This is what i'm learning in my college anthropology class. Is this true?

This is what i'm learning in my college anthropology class. Is this true?

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Is that fact a social construct?

Mathematics is a tool of oppression

Whelp you fucking triggered me.

Can you talk to the redhead in front of you for me pls? Give her my number, thx upsidedownland.

Walk out and get a refund, you dumb faggot.

Those types don't answer when you feed their own statements back through their machines. OP, get out of anthropology class. It's a fucking waste of time.

I don't think is necessarily a troll, but I believe there's missing shit. No fucking actual human would say that in earnest. Especially in fucking straya.

You should ask the professor if 6 million jews being gassed is just a social construct

This is why as an atheist, I voted for Trump.
>the scientific fact that the world is round and 4.5 billion years old is a social construct
>the scientific fact of evolution is a social construct
>the scientific fact of determining what and how causes nuclear fission is social construct
These filthy commies piss me off.
They believe in their cult of Lamarckism because it goes with the idea of feelings instead of physical reality, which they despise.

>getting in debt by paying your own indoctrination

>muh science

I doubt it. What's on the board is a post-modernist cliche. You can thank the Foucaults and Derridas of the world for it.

>the state of australian education

ask them if scientific socialism is a social construct

Tell them equality is a social construct.

1 + 1 = 2 that's a social construct. It was created by the evil white man to oppress niggers. That's what my jewish gender studies professor, Dr Goldberg once told me.

Anthropology is anything but science. Of course the professor would say that. Get ready to hear some noble savage bs about solve clicking niggers building houses out of shit

I took an anthro class and one of the readings was from a book that argued that all knowledge is a social construct. The reasoning was sort of like Plato's cave allegory, only concluding that the shadows on the wall constituted all knowledge. Bottom line, I'm with this guy

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."

So they're admitting that global warming is bullshit
Say no more


Slap your lecturer.

Jesus fucking christ education is fucked. Fucking disgusting.

Please tell me this is fake. And if it isn't, don't remain silent about it, speak up.

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”

White supremacy is a social construct.
Equality is a social construct.
"Progress" is a social construct.
Egalitarianism is a social construct.
Individualism is a social construct.

Oh boy oh boy do I love how jews make everything relative.

The moment that slide went up you should've stood up and said loudly "Well what the fuck am I doing here then?!" and just left without another word.

Ironically, tons of communists are atheists. I find it ironic that you would care about politics, considering that nihilism would mean that everthing is artifical, political motivation included.

The chinks must sit back in awe of how easy conquest is becoming.

>throw logic and reason out the window
>fail to accomplish anything of value
makes sense

Ask her to prove it

Your brain is going to be washed the fuck out.

Not just the Jews, chinks have been doing the same shit since the dawn of their stagnate civilization. They always try to make everything seem relative to get away with the hideous things they did.

I always suspect that Jew is just a mixed race of white and chink. They are Eurasians. The difference between them and modern Eurasians is that they were separated from whites and chinks and developed on their owns in one to two thousands years, which turned them into a separate race with a unique facial feature and mindset, but nonetheless their core is still Eurasian.

Do this OP. Ask: "Do you think that the evidence that supports the fact of the holocaust is just a social construct? Are you aware of how anti-semitic that statement is?"

Outjew the jew dude

Regarding anthropology, yeah, that might be true.
They teach us that we are related to monkeys ( blacks )

Some people have to take electives. I had to take several electives to complete my engineering course.

Also, just so we're clear: the empirical and experimental scientific method exists to remove private prejudice from the production of knowledge. Scientific knowledge or "facts" (a dubious term, btw, since they are always up for re-assessment when new data emerges) has the great merit of being reproducible. Scientific 'facts' are normally extremely limited in scope, basically restricted to statements that can be reliably reproduced by replicating the conditions of the original test. Other types of 'scientific facts' relate, for instance, to statistics. These typically are considered 'factual' in as much as they successfully predict phenomena. The degree to which they predict phenomena is the degree to which the scientific community treats them as 'factual'.

I think your anthro professor probably doesn't understand the very basics of what science is. He needs to re-watch Carl Sagan and pay attention this time. Is he an Abo?

Also really the West needs to shape up you're going to get fucking conquered by Asians if you don't. We don't have this fifth column shit.

Social constructs are a social construct

Anthropology in its modern form is a joke after being infiltrated by the left.

no, read the board shitlord it says (((scientific facts)))

Wow social constructs are really fucking powerful if they can lead to things like modern medicine and computers.

fucking hell.

