I never believed the whole oh Jews never died by zyklon-b, carbon monoxide and cyanide story. I always believed that Jews were gassed and died by starvation and Typhus. So curiosity finally got the best of me. After seeing probably the quintillion thread about how Jews didn’t die from any gas chambers rather it be by German engines pumping cyanide, getting Zyklon B poured on to them or being poisoned by carbon monoxide none of the methodologies occurred in the concentration camps. I finally got sick of it an asked a Jewish professor about the holocaust. To see if he could shed some sanity to the insanity. So I asked did jews ever find traces of Zyklon B. Or cyanide or carbon monoxide in the autopsied reports. He said no. The doctor that went by Dr. Charles P. Larson made those autopsies to find proof of gassings but found nothing..
I immediately said that can’t be true in which he replied it is true. I said no no you’re wrong you’re badly mistaken. An which he replied again saying if I’m wrong look it up for yourself or how about we look it up on a website coming from the Jews themselves. So I agreed and to my astonishment right smack dab in front of my face was numerous Jewish scholars saying there never has been traces of lethal gas in the autopsied reports following the Shoah. I said okay but that doesn’t mean they weren’t gassed. An then He replied okay let’s take a look at the structure of the buildings. I stopped and said are you a holocaust denier an he started laughing and said no I’m a man who stands for the truth. So after he explained to me the flaws that the buildings had and debunked all of the gas chambers rather it be a van or a shower head. I started thinking to myself and said surely he’s wrong right? So my question to you Pol is where can I find solid facts backing his claims up I don’t want bias I want facts from the start of the holocaust to the end nothing left out. Preferably showing both sides side by side each other.
Pol I talked to a Jewish professor about the holocaust
Other urls found in this thread:
Holocaust never happened.
Proof or fuck off with your shit posting.
your jewish professor is a holocaust denier
k mate
The holocaust never happened. It's two thousand and fucking seventeen, if you STILL believe it happened, you've been living under a rock.
>So I agreed and to my astonishment right smack dab in front of my face was numerous Jewish scholars saying there never has been traces of lethal gas in the autopsied reports following the Shoah.
Alright, where's the link
Holocaust Truther*
He knows the truth. It never happened.
holocaust is exaggerated for jewish exploitation or war propaganda via soviets. anyone with common sense should gather that much, but hear it from a jew if the word of a goyim is no good to you
a jewish professor basically spells it out to you that MUH 6 GORRILLION is a bunch of garbage and you still need more of a push
what more do you want?
I have family that killed Jews. Really makes you think.
Please post the professors name OP
I want facts and evidence side by side each other. From start to finish.
I can’t find it right now we talked for over an hour 45 minutes.
Fuck no that would dox him and I’m pretty sure he would lose his job.
You want facts? Here's a fact. Math doesn't lie, it's universal and has no bias. Auschwitz had 5 ovens and it was the biggest camp. so lets assume that the smaller camps also had 5 ovens. There were 6 "death" camps so 30 ovens total. It takes 3 hours to cremate 1 body, the war lasted for 5 years. You now have enough information to figure out the truth by yourself. Grab your calculator and do some basic math college boy. Be ready for the truth that will come from your calculator of all places.
So if there was no gassing why would the SS attampt to destroy the“gas chambers” why is there accounts of Judan and SS alike of gas chambers and systematic murder of the jews and it’s kinda hard to perform an autopsy on someone who was baked like a pizza
Yea but they could have died by starvation and Typhus as well so it could have ultimately equaled up to six million.
You can't prove something that didn't happen retard. The burden of proof lies on you KIKE! Prove it happened you retard! You can't! Fuck off with your jew bullshit!
Where can I find those documents?
Lying sack of shit
I’m not jewish. I want to find the truth regarding the holocaust.like a website that has the holocaust from the beginning to the end. Showing both narratives side by side each other.
You can read whatever you want
but at the end of the day it just makes no fucking sense
Germans renowned for their efficiency, were just killing off huge swaths of workers, while simultaneous fighting two fronts?
Zyklon-b, a non lethal pesticide was used on people who were recently shaved.. sounds like a delousing campaign
>go on wikipedia
Oh wow look at that typhus is spread by lice. Funny.
Oh and dont forget about all the human soap and human lampshade reports that israel has now backtracked on.
Oh and dont forget about the swimming pools, dedicated mail service, sports teams and cigar lounges and bars.
Look it up youtself and dont be retarded
They did die of typhus and starvation, Hitler didn't do that. So where are the 6 million graves? There aren't any because there weren't 6 million jews in all of Europe at the time. The census of 1939 says there were 2.4 million jews in all of Europe, and Germany had 233 thousand jews during the war.. Pic is from the department of state archive from 1945. Check it for yourself.
>the holocaust happened, goy! just look at all these shoes!
absurd at the premise
300k Jews died in camps, primarily of starvation and typhus towards the end of the war when the rail lines were bombed and supplies couldnt be brought in. Very roughly between 100-400k were killed in the east as partisans, and 400k is pretty much part of the 6 million claim, its closer to 100k.
