Uhh guyz
They’re both mongol rape babby descendants so I ain’t mad
good for him
but i think he could get something better than a dirty ukrainian
After they get fucked and passed around. Chinks are pathetic.
Stupid gooks.
Lmao fucking chinks man..
>tfw no ukranian qt
Are ukranian qts better then Aryan qts?
some Ukie cranie cuties are pretty fucking hot
>a dirty ukrainian
you mean an aids ridden brasilian such as yourself?
Why the fuck are you surprised? High value men are rare. In Eastern Europe they are even more rare. Beauty is common.
1x high value man -> 10000x beautiful women
No wonder Ukrainian Russian Belarusian women have to look outside their countries.
Women only care about money. Literally, they can find something interesting and charming in a complete obese slob if he has a 6 figure salary.
>White Workers of the World, Unite and Fight for a White Planet!
Fucking commie
less than ukraine buddy
As long as they have jobs and don't break the law I don't give a fuck what they do.
The fucking commie is right though. If you don't believe me, try quitting your job and see how fast your woman ends up on tinder or starts taking "vacations" to Europe.
Wasn't this the guy that got outed over at doublechin a couple of years ago? From what I recall, he started some self-help/advice threads. After a while, the anons found out his identity
Ukranian women are whores of world, thanks for porn videos.
>commies comes from sexual frustrate poor men.
Slavic girls are whores. Love hooking up with them at the expat bars (I'm white).
>We have stooped so low as a society that we are now allowing smug chinks to steal our women from is like an occupying army.
Fucking disgusting. I hope you ficktards making light about this realize that this is as much about these smug Chink fucks conquering your society as it is about them lusting after your women.
Seriously, Chinks are a massive threat that must be dealt with.
Mexico cmon man. You know you can't judge other countries. I can go to Mexico and buy your women.
>smug chinks
until that chink realizes that she is cheating on him because he is genetically ugly and beta asian
people who brag about whores like that soon find out they're getting cucked
Related thread
This. Looks like her tats are saggy.
Ukrainians are whores. Even in Poland they sell their asses next to the road for cheap money - 10 years ago it was about 15 Euro for sex in the forest.
Never used them though, as Ukraine have the highest aids rate in Europe.
>Are ukranian qts better then Aryan qts?
Birthplace of aryan tribes not far from modern Ukraine. Ukrainians are more aryan than europeans.
Ukrainians are white tho. They clean up nicely when out of that shithole country. Brazilians are the same short shit skins regardless of location.
Well in a few years the Poles are gonna start dying out with the Ukies take advantage of the better economy. What is yours will be theirs. They will corrupt every part of Polish society.
This is extremely hateful and misogynistic. I've alerted CNN.
>expat bars
Your kind is the most pathethic.
That is possible.
It's unfortunate but that is what is happening with Mexico here now.
Poland is having a baby boom why would they die out ?
Meanwhile in America
>average american woman
>One Mongoloid Policy
>50 million more males than females in China
>all female chinks are hyper demanding and more interested in access to bank accounts, than what's attached to it
>more and more chinks joining the feminist revolution of work of wifehood
>sum of its parts: 100's of 1,000,000's of chink males ready for serve dumb fuck slut westernised whores
>slavs the canaries corpse in the chink coal mine
>not a bullet fired and the ref already called the bout
>the art of fighting without fighting
You all are already dead, laowai...
lel not in America
>russki scammers are the solution
fuck off, vlad
>posting 1960s ad with paid model, probably anorexic
>average american woman
Fuck off lol jesus christ
That is skinny now
don't be retarded, have you not seen the stats for the historical average?
I find something about eastern European women repulsive, I can't quite put my finger on it. When I saw pictures of the "gorgeous" wife I was instantly repulsed.
>he had already had a trading company and a bronze valve factory in Ukraine.
pick one
Source what ?
It's not like it's a secret, their government has a natalist policy and it's working.
In the time it took you to write source and fill out the captcha you'd have had the time to find allrelevant info by yourself.
this makes me want to puke. asians are subhuman.
Yea so I'll ask again. Source?
>est. July 2016
>too retarded to find relevant info using google
Find it for me all knowing French Alpha.