WTF SJWs.....

in soft "bitch ass" sciences that's completely true. Because the "scientist" relies on the community 100% to validate the theory into a fact. Only, to my knowledge, is that why that statement is true. But in actual science facts are 100% based on math and outcome as well as the community trying to debunk it.

Your professor teaching you that should put you on high alert to question everything he's telling you, and only take it as ammo to pass tests.

Science is white supremacy cause mud people can't understand it

Society itself is a social construct what the hell it doesn't mean it takes away truths derived from it.

The term social construct is in itself a social construct. It means nothing. Academia is so incredibly up its own ass. Most academic papers and articles are unreadable trash that only exists to be used as a source in someone else’s paper.
>t. grad student


Why are you even in anthropology? Is that a prerequisite course barrista?

>Atheists are all nihilists

You are a bit "special" I see

You're being taught the basis for Marxism... Marxist dialectic is if you change fact to relativity then you can manipulate it to fit your goals.

Facts are stubborn things, you see.

But they have a way around that.

Also learn about Franz

>Who was Franz Boas?

>Franz Boas was born into a radical Jewish family in Minden, Westphalia in 1858. He emigrated to America in 1887 and in 1899 became professor of anthropology at Columbia University.

>Boas was one of the first people to promote the idea of racial egalitarianism, or the idea that the races are absolutely equal. He pushed the idea that race was not determined by biological factors but by cultural and environmental factors. He argued that skull size and cranial capacity could change over time because of health and nutrition. Therefore according to Boas, race was not biologically determined but was determined by culture and environment.

>This false idea dominates societal thinking today, not only in academia, but in society at larg

If you think that atheism and nihilism don't go together, you're just being illogical.

Social constructs are a social construct. Whenever you hear this its just a tactic to muddy the water and doesnt prove any vadiliatity to the claim one way ir the other. Also university degrees are a social construct

Nope, science doesn't operate off of shared assumptions about reality, it tests assumptions against reality. The assumptions are often wrong (like two different masses hitting the ground at different times).

"Social Constructionism is a social construct."

>if you cant believe in one of thousands of gods that means life has no meaning.
Its bait. Ignore.

Depends senpai are they using it to end any explanation? Then drop.

I took an anthropology class in community college, and my professor was surprisingly based. Went on a rant about how postmodernists and Marxists are morons, on the topic of evolutionary psychology. He talked about how the idea of the blank slate is utter bullocks and not based in scientific fact. He talked about how he's been called a nazi for studying evolutionary psychology in monkeys, and that marxists/postmodernists have basically taken over anthropology, and that he's one of the few that isn't. He was incredibly knowledgable about his field, really cool guy desu.

I understand how a primitive fucker like you, who needs an invisible "friend" to guide your drone ass can think so. It's logical to you only because you're a simpleton and you are presuming we are too.

strictly speaking this is epistemologically true

It doesnt matter whats right or wrong, a fact is something agreed upon to be right. What makes a fact is the social acceptance of it as being true. Things have been facts that have later proved to be untrue, and things considered to be factually untrue have later turned out to be correct.

The OP image is correct, the concept of a fact depends on social agreement. Whether something is a fact or not has nothing to do with whether it is true, only if it is agreed upon.

Abject nonsense. You don't even need a society to discover facts. You can't confirm them independently, which is why if I ever independently discover teleportation I won't tell anyone and you'll be the first faggot to die.


>duuurrrrrr nihlism means u dont care about anyding and ur a degenerate
no retard

>facts have been seen to change over time as understandings change
>continues to argue

yes it's true, the same way the sun rise is a social construct, or gravity is a social construct. the question shouldn't be is this true, the question you should be asking is why do these people feel the need to deconstruct simple truth down to it's most basic and abstract forms. i'll give you a hint , the more deconstructed they can make something the easier it becomes for them to reshape it into whatever they want.

>climate change is a social construct

i find it sad that every time i see a photo of some ridiculous thing in some college, nobody gets up and laughs at them.
if i was at that classroom, i just couldn't help it, i would stand up and ask the professor if 2 + 2 is a social construct.

i would just laugh.. this is the concept of dystopia, completely ridiculous things being taught at school and nobody says anything..

Look at those slaves in front of you taking notes. You need to make them your own sex slaves. Do it in front of your teacher. It's okay - disagreement over slavery is just a social construct.

all women by the way
see they all complaining about not making any money in a few years..

