Let's review:
He is a vain, nasty orange puke pandering to the lowest common denominator.
He is completely hated with a sub-30% approval.
He never won the popular vote.
He is willfully ignorant and proudly stupid.
He is a demagogue.
He is a rapist.
He is a narcissist.
He is a liar.
He is a coward.
He is a pathetic bile inducing pantshitter, the kind who craps himself in front of everyone then blames someone for the smell.
He is infantile anger personified.
He is a lightning rod for every psycho who should be institutionalized.
He is white supremacy's greatest ally, living or dead.
He is poison for the earth.
He is a mockery of ethics.
He is a sick twisted literal version of the emperor with no clothes.
He is on borrowed time. Justice is coming.
He WILL be impeached.
He WILL be brought before a judge.
He WILL be removed, and then hated until the end of time.
He will be forgotten in a future age when mankind is so far past his breed of racist, sexist, Muslim hating bullshit he isn't worth a single footnote.
Fuck your goddamned "President," and every last hateful, self-hating babydick who voted for this clown.
The only thing worse than his evil ass is YOU.