Gen Z won't save the white ra-

>Women are done fo-

Non-whites and racemixing cucks BTFO

These high school cheer leaders blown the fuck out of niggers, bad

Other urls found in this thread:

The whole of young Western minds is waking up to the disgusting filth and truth that surrounds them every day. It really is coming.

This gives me hope that pure white babies will make it to 2050.

Holy shit.
First the redpilled old lady and now the redpilled cheerleaders. Blackness is dying. DYING.

Video is in reverse, they aren't saying niggers. Give up your hopes already

What is that that one of them says near the end of the video? Is it "show the swastika"??

Has the movement started brothers?

but will gen zyklon women go back to the kitchen?


They were probably being literal

At the end you can clearly hear her say swastika.
Nice try shitskins

>Gen Z won't save the white ra-
>>Women are done fo-

finish your fucking sentences, you absolute moron

See you faggots



They'll be fucking niggers in a year or so.

we all know whats gonna happen...

the audio in this has clearly been altered

I just go by STDs

If a girl doesn't have acne or stds than she hasn't fucked niggers....

niggers are covered in acne you just can't see it because of their brown skin

Too bad they've already been SHITTED.

Yes, all of them mudsharks.

Just another group of washed up sluts jumping on whatevers trendy.

Literally just the one girl is a coalburner.

>what is virtue signalling for social media likes
>every person she hugs she fucks

Women make pictures of themselves constantly, do you really believe they'll fuck everyone on their Facebook feed? This is how alot of plebians communicate across social media.



this was like a "tactic", fucking lol

baka @ the fucknigger responses

Youre so fucking naive. They're at the lake swimming with tyrones gang. Thats more than enough evidence. DO you need actual porn of them fucking niggers to write these sluts off?

Gen Z is the worst. All porn addicted from the cradle with smartphones. Race mixing is the most popular trend over the last 5 years. Their music is total shit. Fuck gen z.

kek. All that virtue signalling faggot did was cut off their escape option to be rescued by white CHAD's. "look guys, they've been SHITTED! totally not racist"

es em aych Sup Forums be oppressin a niggas speech

So much for this thread

baka desu senpai

>They're at the lake swimming with Tyrone's gang.

Those guys aren't African.

2nd. No I don't need actual evidence idiot, I just don't see a picture of 2 people touching or hugging the same as fucking.

Because it isn't.

Still cherrypicking


This is so fucking surreal. This is my old highschool and I've seen these people before. If Hannity isn't giving us a happening at least I have a local level happening KEK.


Wait til we tell them about the kikes.

The normalfags, roasties and chads of Gen Z will be degenerate no shit.

But there will be more redpilled Gen Z than all other generations combined. THATS the important part that you're all missing.

Whites are the biggest cucks on the planet.

Your women are being conquered right in front of you.

We need to kill whores just as badly and I bet a few of those girls are whores.

Dude, listen close at the end. It says
>show the swastika

Yeah Im local too although I dont know them

Utah here

Cool but I've seen coalburners around this city.

I guess I was right see

God it's good knowing there are other anons nearby. I wish I could meet some of you faggots, but sadly that really can't happen. It's depressing.

Yep. Great.

It'll swing back to where white supremacy becomes mainstream then it won't.

At least these chicks aren't going to be Shitted like the millennials.

You guys Ogden?

>Gen Z won't save the white ra-
gen z isnt even white

Yup. Are you? Fuck I want to meet some anons in real life.. you guys are so close but so far away.

Lol yeah but I'm a beaner lol

I don't give a fuck dude, you're a fucking Sup Forumsack and that's all that matters.

Video and audio are in reverse, your lucky I'm here you dumb faggots, ganna go make some more Dino nuggets

>Youre so fucking naive. They're at the lake swimming with tyrones gang.
those are indians you degenerate anglo cuck projecting your bbc fetish

They're goofing around with an audio reverser app. They're saying "fuck niggers" backwards and laughing about it. Why anyone would ever record themselves doing this is fucking beyond me though. The internet is forever.

Internet is forever
Nigger Nutkissing isn't tho Cucks

Cool. Well like I said, plenty of coalburners here in Ogden.

Ever wonder why they come over here and shit on our people and country? You're part of the problem, cucked faggot.

Also, Fuck niggers

make an email somewhere
[email protected]
well figure this shit out, fuck it we need to start bolstering our real life ranks and connections. I know others


can someone please give me the URL to this video. on a new compute rand I lost it. jesus fuck lads help me FFS. im drunk and I need it

How would Sup Forumsacks even meet up in real life? I bet some of you faggots would be some of the best friends I've ever had but we can never meet. It fucking sucks.

