What's the cheapest state with good gun laws that I can move to? I need a lower cost of living. I make my money through the e-commerce meme so location isn't much of an issue.
Ignore the flag, I'm not Canadian, I'm from Washington State but I'm in Vancouver for a week
What's the cheapest state with good gun laws that I can move to? I need a lower cost of living...
south carolina motherfucker
Anywhere in SC in particular that is cheap to live?
The state with the lowest cost of living is Mississippi. I'm pretty sure the gun rights there are pretty decent.
- Fellow Washingtonian. Sad to see a gun lover leave, but it's understandable.
I really can't afford where I'm staying right now and while I briefly considered just looking for a cheaper place in WA I decided to actually just leave. I've wanted to for a while anyways.
>I briefly considered just looking for a cheaper place in WA
Well for what it's worth, the Eastern half of the state is pretty cheap. I'm living in Pullman right now, and having grown up in Bellingham, I'm surprised how affordable everything is.
"cheap" to you and "cheap" to me are two entirely different notions. anywhere in this entire state, save for maybe charleston, will be exorbitantly cheaper than anything you have ever seen in your life.
rent a trailer in a no-name town an hour outside of any city. most outsiders are impressed with greenville, so i would start looking there.
I can imagine, dude. I was raised in Seattle. The cost of living out here is absolutely ludicrous
oh and minor footnote, not sure if you are attempting to acquire title 2 weapons, i.e. fully automatics, but s.c. state law has full autos as illegal. this means you can acquire, own, and purchase an automatic weapon with appropriate permits in accordance with FEDERAL law, but if you go outside and start blasting targets at 3 A.M. and the neighbors call the cops, the cops can take your guns, even with your permits.
this is sort of a minor caveat that never really happens, because anyone who dropped several grand acquiring a title 2 weapon and its associated permits, isn't gonna get in a situation where the state police will ever show up and take them. this is because everyone in this state has guns and everyone has land to shoot it on.
georgia state law permits full autos, so the state police can't take them with stamped permits. but i'm biased because georgia is full of niggers and contains the subhuman capitol of the world: atlanta. so if you want full autos, probably should just go to g.a., but stay the fuck out of atlanta.
Everyone cool is moving to Texas.
I'd consider moving to Texas if it wasn't so hot. I'd also consider moving to Alaska if I had a girl to bring with me first.
Ohshidd, I never even thought of Alaska. Honestly, I forget it exists most of the time. That might be a good option though. Conservative, good gun laws, probably cheaper than WA
Alaska is pretty expensive to live in. My State of Kentucky is pretty cheap if you don't mind the fairly hot/humid summers. Just don't shit up the place, you leaf.
Tennessee is the best place. Then Kentucky.
Big have actual cities with jobs and stuff and cheap cost of living
I'm not a leaf, I'm from Seattle. I'm just in BC for a week visiting family.
Wyoming. Get an acre and nice home for less than 75k. Lowest population, lowest muhnority. Zero hope of chimpouts. First one to go when caldera blows, front row seats to Armageddon.
Few jobs, dry as hell. Full of Mexicans and crime
That said I have 5 acres out there to store my guns
Oh, I stayed in Nashville for about a month last year and fucking LOVED it. God bless Tennessee, man
In the Appalachia mountains of Virginia.
>Seattle any better than leafland
At any rate, Kentucky is a pretty good place based on your criteria, as is Tennessee like another user mentioned (though I think it's a bit more epensive).
You could get a pretty cheap farmhouse on a plot of land and do all kinds of cool shit with it.
Texan here. I would also recommend Tennessee or Kentucky.
WV. Cheap, not overcrowded, can be close to Pittsburgh or DC. 2Amend is your right to concealed carry.
The job market is great, the scenery is amazing, very few Mexicans outside of some small communities, great weather, cheap land, and nonexistent gun laws.
One of the best states in the union by far. 2nd maybe to only Utah. Come home white man!
Complimentary shorts and Polo shirt provided upon entrance.
Also zero niggers unlike the South.
Tennessee has the best southern accent.
Lots of places in the rustbelt. Houses are huge and dirt cheap around old factory towns.
>Alaska is pretty expensive to live in.
This is what it says for the city I live in.
"Median household income (in 2015 dollars), 2011-2015 $85,746"
Michigan. Good hunting and fishing too.
Chattanooga Tennessee.
Greatest place on Earth
Yeah and what's the price for a gallon of milk, loaf of bread, and dozen eggs?
you missed the point
You posted median income. You missed the point. 85k is shit when everything cost more
Texas, period.
Try and follow along
Lets say I make 100,000 a year and live in Alaska. Lets say you make 50,000 a year and live in Kentucky. Our milk costs 2$ a gallon and yours costs 1$ a gallon. See how that works? People say it costs a lot to live here but we also get paid more so it cancels out. And even if you could still say something is wrong I will just throw in the $1100 PFD check I just got the other day.
Nigger are you retarded or just underage? Price of shit means fuckall; taxes are what matter.
No jobs, rape capital of the world, number of guns < number of bears
As I stated earlier, jobs are not an issue, I work for myself.
I thought most normal people know Alaska has no state tax or local tax in most places.
this is terrible advice, dont come here. Youll get assraped if you do.
Oh, you want the good state all to yourself, huh!? No way, pal.
Kansas. Conceal Carry without a permit (although the actual permits are really expensive). You can get a rental in Wichita for 400 per month, most utilities included. Called Pawnee Park.
Tell me more user, I want to get into this
Western Ky/Southern Indiana
Plenty of factories Toyota, Ford, Tyson plus coal mines all of which pay about $20 per hour starting
Laws are pretty lax and most people are really laid back
I would move to eastern washington, way cheaper, it doesn't rain all the time + you can still 420 BLAZE IT FAGGOT
#1 guns law leniency
Top conservative state
Avg living cost 80000 to 110000 for 2-4 bedroom house
1200 -2400 sq
conservative area- phoenix - mesa tempe chandler gilbert awatukee
Liberal area- tuscon payson peoria
>I'd also consider moving to Alaska if I had a girl to bring with me first.
this is honestly the biggest problem alaska has. its literally 100% perfect in every way except suitable female population and way of meeting women
Indiana is good but Tyson = fucking refugees, usually Somalis and other niggers practicing the fine art of slaughtering things and their twelve little muslim nigglets sucking up welfare.
I'm leaving my area and one of my top criteria is to be at least 100 miles from a Tyson/Hormel/Jennie-O meat processing plant. The other is no section 8 HUD apartments. Chicago niggers are moving to rural areas in the midwest and bringing their gang BS with them.
Fun fact: Mesa is ranked the #1 best conservative city in the nation and Gilbert is #4 by Forbes.
If you aren't in Arizona, you're missing out.