
test thread

Horrible ass, kys, worse than a Jap

Agree. She looks like a pig too. Most likely a fatty right now.

Confirmed gay


how many rolls of riblet muffin is necessary?

She doesn’t have a nice ass, she’s just chubby.
It’s like a skinny guy with abs.

>would you still fug her
of course

It's literally flat but has fat behind it at the same time, disgusting genes. She is redhead so it's clearly Mongoloid influence since they originate from Asia and traveled to the British Isles and settled.

Would you let me watch?

Stormfront: "B-B-BUT MUH redheads be pure Skandanabian y'all!"

yes user, we could each take one hole

spoiler: i call the pooper


im sure a black guy somewhere would put good use to this pig though.

is this in a white country?

>cRY in ID


I want the pooper too.


That nose ruins it.


thought i was on Sup Forums for a sec
also this bitch is disgusting i'd rather shake hands with a jew


>assuming that degenerate men wouldn't fuck this pawg by putting a pig nose on her.

Nip girls have cute butts though?

Whats her name?

that chick has the perfect baby maker body.

Not thicc, not thin... just right. Perfect.

Dnorold Drumfph

Whats a test thread?
Testosterone raise? Even though you get a slightly higher T-level from seeing explicit things your brain is getting stimulated by dopamine and too much dopamine can fuck up your receptors.
Say no to porn faggot let your body build up the sexual tension so that you can use it on real women.

Give us her name faggot


always eager

