Red pill me on trannies

Are trannies real? Are traps trannies? Is fucking a tranny gay? Is it a slippery slope? Is Katelin Jenner really a beautiful woman? Is non binary a joke? I have so many questions


So trannies are retarded? Explains a lot

trap are men who decide to be sexy sluts and are better at it than women

awesomeest thing science has created sicne fake tits

they have something to prove to so are extra crazy in bed

Trannies who dont pass = gay

Trannies who do pass(who are like what only 5% of the trans population?) = gay but not as gay

they secret demons.

I've always maintained that traps were gay, but if this was a trap, I'd unironically fuck the shit out of it

anons help is this a trap, am i gay

>trannies are real and disgusting
>traps are not trannies. They're men that look like women with no boobs.
>yeah it's fucking gay. Traps are not gay is a joke
>It's not a slippery slope. Transgenderism is a mental disease while traps aren't.
>hahaha no.
>non binary is a joke. You're either male or female.

IOW, OP is a faggot.

>Are trannies real?
Yes, but they are a very small, virtually insignificant % of the population.
>Are traps trannies?
No. Traps are slender/feminine guys who do not mutilate their genitals in some insane, delusional pursuit of actually being a woman.
>Is fucking a tranny gay?
Yes. It's 100% gay. Fucking a trap though is only 25% gay.
>Is it a slippery slope?
>Is Katelin Jenner really a beautiful woman?
Disgusting. Okay, now I realize that I'm wasting my time because you're trolling and not genuinely interested in being educated. Fuck. Me.
>Is non binary a joke?
Yes, and it's a retarded joke at that. You're either male or female and you can have a mental condition that makes you think or want to be the opposite, but that's it. All other genders are meme genders.
>I have so many questions
I know, I read them.

There's nothing wrong with someone taking hormones to be more comfortable with their appearance, it's genital mutilation that is fucked up.

fuckable trannies are literally so rare they arent worth talking about. one in a billion
so, sage

>posting pictures of traps
>means you have pictures of traps saved

explain yourselves Sup Forums

>are trannies real?
>are traps trannies
>Is fucking a tranny gay
>Is it a slippery slope
depends on your balancing skills
>Is Katelyn Jenner really a beautiful women
>Is non binary a joke

My brother came out as trans this year. He's throwing his musical career away and is moving to Portland with his new girlfriend. I know once he dies he's gone forever. My father and I are having extra tension on our relationship because I'm trying to redpill him and make him understand we have to work together to save my brother and bring him back. It kills me, everyday, and not just because of his mental illness. I'm terrified he, in his nativity, will be prayed on and pozzed or otherwise infected and then that ruins his life, too. I know too many statistics, I know the risks he's putting himself up for. I just want to protect my family :( it tears my heart in two when I worry about him :(

ys u r gay sry bud

whats her number? get tits yet?

You can't impregnate a tranny... just a thought, user. ;)

Fuck you. I recently learned my brother has secretly been taking hormones since spring :c he's been ideologically subverted into consuming poison and I just want to drive all night to him and throw his pills in the river. I refuse to lose my family to this.

How can I save my brother??

Id love to pozz in your baby bro's boipucci, Balls wont touch so its #notgay

It's a slide thread

Stop eating xenoestrogens if you don't want to be a tranny

>I'm terrified he, in his nativity, will be prayed on and pozzed

yeah man that would really suck :C btw what is your brother's street address maybe i can redpill him

>music career
the red flags should have all ready been flying high

Fuck you some people clearly have a calling in life and his is music. It's what interests me in things like this because he's so naturally gifted with music I could understand him being on the spectrum. He's not a tranny actually, he's just rejected masculinity because that's what the Jews have caused in our society. I don't know how to save him I just don't want to see him throw his life away when he could have it all :(((

fuck him and give him money to get 1200 cc tits

then u do same

then both fly out here

Soy is a phytoestrogen, it comes from a plant. Xenoestrogens come from animals.

This, Traps try really hard, women have it easier, they just need to be good mothers and be supportive, but I guess that's too much for them.

if a woman just cooks for 90 minues and sucks cock her enteir life and kdis will be paid for

but jew tv n shit tries to convince her shes being cheated

and now men are being cheated

and woo wee we fight back hard

With the sexbots coming and the artificial wombs, together with a lot more of traps, those women better step their game up if they want to still be at the top.

this isn't politics


You're SO gay.

Definitely a trap

>that inscription

>mfw he says it's just SSB but he lies

If they don't pass they get the gas
If they do they get my man goo