Tomorrow between 9-11am est, Trump will be accused of pedophilia and child molestation by a prominent actress in connection to Weinstein. The house of cards is falling down. Prepare. Do not post in this thread without saging. I'm leaving the country now, and you can find this in the archive tomorrow when you see it in news. God Bless. Prepare.
Tomorrow between 9-11am est...
>I'm leaving the country now
Godspeed user
This is some bullshit. He might be accused by they can do nothing to stop him.
Literally nothing will happen. Digits confirm OP is a LARPing faggot.
Your digits confirm nothing faggot.
Digits confirm OP is legit.
My dig.its confirm you take it up the ass
Fake & gay
Shills don't like this post.
Okay guys we've been given some important information. We need to counter the narrative instantly when this bullshit busts open.
Folders of Biden, Obama, Hillary, Podesta, Everyone with kids.
We need pictures of jimmy comet. Get ready to counter the narrative,
We'll see about that, OP.
You getting deported, Julio?
Didja come up with this after your brother finally hooked you up with a dime sack?
nothing will happen, nothing ever happens. Make a change and join a white community and live in the country
How can you pretend this is nothing when he said it would happen tomorrow?
Back to the_donald
Where have I heard that before? How does it make you feel knowing you're protecting people who abuse children? What kind of depraved sociopath are you to shill for these people?
You're either new or /leftypol/. There are 6-gorillion "HAPPENING" threads here a day. Nothing is happening, you suck cock, and so I'll leave you to it.
As much I'd love for this to happen, this is 100% LARPing. Plus even if it didn't it wouldn't put a dent in Drumpf.
No. You're leftypol by your obvious use of catchphrases such as.
>go back to t_D
If you do this every day for months on end it becomes obvious who you people are.
Only leftard faggots get tripped up over syntax, while forgetting:
>Sup Forums HAS IDs
You've already been busted samefagging. May as well kys.
This fag made 102 fucking posts in another thread.
big if true
unless thay have facts and proof there's nothing they can do.
Those motherfuckers.