What the fuck happened to this guy? How could someone as critical of Islam and mass immigration as him rail as hard as he did against Trump?
What the fuck happened to this guy...
Living proof that intelligent people aren't immune to emotional retardation.
Listen to his conversation with Scott Adams. He gets pretty flustered and almost resorts to mocking Scott.
Trump likes walls. Israel likes walls. Jew does not like that Trump likes walls.
A great example of why you shouldn't comment outside your area of expertise. Celebrities put their foot in their mouths constantly when it comes to politics.
Jordan Peterson was recently asked about the Vegas shooting and he had the good sense to answer in a very neutral way
Sam Harris is pretty cringe but IronMarch is definitely cringier.
What has Drumpf done to stop Muslim immigration? I'm pretty sure he even unblocked Somalia didn't he LMAO. They're fucking mutants
Trump will even sign the Dream Act to give citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants (amnesty). So yea Sam was right all along and we got cucked.
His whole deal is politics.
Jordan Peterson isn't even in Sam Harris' league in terms of intelligence
Nothing happened to him. He's a leftist jew. He's against Islam because muslims are hostile to Israel.
His whole deal is science and philosophy
He's an atheist, what did you expect
I think more so because Muslims are hostile to liberalism, democracy, and those enlightenment values he holds so dear. He's not culturally Jewish; the only reason he supports Israel is because it's the only liberal democracy in the ME.
You're right, he's far above it.
He probably fell for the "Trump is Hitler" meme and panicked.
Sam Harris is a Turd.
The bulk of his beef with Trump is that Trump is not eloquent. Harris believes verbal IQ is a great indicator of intelligence, so Trump must be an idiot and idiots are unfit to govern
He has the shit job of trying to rationalize to the people who say they support views that are antithetical to Islam that their views are antithetical to Islam.
It seems clear that inevitably society will return to religion, and with that he wants to make sure that he predicted the aftermath and was the champion for liberalism before it regressed.
who knows republicans aren't known for their well thought out philosophies. it's mostly just random slogans that sounded reasonable at the time they first heard them
Sam Harris honestly seems dull compared to Jordan Peterson. I've been listening to a lot of JP stuff for a while now. The guy is a master at rationally breaking down an argument. The fact that Harris has contracted Trump derangement syndrome because of MuhFeelingsâ„¢ doesn't help his case either.
Excellent analysis
He's a pseud who never mattered. Thusfar his predictions have been comically incorrect, on pretty much every subject except that Islam is trouble, which everyone already knows.
>Arm the moderate rebels guys THAT'LL work
Jordan Peterson is just your run of the mill professor who happened to get embroiled in an issue where he sides with Sup Forums.
Sam Harris is way above him both in terms of communication skills and overall intellect
Liberal elites, exemplified in people like Harris, are intelligent enough to know the facts about the situation, but they will never sully their hands with action. Actually solving problems is too ruffian and uncouth for them.
Sam is a race realist, he understands the danger of "moderate" Muslims. He expresses fear about terrorist organizations to the extent he even advocates for, in some scenarios, torture or preemptive nuclear strikes. These two options are much more palatable and PC than even suggesting limiting immigration of "muh brown people". The average lib who doesn't know the facts is more respectable than Harris. The fact that he knows the danger but still submits shows he is cucked in the fullest possible sense.
The fact you think JP is a "run of the mill professor" makes me think you have not seen/listened to a lot of footage of him talking.
So what? society needs thinkers too. You sound like a communist.
i think he fell for the virtue signal trap. He was never in Trump's corner. I think his initial criticism about Trump's simple speaking style suggesting a lack of complex thought and complete backtrack on what he'd say day to day in campaign like being letting air out of balloon as one of the better critiques anyone on the left offered up.
When he said that he believed the Hillary only made an honest mistake with her private server and she was the most qualified presidential candidate the US has probably ever had I was really in disbelief. There's a lot of issues he's taken unpopular, even stances on (even in ignorance), but to be this deluded really knocked him out of standing for me.
His sharper criticisms of Trump later in the election cycle watered down to "he's an asshole".