>I said nigger in high school like fucking everybody else!

So autistic


I'm actually a cop. If I knew you guys in real life I'm sure this would happen.

make a burner email and shoot me a message at [email protected] and then we talk anonymously until we trust each other to meet up then ??? profit

[email protected] is mine, sent you an email

>not knowing about Sup Forums meetups
>not knowing Sup Forums is majority nonwhite
>not knowing a Sup Forums meetup is more diverse than antifa

>not knowing about saudi jesus

Lol so do all of them hate Jews and blacks?

i see they pulled out the milk beforehand


There is a reason not everyone is a National Socialist (or something equal) here. I assume all Libertarians to be non-white.

Remember the original HWNDU stream? /ourguys/ were diverse as fuck on that show

jesus chist are those really the people i chat here with?

fuck my life

im 32

what did you expect? your surrounded by autists living up to their own caricature

> blackness must die for whiteness to survive or vice versa

That's some high-octane cultural marxist ideology.

I'm 31 fuck off kike

>> bulma
>> rinoa
>> squall
>> reject from the outsiders
>> short round all growd up
>> not actually a dude
>> an iranian larping as snake larping as jesus
>> jesus' secret faggot boyfriend whispering sweet nothings in his ear
>> and even gayer naruto
>> dude cosplaying as maverick.. not because he loves the character but he really loves goose's dirty mustache.

1. The video is in reverse.
2. The "White Knight" (literally) is getting praise from niggers for exposing it.
3. The girls are blacked already as per their doxxed profiles on twatter
4. Neo Nazis on Sup Forums are thinking Gen Z is "le based and shiet"

These girls are cheerleaders. They have handlers, and are getting the dick from sub saharan descendants already. They did this as a publicity stunt to get whites riled up and start a race war while other whites come to the defense of poor poor little negro types.

Enough of this shit. It's just white girls attention whoring on an attention whoring social media network.

From the chat at the bottom of the screen it appears somebody asked the girls to say "serggin cuff", and then uploaded the video in reverse.

cant even set shit on fire properly

fucking amateurs

No you faggot, it's just that social outcasts don't give enough of fucks about associating their person to Sup Forums. They have no reputation to ruin, no career to be afraid of losing, thus they will meet-up they'd will expose themselves because there's virtually no risk for them.

Sup Forums (way before Sup Forums or /new/ or /n/ even existed) entertains from the lowest of the low (murderers, niggers, shitskins) to creme de la creme old money and royalty and there have been pictures to prove it. Sup Forums and especially Sup Forums isn't some obscure forum that acne ridden neck beards know of, it's will known for a decade and has been mainstream since the fucking primaries

Also fuck you autocorrect

>4. Neo Nazis on Sup Forums are thinking Gen Z is "le based and shiet"These girls are cheerleaders. They have handlers, and are getting the dick from sub saharan descendants already. They did this as a publicity stunt to get whites riled up and start a race war while other whites come to the defense of poor poor little negro types.
american with his blacked projection to the rescue. those guys are clearly not niggers. stop watching bbc porn cuck its fucking up your brain

They're saying that they literally want to fuck niggers.

Of course Sup Forums would support this because this board is literally populated almost entirely by cuckold fetishists.


What the fuck is wrong with women.



No-one who goes to Sup Forums actually goes to those things. It's all edgy redditer teens.

Nothing better than fucking a racist white bitch, even sweeter when I stuff their mouths with this nigga dick

This thread is full of autistic retards.
You think cheerleaders haven't been racist for years and years?
Sup Forums, get some life experience. Stop cherry picking absolute anything you can to support your "hurrr Gen Z prude and traditional" meme that feminists conned you into believing.

I just like contrast dude, chill

why are they screeching

>ywn be facefucked by the handsome blue hoodie fuccboi
It's not fair.

Keep dreaming. Plus, nigger's can't even get 100% hard. Pathetic wimpy dicks equal in size to white men dicks, but less strong.


the audio is messed up, i knew it was edited in some manner.

It's true, I reverse the audio to double check, they're saying 'serggin cuff', the same thing that's in the comment in the screencap. Also it was easy to tell by the weird reversed breaking in sound. Still funny.

>on Sup Forums


Le base!!!!! BASSSEDDED BASD SO LE BAAESZDEDSDD XDDD hang yourself niggers

INB4 they get expelled from school and are taught a valuable lesson by the thought police. They end up poor and as prostitutes sucking nigger cock because they didn't get their GED. Lesson learned! Wrong think will not be tolerated. Let this be a lesson to anybody wishing to speak out against the SJW narrative.