The holocaust is not what (((they))), and they say
A fuck load of Jews died, but not 6 million
A about 3 thousand Jews total died in some ways
Be it shot, starved, or diseased
There were no gas chambers
There were things like mass graves though
All it takes is some basic skills to learn the facts
Even (((google))) will tell you the truth if you actually look for it
>why would the SS attampt to destroy the“gas chambers”
Says who? A jewish source? LOL fuck you kike! Go sell your bullshit on reddit. Like a jew never lies, it's what you are famous for.
Holocaust never happened. Was just a Jewish scheme to make money and acquire power.
The Brits killed them indirectly. Took out the supply lines with bombs dropped by aircraft. It should be no surprise that the prisoners in the camps only started dying once Germany started loosing.
>how about we look it up on a website coming from the Jews themselves
nice link you piece of shit do us all a favor and kys
Gas chamber can't have wooden doors. Being a Holocaust denier means that you have common sense.
You're a fucking kike and if yiu're not you're a fucking retard! The holocaust story makes no sense. If you want to kill 6 million people, you don't build camps then clothe and feed them you fucking tool! You just shoot them in the head where they stand.
Why would a fucking Jews word or opinion be any more valid than anyone else's?
Fuck your gay Jew up the arse and fuck you up the arse with him.
You're falling for his Jewish tricks. Of course the Holocaust happened. The truth is that so many other people were obliterated during WWII that it shouldn't even be something we really care about. The real conspiracy is how the Holocaust gets disproportionate media coverage (I wonder why). Your professor wants you to be a Holocaust denier because it means more Holocaust shit in the news.
Go and be a good goy now and deny the Holocaust you good goy, you.
Dude that’s what I was thinking. Now that is by far the most logical answer.
Give several websites that have Criminating evidence other wise fuck off with your stupid claims.
>Look it up youtself and dont be retarded
He won't do it user because he's a kike and a retard for even asking in the first place.
I’ll look it up I want sources none of you have sited actual sources on what my professor stated.
>Hey goyim, can you disprove this completely made up story people are brainwashed to blindly believe?
There is no "disproportionate media coverage". There is no Holocaust, and you are a coward retard
claim: people were killed with gas and then cremated into ashes
"debunking": no autopsies revealed death by gas
how stupid are you? you can't autopsy an ash pile, so how is this proof for anything?
never happened sry
>show proof it didn't happen
Actually, there's no proof that it DID happen. I studied this shit when I was in high school. I was interested in WW2 and Hitler. I believed the holocaust happened until I did a report on it.
>Give several websites that have Criminating evidence other wise fuck off with your stupid claims.
You need a website to tell you that there were camps and that they were fed? Wow you really are a retard aren't you? Everyone knows about the camps but you apparently. The war lasted 5 years, what do you think they ate? Each other? Fucking retard!
so you got an f on your report eh
How many times was your grandfather gassed? Six times?
Eh I'm sure there were more than a few Communists Jewish groups that were taken out. It wasnt 6 jewzillion
make pilgrimage to the camps, the 'oven rooms' are tiny
He was saying that the doctor use several corpses that were lying around in the concentration camp. non of which died do to gas.
people who don't know the truth: hundreds of thousands of educated historians from all around the world
people who know the truth: some nerd kid form america
No I want a website of a person that has done years of research on debunking all of the various types of gas chambers. That were supposedly use during the holocaust.
>Your (jewish) professor wants you to be a Holocaust denier because it means more Holocaust shit in the news
Now that is some top shelf jew tier jewing!
Math is your friend.
Or do you except me to go to fucking Auschwitz with a fanny pack and start scraping the walls for gas. Man fuck this professor he was probably a loony bird anyways.
>horrible comprehension skills
that i can live with, but
>"""""""died do to gas."""""
is this really the level of english an american achieves at college?
Auschwitz had something like 50-55 ovens in all of its crematoriums. The gassings never happened, but it is important to use correct numbers for our side.
Nah, Hitler didn't just want to kill the Jews but all the religions to force god's hand in order to bring the end of days. Unbeknownst to him, he would fail miserably and was only a Jewish pawn. It was all a dry run for the new world order, with a one world religion.
see my picture and do basic math at
Go look on jewtube like the rest of us did yiu fucking tard! There is a gas chamber expert who went there and debunked the whole gas chamber myth. Are you that dumb that you can't find it? Sucks to be you then.
Dude, if you want an intro course, just look up David Cole's Behind the Doors of Auschwitz and then go through the recommended videos on youtube. Then look at official holocaust museum's websites. You are not going to find an unbiased source on this, you are going to have to look at the data yourself and decide.