>Sam Harris
>fraud phd
>got clowned on by a cartoonist
intellectuals of our time
He's not that intelligent as evident from that Dilbertman debate. His Stanford phd is phony as well.
I never even knew that he supported Hillary. Christ how you even reach that level of cognitive dissonance is beyond me.
People seem to think this guy is a lot smarter than he really is.
I'm not saying he should be taking action. What I mean is given his other views he should support, or at least not condemn, limiting Muslim immigration. The way he reacted to Trump's Muslim ban makes no sense in light of his views.
He did pretty well with calmly talking Cenk through a lot of stupid shit. He's still pretty smart for a phony.
Sure...in 2008 maybe. Now he talks about politics 99% of the time. Have you ever actually listened to him, or are you just being a contrarian faggot?
I really think it's just comparative intelligence in that case. Chunk has the IQ of a turd.
trump is a retard...anyone who isnt inbred or an edgy racist internet troll sees that.
Maybe he's literally a pedophile?
He talks really faggy for me. I think he does it to try and sound smart but he just sounds like a fuck boi. Cant listen to him for that reason.
He knew Trump wouldn't/couldn't go through with it so he just immediately discounted it. He was right wasn't he?
Scott Adams really made this guy look like a total chump. He should feel humiliated. Such a brainlet.
Sam Harris is a manipulator. He practices that speech pattern of talking slow and soft to trick people about his intelligence.
Listen to him talk to Dan Carlin to see what a complete moron he is on politics and geopolitics.
Sam Harris was really influential on me in my youth and started my journey of validating my feelings of 'fuck off we're full'
Saying he discounted it is a bit of an understatement, condemned might be better. The idea that someone can be a race realist and redpilled on moderate islam but condemn a muslim ban makes no sense.
What are you on about. He has no expertise in politics, trained nor experience. He studies brains, and writes literature on free will and religion. He is not any more informed or correct on politics than you or me.
he goes after the money?
because trump is much worse than someone who hates muslims and wants to build a wall
Sleepy Sam!
>How could someone as critical of Islam and mass immigration as him rail as hard as he did against Trump?
Because his beef with Shitslum is rooted in FACT, not foolish faggotry and ignorance.
...plus, he has an I.Q. over 80, and we all inherently hate autistic cancers like that zionist cock fluffer.
>He has no expertise in politics
>He is not any more informed or correct on politics than you or me.
just because you're a retarded sack of shit doesn't mean that everyone else is too.
I have no idea why you're so angry about a dude you don't even listen to. my girlfriend listens to this guy's podcasts and he talks about politics literally 99% of the time. if you think he doesn't, you're not listening to his show. period.
The only thing I've ever heard from Sam was his interview with Scott Adams.
Sam sounded like a fucking retard. He couldn't even accept any of Trump's positions as being legitimate, all he could talk about was "TAX RETURNS" and other stupid shit
I live him, but I find him to be far to in love with his own intellect. The Jews are useful. They do tend to be smart bc of 3000 years of clean living. They just forget that god is the one who blessed them. We Christians have taken over and all they can do is bitch from their pulpit. That ok bc I like the jews, plus they have good food.
What is something he says about politics that is insightful.
Same, I used to be a typical shitlib and Muslim apologist and he brought me out of that phase. I just could never understand how you could be someone like Sam Harris and not support Fuck Off We're Full: The Candidate.
He's "a Jew", only in terms of the hodge-podge of peoples comprising the racial derivation denoted by said noun -- not in ideology.
"God" has no more relevance to issues that concern logic and reason -- the very substratum that underpins most everything of what Harris is about -- than the concept does in the realm of scientific method .That, and bringing "God" into any intellectual discourse, immediately renders one's input null and void.
Harris has called out Zionists (compare: Jewish people -- mutually exclusive entities) on many occasions, and openly acknowledges the dangers that Israel's nihilism poses to the species. In this sense, Harris is no more "Jew" than I am.
Lastly, if one is unsettled by Harris's apparent intellect (keeping in mind, intelligence is a strictly relative concept), then they're projecting and need to introspect--as to what the cause of their insecurity is. For anti-intellectualism and the cosseting of retardation, is the no.1 problem afflicting out species today. It is stupidity that must be vilified -- all else is anathema to evolutionary progression.
