Generation Z isnt redpil-

Generation Z isnt redpil-

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>surely i should record myself committing social suicide

Never mind i gotta disavow. Generation Z is too redpilled!

White gen Z men/boys are even more racist though.

They just want to fuck niggers, OP. I don't see what you're so excited about.

Good god twitter is aids.
>some teenage girls said nigger so let's dox them and ruin their lives!

>saying edgy stuff is redpilled
there is no hope for Sup Forums after all.

The fire is rising with that generation. Youngest brother last week asked why did the Germans hated the tribe after the teacher said the evil Nazis just did not like them. He did not accept that answer from the teacher and came to me for the truth. He probably did not want the 30 minute lecture but he wanted to know the truth.
All you need to do is push them in the proper direction.

the old lady did it better

nice, i dont have twitter because im not homosexual but some anons who do should go defend those girls so they dont sway from their racist convictions. dont let the mob beat them into submission