Is Sup Forums meme-ing Jews into thinking they're not white?

In 2013 over 90% of Ashkis told Pew they identify as white, now it's under 80% in 2017.

Why? Because you autists have convinced them that the typical racist doesn't see Jews as white. The implications of this are preposterous--is the couple in pic related "mixed race", Sup Forums?--but when has that mattered to you?

There are also a bazillion articles in the Jewish press either claiming Jews aren't white or otherwise engaging that debate.

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They blame whites for everything and are gradually become self hating "whites" as well as self hating jews

They aint white dumb nigga should be 0.0000000000%

Jews are not white. They are sandniggers. It is biological fact.

Jews made it so that being white is something to feel guilty about and lose "privilege" over and you think we had anything to do with this?
Calling themselves non-white is a life boat to flee the ship they are sinking.

It has to do with the growing anti-White sentiment, so some people don't want to be White. Ashkenazi are genetically European. I even see it a lot here on Sup Forums with many meds refusing to think of themselves as White, but as meds. It's self hate.

jews arent white, or human.

>everyone hates ypeepo now
>whelp, guess we're not white anymore!

>random graph without sources
Ash are also mainly converts from Italy so it's not surprising. Are Italians not White now? Northern Italians are mostly Franks and Germanics btw.

That is about y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA you stupid pleb. It doesn't mean they are European. You need to look at autosomal DNA to know that, and autosomal DNA shows that Jews are sandniggers.

Being white means you are tainted with original sin of privilege. Until Jews stop claiming oppressed status cause of much Holocaust they will never be white

>Ash are also mainly converts from Italy

>The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced to other European lineages.
>All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.
> Past research found that 50 percent to 80 percent of DNA from the Ashkenazi Y chromosome, which is used to trace the male lineage, originated in the Near East, Richards said. That supported a story wherein Jews came from Israel and largely eschewed intermarriage when they settled in Europe.
Mainly European.


I don't think Sup Forums is the source of this. I think it's more likely that these people either jumped on the SJW bandwagon and renounced their whiteness because they're stupid fucking assholes, or they chose to heavily embrace their Jewishness as a way of shielding themselves from the anti-white wrath of SJWs.

omg David Duke is so triggered by that study. 80% European and like 20% Syrian is PoC?

>doesn't know what y chromosome is
>doesn't know what mitochondrial DNA is



Post your peer reviewed research then.

Jews are middle easterners stupid negro.

This is a sandnigga

Literally 0% European.

Not even as European as a sicillian or are their equals.

My grandma is a Jew from Scandinavia. Her family survived Nazi occupation because of their blonde hair and blue eyes. How can they not be white, if they are pale with blonde hair and blue eyes. She makes her own matza crackers.

This is a med European

>white skin
>white features
>mainly European heritage
>almost entirely caucasian heritage
I would say that they're White and I would also say that Georgians etc. are White btw.

You can say whatever you want their origin has nothing to do with Europe.

I thought they were Khazars.

It does though. >

>white features
Inbred paleskin and eyes, semitic skull and face.

What is your stoyl?

There is a reason Israel requires DNA test. Kikes are not white.

they only identify as white when it's profitable, right now it's not

U niggers r so stupid.

Phenotypes != genotype. Classical NATSOC scholars would not think that every pasty-colored "white" person is a "white" or Aryan. You can be blond, blue-eyed, and not Aryan.

>Virtually none came from the North Caucasus, located along the border between Europe and Asia between the Black and Caspian seas.
>The finding should thoroughly debunk one of the most questionable, but still tenacious, hypotheses: that most Ashkenazi Jews can trace their roots to the mysterious Khazar Kingdom that flourished during the ninth century in the region between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire, Richards and Ostrer said.

They look White to me.

That's true though and what you identify as is very important.