CIA world factbook.
Nah I hate americans too much
Don't expect us to liberate you guys again when Germany goes Autismo again.
You are our property.
I like where this is going
reminds you of your mum
I don't know, I've been around eastern europe long enough to see faces that won't age well, no matter how much Photoshop goes on it. Being a Bong it is mindblowing the high ratio of pretty women there. The novelty passes quickly though, it's not that they are anything special, it's just britbongs are ugly as fuck and don't groom themselves as much (post-communism?) So these poor people like to dress up like that have money.
Also, my gf lives on the border of Ukraine (polish) and they go over there sometimes to buy cheap shit.
The salt is strong with this one
looks like r/asianmasculinity is leaking into real life
if you can't outdick an asian man you don't deserve that white woman
Considering how rough Asian men have it in the dating scene, this is fine by me
"I'm indifferent towards this thread and I'll prove it by posting in it"
r/asianmasculinity is going all out again I see.
This, there is something about them that put you off, kind of like a parody of a beautiful or classy woman, no wonder they are good only for porn
Right I forgot asian men only get bottom of the barrel white girls
10/10 asian qts prefer alpha white male
It's called being gay
I feel pity for the lesbian gold digger woman dating the ugly manlet asian boy.
Here my sweet summer child.
I wonder if their preference for plastic women has anything to do with their love for sexdolls
Eastern Europeans are the best looking people because they can look good without money, Americans who don't have access to all the cosmetic and other luxuries (dermatologist, etc) don't look as good as poor E.Euros.
Eastern Europeans with money on the other hand are always the best looking cause they're going from good to great. Where as other people are going from bad to good.
Pic related
The slav women will take all the money from those shrimp dick betas and leave them, they're cunning
Sounds like bullshit, it goes on how this guy is supposedly a very stupid person and so forth, yet he had the money to drop everything in china and go to the Ukraine.
I'm Slavic myself, and one thing about Slavic women is they will stab you in the back if someone better comes along and are very materialistic.
Eastern Europeans must be pretty smart indeed that's why they all live in shitholes and their women become whores to escape starvation
>civic nationalism
That stuff is a recipe for losing.
When are whites going to grow sick of these yellow goblins stealing all their women and exterminate them.
You aren't winning a war by denying it's being lost...
>posting that gook "philosophy" in a thread about gooks stealing eastern euro women
You're not helping, fool.
What counts as a "high value man"?
Eastern European woman are largely machivalian gold diggers. All they want is money.
Yeah they're hot until they hit 30 or so.
Pic related. 30yo Ukraine hotties
LMAO we should follow this story closely what's the over-under on it ends with him killing himself and her ending up with all of his money and saying a whole bunch of creepy shit about him I would not want to be sitting across from that beautiful bitch and divorce court either you'll get no sympathy
Lmao bet she's getting her brains fucked out by Igor well Ping Ling is hard at work at the accounting office all day
that dude is american born in and raised upper middle class family in cali lol... he had insane access to all those luxuries you said they don't need....
I have that same sweater
100 or so whores in a country of 40 million isn't a big deal. The Ukies were selling their preteen daughters to Japanese paedophiles for decades.
That only counts humans though.
I think you mean to Africa
Even FUCKING CHINKS can get a white girlfriend, but I CAN'T?!
I hate the fucking world so fucking much.
Would a little turkroach dicklet in her mouth ease your mind Hans?
In china anything less than gold valve factories are a failure.
>commies comes from sexual frustrate poor men.
Wtf I love marxism now
Tfw all the Candydoll girls are in thier 20s now.
Six figure wagecuck salary is nothing. If you think attractive women will fall for you just for that you are poor.
Ukrainan women it's pretty much a code for prostitutes user.
>asian is most femine/evolved face
>look belong to museum
Everybody can get Ukraine girls for cheap
>implying demographics don't change
>implying they're still the exact same people as they were thousands of years ago
lay down the vodka, Ivan
Not concerned. Most Asians look like this
Reminder that Chinese shills push the hapa school shooter offspring meme online to discourage diluting the ascendant han gene pool.
If you dont have at least some Chinese blood in the future your legacy is going to be lost. Choose wisely.