>Or do you except me to go to fucking Auschwitz with a fanny pack and start scraping the walls for gas
Somebody already did that you retard. And guess what? He said the gas chambers were bullshit. jews lie, wow what a shocker. It's all on jewtube
the argument in that picture is so bad that i suspect it was created to discredit people like you
Also, your writing is atrocious and you probably should not be in college if something that challenges your world view is presented logically and your only response is to REEEEEEE on a mongolian bowling image board.
really good charts guys. I may have to join the side of the holohoax.
user, you're trying to redpill a jew. Don't waste your time on this obvious shill.. Look at all his posts. he's a kike who probably gets paid to post.
Give us a fucking break, punk
You’re asinine, he stated to me that Dr. Charles P. Larson made those autopsies to find proof of gassings, but found no scientific evidence of the individuals who apparently died from cyanide or any other chemicals.
He who controls the news controls the people's views.
Mostly made up to push for a Jewish homelsnd in Israel and reparations. Its part of the reason they have been so siccessful in aquiring wealth and power. Thankfully most of the "survivors" are dead, so the cheques are coming to an end.
What I want to know is who is this professor, and how can I get in touch with him to here what he thinks.
How can you know about /pol, post on /pol, and still believe in the 6 gorillion and gas chambers?
Fuck off back to /r/the_donald
>Auschwitz had something like 50-55 ovens in all of its crematoriums. The gassings never happened, but it is important to use correct numbers for our side.
(((our side))) Auschwitz had 5 ovens! not 55.. Lying jew detected!
None of you fucks actually know see this The only conclusion I have gotten out of all of this is we don’t know how many jews actually died died in the holocaust and none of you are even trying to debunk the gas chambers it just a shit show in this thread.
Name of said professor? Does he write books? Or is he just a everyday person that teachers at a university or community college?
Because I don’t have a impressionable personality like most of you on this board...... this is pretty much how pol changes its idealistic views over the years. ‘Oh know someone made fun of me he’s probably right about what he’s talking about. I guess I’ll believe what he’s saying now.’
Holocaust never happened.
My bad, don't remember where I got that number, I feel as if I heard it from a revisionist. The real number was most likely in teens or low twenties. They still needed a lot of crematoriums, as over 400 people died in Auschwitz every day according to the daily transcripts that Hoss would send during the time between the breaking of the enigma code and the fall of Auschwitz.
I’m not declassifying any information about him. Sorry FBI.
You kikes are laughable! You can't even lie about this shit anymore it's become so damn obvious! Funny thing is that you would have gotten away with it if you had just shut the fuck up about it. This shit happened WAY before I was born and I've been hearing it all my life.. Aww muh poor jews.. You know there was a time when I actually believed all this shit and HATED Hitler with a passion. But after a while I just got sick of hearing about muh poor jews, give is shekels, muh 6 gorillion.. Nobody gives a shit anymore. You rats are a drain on society.
Okay then, just wanted to discreetly see if this person even exists or his full opinions on the matter. And see how they stack up to life long historians, that's all.
I will tell you he is a historian and a well respected historian.
But that probably was irrelevant information so don’t bother reading that (you).
Dude, you need to calm down. Check my IDs and see if I seem like a kike. As always, you Kekistani faggots are on stage 2, anger. When you get to acceptance, I will be glad to talk to you about these subjects, hopefully you won't continue to REEEE until then.
>pic related
Really means nothing without proof, people here are autistic enough to make threads like this and roll play as someone who heard something out of boredom or depression.
It's pretty simple. Germany snapped the way European countries had been doing for decades, Jews used the media to start a smear campaign in that they grossly exaggerated numbers in order to support the idea that Germany was just crazy and just randomly hated jews.
The real question is whether or not you believe that Germany was rescuing Germans from persecution in Poland or they invaded. The numbers were made up but the war wasn't and it still technically counted as mass murder. Did Jews throw the first stone?
>My bad, don't remember where I got that number, I feel as if I heard it from a revisionist. The real number was most likely in teens or low twenties.
5 you fucking subversive piece of shit! 5 ovens not 55 not 5555 not 10 or teens or twenty or 25.. nope 5! 5 ovens at Auschwitz 5! no more just 5. Now fuck off JEW!
Is his name Norman Finkelstein?
I’m aware of that, but in reality there’s nothing to gain from doing that. So really to me that seems like childish behavior.
Stop posting this cringy meme fag.
That's why I said out of boredom and depression, and added people are autistic enough. So I just hope your not one of them.
You are an obvious subvert kike because you keep pushing the muh so many ovens at Auschwitz.. there were 5!
>Check my IDs and see if I seem like a kike.
That's how subversion works. You try to blend and fit in except for this one thing. Subversion is incremental, not all at once. You are pushing the false narrative of many ovens.. No there were only 5 ovens at Auschwitz. 5
>Germans renowned for their efficiency
Are you retarded, the Germans were straight up autistic in a lot of the thing they did. Dunkirk was the antithesis of 'efficient', and their intelligence division was straight up garbage. They looked like fools compared to the Brits in that regard.