>into thinking they're not white
Jews don't think their white, not /pol's doing

i bet you think that middle eastern people can never be white or have blue/green eyes? I bet you're stupid. Plenty of people in the ME are "white-looking", and your retarded perception would think they are white. They're not. Because scientific research shows us they're not. Europeans do not have a monopoly on colored eyed and white skin.

Because youre non white.

How the fuck is Ryan Reynolds a jew? He’s a fucking Canadian with English heritage. So anglos not white anymore? Mmkay

I'd sooner say a hapa or spic was white than a Jew.

I'm Scandi and Finnish.

>they look white to me
That's the reason why scientific racism is a science and not a "feels" game. Something can appear other than what it is.

They're white in the U.S. melting pot deep state ploy to make all european immigrants into an amorphous, un-scientific "white" race.

They're not "white" otherwise.

Jews are a different race of people period. They aren't natives of europe they're a sand people and their DNA is distinct.

>as a way of shielding themselves from the anti-white wrath of SJWs.
anti-white wrath of SJWs that (((they))) created in the first place.

You're also ignorant.

I never said whites have a monopoly on colored features, but European skulls are seperate to all others and are cromagnoid.

scarlett johansson is a mouthbreather

>find 1 (one) old skull "like-white" man in the Caucasus in 19cen
>So whites came from the Caucasus! white race = Caucasian race!

>Meanwhile, a little more than all Caucasian nations are look like sandniggers.

Western anthropology is a prolonged joke

This is the only post that matters in the thread. You can debate about if Jews are genetically white or not, but they are against whites (Europeans, Westerners, Christians).

You have Euripids in the middle east too. Sigh, look user, this is complicated. Someone may have a euripid skull because of admixture but other features are not euripid. You see?

Jews originate from a seperate race of man than European races.

Majority European heritage though. Thanks. I will read them when I have time.

>Sup Forums having any effect whatsoever on the real world or any real people
panultimate snicker

Science needs to further develop to see the race that Jews and middle easterners developed from.

What's the story on that pic?

>Jews push a narrative that straight white makes run the country and need to be eradicated, all while being in positions of power in 90% of established finance, media, and entertainment conglomerates
>don't realize that the average coon can't distinguish between Aryan and Semitic, and likely doesn't give a shit because "they all look white to me"
>as a result, now have to deal with the blow back of being a part of the group they've singled out as being responsible for all of America's problems, inadvertently endangering their strangle hold on minority opinions as, ironically, the rise of the internet has removed their monopoly on information sources distributed to the public

This is a hamfisted effort to distinguish jews from whites so they're not figuratively dragged into the middle of the square and hanged like the rest of middle America. Ned don't have privilege, they were slaves many millennia ago, and muh holocaust! Muh 6 gorillion! You can't possibly lump us news in with the rest of the whites, regardless of our influential position in modern American society!

>"fellow white people"
every time

>Majority European heritage
No, less than 30% on average. All y chromosome tells you is that you had one male ancestor at some point from that population. It has nothing to do with genotype as a whole, since y chromosome carries down only to males in the paternal line. So a white man with R1b y chromosome could go to some African tribe and kill of all their men and impregnate some of the women, and the tribe would be 100% R1b, even after the rest of his genes have been washed out.

Mitochondrial DNA on the other hand carries through the maternal line.

So when you look at data from only y chromosome and mitochondrial dna it is only a very rough picture.

Sweden, a bantu looks white to you.

>Because you autists have convinced them that the typical racist doesn't see Jews as white.
Jews are not white. They are a separate bloc not only in politics but in culture, behaviour, and deceit.

They're only white when it's convenient for them.

Those Jews and their symbols of white supremacy. Jewstikas everywhere. Oy vei!

Just some autistic Iberian who likes to post his selfie.

Some passable jews who don't follow judaism as a religion have been changing their names permanently from those stein and berg names because they have started to not want to be associated with those jewey names and see identifying as a jew as cringy and embarrassing now.

