

>muh east Aryan meme
Stop it.

>but muh ancient china
That shit was 100% white 2500 years ago

This reminds me of niggers.

>khosian and bantu in africa
i kill you
>khosian and bantu under white rule
we bruddas

I am an Anglo, not some filthy inbred scandi, not some swarthy med, and definitely not a mongol. They can all go extinct for all I care, so long as their lands fill up with mroe anglos.

Mongols are still mongols. What are you smoking?

They just shrunk in population size because they're actually feather indian-tier compared to chinks.




>2500 years ago

>east aryan
fucking kek. You mean gooks?

What the fuck is an east aryan?

Italy plunged the knife into our backs in the last war. No thanks.

whites were pseudo-gooks 9000-7000 years ago and only became white after porking blue eyed, blonde anime pahjeets from Europe and the Middle East.

Whites started off from the same people who sprouted off American Indians.

Op is a chink manlet sociopath from san franshitshow

bunch of shitters, all of ya

manchurian, jap?

Civilization makes sense when you realize it all sprouted from protogooks.

Gooks, whites, chinamen, Mayans, Incas... all them fuckers with farming, dogs, and civilization come from Asia.

Mostly haplogroup K men.

White dudes with R1b., R1a, Q y-chromosomes come from some ancient brown gookish super race that was closely related to the of the ancestors of modern gooks.

Gook unity and pride... all that shit. We likey eat grain long time. Ferment food. Good good.

>east aryan



>Not the most vile and hostile of all races second only to the Jews.

Fuck off Zhou.

Chinks get cleansed on the day of the rope, China is the final boss of western civilization.

This guy get's it. Chinks are scum and need to be put to death.

I like Spain and to an extension Portugal. Hope you guys fix your economy.

The true natives and samurais of japan were from aryan stock, modern japanese cannot grow beards as epic as ancient samurais and are shorter.

lmao bend the knee the your chinese overlords you obese burger. china is the new world superpower and I for one welcome it, sure as shit it's much better than the zionist burgerland. americans are a burden to western civilization

*the knee to your

I stand united with my European brethren.

how can the wajin even compete?

chinks fuck off


>50% faec

I'm guessing Persians.

one with the horns is kinda cute in an autistic retard alien sort of way