>hurr durr you could be wrong therefore facts are a social construct
Tell me then, dipshit, how do you know social constructionism is true?

>ask the professor if 2 + 2 is a social construct.
It is
As is the language we are using to speak
They are social constructs.

it is ridiculous but it is an effective tool at deprogramming college kids. it's like in high school when a science teacher will say if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it does it make a sound?


A social construct is anything that exists only abstractly within a society.

A fact is what ever is commonly held to be true by society. A fact is what society considered to be true at that moment, it is not what is true, if thats what it was we wouldn't need a different word for it.

>Scientific Facts

>Every statistics shows complete opposite of their claim

White actress pay more than non-white actress

White women median income are higher than any other non-white women

White, Mestizo , Asian male are prefer white women than non-white women

Because of their Looks

It's genetic

You see how Libfag who calling out "equality" are dumb as hell

how to achieve equality when European genetics itself Unequal to the others

It sounds profound, and it's not really wrong, but it's absolutely pointless to think about and label. College students who talk about this kinda stuff are the most annoying faggots. They have no idea how stupid they sound to somebody intelligent.

>but it's absolutely pointless to think about
No it isnt, the concept of facts are dangerous, it programs people to take things as granted and just trust assertions because 'its a fact :^)'.
When someone argues and starts throwing around the word fact you can be sure they dont actually know what they are arguing about and just trusting something someone told them is true.

Your first inclination when anyone tells you anything at all about anything should be to assume it is false and try to disprove it.

>but 2+2=4
no that's just because society accepts it as such
we could just as easy say that 2+2=5 and as long as everyone agreed it would.

>so what would 2+3=?
well duh user 4 obviously

Is this how they do mental gymnastics?

Looking at the hairstyles presented in your photo, things are not looking good.

they really jumped on it with all their friends, too. kind of proved his point. whoops

Wewest of lads.

1 post by this id SAGE

Those are just symbols, they have no inherent meaning. we assigned their meaning.

This is what happens when you attend Abbo U.

>not answering the question
Again: how do you know it's true?

Rape is a social construct is your answer to that.

So wait
What the fuck am I supposed to do?
I love politics and philosophy, but the academia is obviously retarded. I just want to study interesting stuff what the fuck

Ok now is the part where you cut your dick off to see if you are really a female.

That's something that should be obvious to a good thinker long before college.

The answer is in the first line of my reply.

make a complaint to one of your representatives

do it

Lies, there is no answer there. I reiterate: how do you know anything you said is true?

It doesn't stop the math facts behind it. Two objects plus two more objects is four objects. Change the words or symbols all you want it wil never change the facts.

Blarga ack blarga ugo faggaU

Take a dump on your teacher's desk and say decency is a social construct.

>Good thinker
Sure, but they let just about everyone go to college these days. Thats how we get 'scienceists' going around insisting facts are indisputable and consensus is divine truth.

This really just comes across to me to be like pre-brainwashing. Make you question what you know so they can replace it with what they want you to believe. Be careful not to lose your mind bud. Use your brain and ignore their nonsense.


the issue is that "facts" is a very broad topic and difficult to understand and discuss. The closest thing I can offer to give is this.

>Quantum Thought Processes.
What in the fuck are QTPs?
Well, are you actually 100% certain you are sitting there reading this post, or would you allow a small percentage that instead you're hallucinating and actually in a padded cell?

We can express this as

Do you believe numbers actually exist somewhere physically and we are referencing those things when we talk about them?

You have no argumentative basis to question him because you think facts are a social construct. Your "philosophy" self-aborts before it can even be born. Enjoy staying in the bootstrap phase, kiddie's section faggot.

>brainwashing sequence initiated.

I don't know the rest of the lesson so I'll take an optimistic approach -- just from the title it's possible that the argument your teacher is trying to make is that certain aspects of science can be socially constructed.

The language of mathematics is a social construct, for example. In other words, 2 + 2 = 4 is only that because as a society we constructed Arabic numerals and use them to communicate mathematics. A different life form from a different planet will use different methods to communicate this information and therefore it can be said to be a social construct. I don't think your teacher is trying to say that the actual substance, the actual fundamental truth behind 2 + 2 = 4 is a social construct.

No but the concept of them exists even without our observation, it's just physical laws of reality.

>american education

Yes the teacher is, otherwise the statement would be; "The language of scientific facts are a social construct." But even that's wrong, language and the labeling of stuff is cultural.