe this is possible.
>as long as you to define Europe as a bunch of people pillaging and raping the countryside
isn't that what you guys are most proud of?
>is black in picture
>Raped the Dane vikings into submission and threw them out
So their argument is that they must be muslims because these particular graves had lots of Silk from Eastern parts and these silks had the text Allah and Ali on them. So more likely is it these were just looted or traded and worn to show off your high status by wearing them, proof that you had been to that part of the world.
Did you know that Swedes got their name in Finnic languages from the word "coastal pillager" (estonian: rootslane, finnish: ruotsalainen)?
That's about the gist of it, even though you and I both know that the Vikings literally stole everything they could carry.
>So their argument is that they must be muslims
no. nobody is arguing that. archaeologist are saying they were just trading.
these people need to be dealt with before they fuck the minds of the next generation
they'll fucking willfully destroy it all just for some welfare and weed which they'll never receive once the system is fully enacted
Alps probably.
They are the filthiest of all Allah’s creatures: they do not purify themselves after excreting or urinating or wash themselves when in a state of ritual impurity after coitus and do not even wash their hands after food.
The Arab writer Ahmad ibn Fadlan noted the above after meeting Viking travellers around a thousand years ago.
>go on a raid
>steal some nice looking shit from a Saracen merchant
>has some squiggly lines on it
>1000 years later, lefties try and use this as evidence that you were a Saracen