>Top Hollywood actor being accused by US broadcaster on social media of assaulting a loved-one

Alright lads, who is being accused and where is this accusation on twatter? This actor has apparently won an Oscar before.

Let's make sure Hollywood burns to the ground.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump because I wanna find out who is about to be in the hot seat next.

We've already been over this. You're late. Why're burgers always so fucking late?

It's Robert De Niño.

Some of us have day jobs leaf.

Proof that it's De Niro? Makes sense given that it's already known he was affiliated with that French hooker ring.


It is Kevin Spacey.

I wonder who got quints.


Thanks Pajeet

Underage girls were involved, many as young as fifteen.

Are those pictures of him pulling the pants off a passed out dude real?

If they're not going to name names they might as well have said nothing at all.

is that a holder specifically for fiji watwer? how i loathe these folks

It's charlie sheen. bossip.com/1261614/pedophiles-in-hollywood-corey-haim-denise-richards-hint-that-charlie-sheen-is-a-pedophile-rapist-video/

Ah, that makes sense, I wonder why they aren't mentioning him by name yet? Or at least linking the twitter post. He must be in hot water then if Daily Mail is reporting it.


That journalist working for Cernovich and shilling about their monthly impressions in the comments is fucking cancerous.

Looks like it's Spacey actually.

Why wouldn't it just be all of them

Calling it now. Its seth rogan.

Yup, just clickbait. Although they will follow up and report on the guy before the corporate U.S. pravda will touch it.

Spacey is gay, he also put an award statue up his bumbum


I don't believe a word.

Scrambling for goys to take down with them

Doubt he goes for girls, though.

That was a prank started by an user here.

Did Epstein have boys on the Lolita express? Maybe Spacey swung both ways.


Real pedophilia as Judge Jeanine calls it.


>forest Whitaker gave me stink eye

This article is utter shit. unnamed journalist says unnamed high level hollywood guy molested unnamed person.
Fuck outta here.

Who is Dan Schneider?


Kevin Spacey is bisexual.

quick rundown?

Sounds like Kevin Spacey is about to get hit with a sexual assault accusation, Daily Mail is reporting it but can't name him for legal reasons.

We don't know who it is. Stop fucking typing like you know who it is.

> Time the dominoes fall


Dumping the Dans.

The Spacey accusation was made by Heather Unruh, who is a "TV journalist" that said a family member was assaulted by him. Supposedly the broadcaster is female, Unruh is female. The "A-list actor" has won an Oscar, Spacey has two.

Gas yourself for being such a fucking contrarian.

Its Kevin Spacey

You must be a suburban or rural retard to link dailymail as a source

Who's the miniature mia khalifa?

Stop it. I loved him in American Beauty.

who's the chick with the glasses


Fuck off Daily Mail is based, they always get shit on by eurocucks for reporting terrorism as being migrant related.

Sorry user, everything about Hollywood is a lie.

Victoria Justice.

Big if true

Who hasn't molested anyone?

He had public sex in a London park and got beat up for it.


Justice was the brown chick. And she wasn't even wearing glasses in that scene.

Don't forget about DEN. They've been doing this shit for years.

Dan Schneider must be stopped.

Fuck and one of those guys runs the Bitcoin Foundation. Half the board resigned when they brought him on. I wonder if he got hired so that it's easier to use BTC for trafficking/pedo shit?

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Fuck off.

Right in front of our fucking eyes.

Reminder that the homeland security pizzagate human trafficking PSA features a restaurant across from a Starbucks where a highly publicized meeting between Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey took place baltimore.cbslocal.com/2014/02/18/kevin-spacey-bill-clinton-meet-up-in-baltimore-starbucks/

you better stop this shit or else

I think you're taking this whole Canadian thing a bit too far m8.


Hey, Dan. Nice to see you.

You hear what Jenette McCurdy and Amanda Bynes have been saying about you?

Yeah, that's her. The one with the glasses.

hey guys kevin "not down with the rapey" is spacey here with a hot chick who isn't underage at all ama

dan "weinstein getting outed was part of the plan" schneider

pic for verification

Abductive reasoning done right.

You were great in American Beauty. Autograph my daughter?

My guess is it's Woody Allen.


Fucking pedo.

Would be funny if her loved one didn't give a shit and instead this #truther is just an attention whore bitch

lol, didnt catch that

Balls if blue.


He always had rapey eyes. Is it bad to judge people for their facial futures? If I were to judge myself I would think I'm a turbo autist. And I would be right.

Daily Dose:

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thanks but offensive

strictly offensive

"As within, so without"

spacey was at the party milo yiannopoulos was talking about

If i worked in hollywood, I would carry a recorder ON at all times, no matter what

erin sanders. she's the girl in the blue dress with the dot above her mouth on schneider's lap in that photo.

Dan Fucking Schneider fucked all of those girls and I'm just sitting here reading fucking Sup Forums.

it stops condensation rings. it's a pretty good idea for restaurants and hotels to have as it maintains furniture longer.

just realised that the fat boy in the webm has a role because he is Dan the Man inserting himself into the show. he even has the same hairstyle

De niro


This is an opportunity to loosen (((their))) grip on popular culture. This scandal must do maximum damage.

death to pedos

is that a binary code in there?

1's and 0's by definition are binary yes excellent work

They're muddying the waters. Don't get distracted. Spacey story is nothing.


has anyone seen that Quintin Terrino Thread? Definitely looks like he likes to peg little chickens.

no, they're not, they could be decimal, hex etc
Kek, the left one would look kind of like Patches


Spacey got beat up in a faggot park while sucking random dicks in the wee hours of the morning - the Theater company he was working for as well as the Media covered it up for him. He's a filthy degenerate.


Doesn't even makeup sets of 8

¡fª I or If is all it comes up with.


'Kevin Spacey labels Donald Trump a 'disease'

Kevin Spacey mocks Donald Trump at AIDS fundraiser


>literally public park fucking in AIDS faggot calling someone else a disease

AND he lecture about the risk of AIDS no less... what a fuckin yuge asshole.

Type of hypocrite that would definitely be a kid fucking sociopath

>Looks like it's Spacey actually.
it's all of them, burn tinseltown to the ground and never let it come back

>jews are dishonest
>aryans are honest

No wonder movies have sucked so much since the 80s. Everybody's too busy raping.

well that explians why he supports the cause so strongly, he has experience in avoiding it

The fucking hypocrisy of Hollywood in the case of Trump, now that is fucking disgusting. They all knew about Harvey and his dickings.

Big if true

The byproduct of the rape is less talented whores are the ones that move up in Hollywood.