Apparently this is happening a lot in the jewish community and some former jews I know even went so far as to get baptized catholic because they are ashamed of how jews behave and don't want to be associated with it. They tell me that most jews though shunned them when they did this, family members and lifelong friends would no longer even speak to them and treated them like strangers.

We know jews aren't white, but at last he's not being a total hypocrite by referring to himself as Jewish ethnically as others have; he's only referring to himself as Jewish in the religious sense in tweet 2, which doesn't necessarily conflict with his stance on white guilt.

To be certain, I disagree with the concept of white guilt and privilege and whatnot, but at least he's not being overtly disingenuous by referring to himself as both ethnically white and ethnically Jewish at the same time.

If Jews are white then I'm not a martian

>current year
>shilling against anne "whats out kikes, heres comes the fourth reich" coutler

>the post.
I want you to mentally evaluate the differing genetic impact between male and female, considering a few male bred most female in every generation.

I have never witnessed such a stoyl before

Jews arent white you fucking autist, sage hide and report.

You stupid son of a bitch, scarjo is jewish, you fucking retarded inbred cock sucking snake in grass kike.

Still the paper you linked said that they were 50/50.

>Despite their close ties with Europe, no more than half of their DNA comes from ancient Europeans, the researchers found. Only 46% to 50% of the DNA in the 128 samples originated with the group of people who were also the ancestors of the Flemish people in the study. Those ancient people split off from the ancestors of today’s Middle Easterners more than 20,000 years ago, with a founding group of about 3,500 to 3,900 people, according to the study.

Throwing stone in a glass house m8.

In America white is a term meaning European. Iy doesnt mean "light skinned" like it would in black communities. Many jews have lots of European blood, but as a group they arent European.

Italians arent white btw.

It's always convenient to be white lol

That's just false.

almost all those blonde jews from holywood you post are like 1/4 or 1/8 jew. pure jews always look like jews

>US census
>authoritative source on ethnic origins and racial definitions

Hey, that's pretty good. Show your sources of that image, lest we think you just made it up.

>White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

berbers and arabs are not white

They are in the US.

by white they mean caucasian not actual skin colour

kill yourself

It doesn't matter what the jews put in a census or whatever, average joes know white = european

Jews in the west are ethno fluid, their ethnicity directly correlates to whatever is politically advantages for Israel.

If anything the "racists" on this board are going to point out they are white eastern Europeans and not the seed of Abraham.

>Why? Because you autists

How can they ever identify as white? Every time they take a piss they're reminded they're Jewish.


So do most Americans. Also I'm uncut are my genetics suddenly purer?

>White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
>implying Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa are all the same people and culture
>implying our government didn't manipulate the meaning of words for the express purpose to hide this fact

>Throwing stone in a glass house m8.
We had colonies, and the black there mostly wishe they were still our colonies.
Muzz are the only real problem but at this point even black citizens hate them.

its based on the racial classification of caucasian you retard not cultures. All scientists put middle eastern and north africa in the caucasian group

>inb4 da scientis are joo too!

They're Jew-ish you dumb fuck, kind of like how a Mullato is White-ish.

Real Supremacist Jews have ne-ver considered themselves White. Their Jew-ish halfbreed, quarterbreed army is just a horde of useful idiots for their agenda.

>They're Jew-ish you dumb fuck, kind of like how a Mullato is White-ish.
Hahaha what the fuck?

Western Europe as a whole has deep problems and there're different causes for that. No point in having silly arguments about which is worse. I wish you the best Frenchbro.

They mean caucasian.

As Whites become more and more demonized by Jews, Jews were bound to separate themselves anyway.

That's their get out of jail free card.

It's true tough. I often see Jews make the distinction between someone being a Jew and being Jewish. care to explain ? or is this a western kike thing ?

maybe it's because identifying as white in times of "Dear fellow white people" and "I'm a proud jew" is not a good idea to selfidentify as white.

its as easy as that past 8 years have seen white hate on overdrive - they want to get out of the cross-hair of the hate ironically plenty of them have helped to fan

the Jew exhibit A .