Could be anything really. We'll never know!
Liked his podcast at first, but then I hit the "Trump is crazy, vote for Hillary" diatribes and stopped listening.
Fuck Sam (((Harris)))
This. Sam Harris is a boring zionist faggot. Just listen to his podcasts. It sounds like a kike softly farting into your earholes for 45 minutes.
Kike detected
Hurrr durr life is black and white just like the SJWs think too
Harris isn't even a remotely Jewish name. His dad was a Quaker and his mom was a secular ethnic Jew.
I've listened to hours of JP. He's surprisingly shallow, to be honest.
I thought he was very, very interesting at first, but he always seems to stop before getting to a good part of whatever he's talking about.
Either that, or he'll turn into a pseudo-intellect, like in his Joe Rogan podcast where he talked in circles without really saying anything, or answering the interview questions.
I am Sam Harris.
Or rather Sam Harris as he should have been.
1) He's Jewish.
2) He has democrat friends.
I wouldn't really call him Jewish. He has little to no Jewish in-group preference other than his ethnicity on his mother's side. The pro-Israel stuff comes from his attachment to liberalism and democracy.
hahahah. you're on /pol.
ITT: "People" who don't understand that one can have a diverse set of opinions that doesn't fit into the usual ideological categories.
OP is a faggot and has to go back with the rest of the cancer.
Harris' job is to make neckbeards into ZIonists and block the way towards any "atheism" that might end up critical of Judaism.
>hahah Yeah, those islamists are real retards and dangerous.
>We should fight wars for the jews
You're so naive.
He's extremely critical of Judaism and has shit on Zionists (i.e. the Jewish supremacist types) in the past. His support of Israel comes from the aforementioned reasons.
Found the Harrishill.
>10 bosts by this ib
>oy vey
>shut it down
Why would someone who's not culturally or spiritually Jewish in any way have any reason to give a shit about Israel other than for those reasons? I'm not even saying he's in the right.
I'm literally the OP who made this thread to shit on him. Please refrain from ad-hominem arguments.
why did (((marxists))) kill russians? Jews gotto jew.
And yet Israel has a right to exist.
And that's ultimately what motivates him. The rest is "dissident Jew" theater. Real inquiry into the problems of Western "religion" (and Islam insofar as it, too, is ultimately Jewish in origin) is replaced by "skydaddy" and "fairy tales" clowning along with a sort of pseduo-Enlightenment LARPing, the point of which is to keep everything nice and safe for Zion.
t. Sleepy Sam
What do the motivations of Marxists have to do with the motivations of Sam Harris? If you want to say all Jews are bad at least provide some plausible motivations for their actions other than their collective irrational hatred of the goyim. Harris is half goy himself.
>culturally or spiritually Jewish
His DNA.
I would love to see any of you faggots having an actual debate with Harris.
Probably exceeds the cringe level of the jumping guy with the pepe-poster at HWNDU.
Don't embarass yourselves and finally accept that Trump is a complete and utter moron.
The israelites have a right to exist, not israel. God has proven that point several fucking times.
See . I don't buy this "genetically evil" bullshit. That's a horribly cop-out way of explaining Jewish in-group preference.
>ples don't provide me with the correct answer to my question
We'd both claim that God doesn't exist. But he'd have to explain why Jews have a right their own quasi-theocratic ethnostate and why the rest of us should send them money and fight their wars of expansion motivated by ancient religious fantasies..
>in-group preference
>not genetic
Come on...
I like Sam Harris but what you said is wrong, he has no autocritic on the US or Israel. Just listen to his podcast with Dan Carlin.
He's Jewish.
Jordan Peterson has a lullaby effect for idiots. It's astounding
His phd is from ucla, he had a bachelor's from Stanford.
Does "in-group preference" automatically mean he hates and wants to subvert the goyim? Would that include his own father? Do you, as a white person, hate all nonwhites?
meant for
he is a idiot with guess the drugs did have a effect on his idiot brain.
It's my opinion that it's Harris's job to make us hate muslims. Jews can't let Christians band together with Muslims. It's sort of what I think motivated 9/11 etc.
Jews suck but Muslims are shitty too.