How do we stop the jewish plan without being antisemitic
If there is no jews there is no antisemitism
Convince the minorities of who their true oppressor is.
Be on the left and support Palestine, obviously
Only seek the Zionists. Everyday jews are just good people like the rest of us.
You mirror their plan, that is, make someone else fight them for you.
Nevermind, just remembered all the leftist jews like Sarah Sillverwoman do that already
You'll never stop this thread from being shah's.
remember to gas cuck faggots like this, that way you cant be accused of antisemitism.
antisemitism is a symptom of keynesian economics.
Jews are over represented in the 1% because they have an average IQ a standard deviation higher than the general population
Angry low iq men confuse correlation with causation.
If you survive world war III you will never complain no one will ever complain about jews again, even though they'll be a one world government with lots of jews in positions of power
Have white kids
KYS. Jews follow an inherently anti-gentile religion and they culturally identify on all levels with this ideology.
I used to think like you but if they aren't degenerating society directly they are playing apologetics to save the tribe members that do.
Become arab, aravs are semitic people.
imagine being this much of a libertarian faggot
Call them globalists and communists. Worked for me.
Shut up bitch, the three are often the same but not perfectly mutual nor mutually exclusive
antisemitism is based and should be a natural instinct for all peoples
T. Shekelgrübber
antisemitism is the jewish term for "woke"
How about you don't play their game like a fucking idiot so deeply subverted you think spreading your asshole may lead to salvation
go back in time to the medieval age and have jews assimilated instead of segregated
Modern Jews are not Semitic, they speak yiddish, not arabic and have very little genetic ties to semitic lands.
Just find ways to punish anti whites, communists, anarchists, and atheists. That should take care of at least 99% of the Jews.
>assimilating a parasite that kills its host
civcucks are this retarded
No, they are maybe 5-7 IQ points over average IQ. In any case, there are hundreds of whites with the same IQ for every one Jew that has a high IQ. It doesn't explain the massive over representation.
I'd actually rather have true Zionist Jews because at least they want to go back to their shitty desert.
>stopping the jewish plan without antisemitism
This is like asking how do we put the fire out without water.
Yeah, that's why everyone here accuses Chinese and Indians of destroying societies worldwide. Because they're more successful than us amirite? Dumb cunt.
even if ti was 5-7 points, that makes a huge difference at the 145+iq range
the difference isn't large enough between asians and whites, ashkenazis are out of the park
Antisemitism is a poison pill. If you think we're still living in the era when JIDF would show up and unironically defend Israel you're not thinking fourth dimensionally. The enemies of the banking cartel get divided and conquered along the basis of identity politics.
There are far more high IQ Whites in that high IQ range than Jews just as a function of population size. Jewish overrepresentation cannot be explained that way, nor can the consistent description of their vile behavior across thousands of years and hundreds of languages.
with a fire extinguisher
Clearly you are not in that range yourself or you would understand that this argument doesn't square with basic statistics. Or you are just a disingenuous kike.
yeah but there is a certain iq level where there is way more ashkenazis than anyone else. the difference between 100 and 115 is not the same as 150 and 151
they would become christian europeans, there would be no jew
Promote ethno states for ALL races. One for whites, one for blacks, one fore Asians, one for Hispanics. Pretty much get everyone to act like the Jew.
oy fucking vey look at the bad goys in this thread
Even non zionists will defend them even tho they themselves are not jewish. Any meaningful degradation of influence has to come from a cultural majority, and the most convincing arguments are not based merely on the religion, even if it is the most identifiable factor.
Fight them softly, for their own good, because you're concerned for their mental health.
In other words, do unto them as they've done unto others, until they understand that it's not a healthy pattern to engage society with.
Meanwhile, laugh at the heinous shit they think their outgroup is into. It's funny, and a good reminder that their own soft, caring approach is fake.
Yea in neurosis, anxiety, and mental problems caused by thinking too much and not enough action.
If you kill all the jews, antisemitism dies with them
I like your interactive meme
I award you 1000 internets
Really makes you think
Ashkenazi Jews aren't Semitic. Hating them and foiling their plots is in know way antisemitic. It's antikhazarite.
By LARPing as Jews and calling everyone goyim
Not really since most jews aren't even semitic and most semitic people aren't even jewish.
Remove their ability to operate through vast filters in society which do not specifically target them but hit all of their check marks, thereby making them incapable of moving past those societal points with their Zionist ideology or behavior intact by any means.
Same thing as not hiring poor retards as a way to never hire niggers.
Revelation 3:7-13
7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;
8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
The Orthodox Christian and The Orthodox Jew actively battle them and have for 2000 years. their fathers fought them in sumeria. the Rothschild Zionists are the rulers of this world and have been judged.
That is patently false, bell curves do not randomly spike at the end. Learn to math and statistics.
fire is not even in our dimension it is a self contained black hole essentially.
Become Individuals
You know what to do user.
Assuming Ashkenazi population of 1,000,000 mean iq 115 sd 15
Assuming American population 323,000,000 mean iq 100 sd 15
SD 15
Expected no of individuals with an IQ at least 167.5
Americans =0
Jews = 20,000
Individuals and fragmented groups are less able to resist a unified group, its literally the reason they employ divide and conquer so often.
Everyday jews are the ones pushing feminism, open borders, homofaggotry at every corner and are even turning a profit from it.
I know many insane jews who sell feminist tshirts and other bullshit.
Fuck off kike.
and this is ignoring the possibility ashkenazi may have a larger standard deviation than 15
The reverse it also true...
spread awareness of jewish privilege. let the left do the rest
Its also ignoring the prospect that they mostly sampled black IQ from the streets, white IQ from secondary schools, and jew IQ from universities.
no it's not because standard deviation of 15 is sourced from entire population giving advantage to the lower mean iq group
free yourself from antisemitism and realise you can also do what the smartest people are doing; buying gold and crypto in preparation for the coming new international monetary agreement
Bullets are pretty cheap, and since guns kill people we'll just blame anti-semitic firearms.
if you're going to claim the most rigourous data sources available are incorrect the burden of proof is on you.
I wouldn't care if that was true but I'm not going to believe it without evidence
You didn't present rigorous data sources, you presented a string of assumptions to justify some math whose steps you didn't even show.
Holy fuck, how are you this bad at math. It is asymptotic, it doesn't cut off.
Read Hoppe. Also, the people at the top oppress Jews as much as they oppress anyone else, which means that blaming everything on "the Jews" doesn't even make sense. There are some Jewish troublemakers and there are some non-Jewish troublemakers. The problem is that when many folks see trouble they interpret it as "A+ government policy." That wouldn't change merely by the current batch of conspirators disappearing; you would just get stuck with a different batch of conspirators.
The solution is for people to be educated on what a good and decent world would actually look like.
4.5 sigma is virtually 0
>the people at the top oppress Jews as much as they oppress anyone else
Then why are you in a conversation about jewish over representation at the top?
even if i have made a mistake in that calculation it illustrates my point that there is a certain iq score where ashkenazis massively outweigh everyone else. the ability difference between 150 and 151 is larger than 100 and 110
Try to read what people have to say in full instead of having a knee-jerk reaction.
Nigger, for 300 million people it isn't, especially over time which you have to account for with those probabilities.
What you are saying doesn't make sense because it conflicts with reality, though, what you call knee jerk is actually contextualization, why should I trust your conclusions when your premise is flawed and doesn't even account for the usefulness of the selfish ideology to the people at the top of the selfish pyramid?
yeah man. people are not angry at rich people unless they are poor someone who earns 100k isn't in ideological battle against bill gates because he has his own life.
Antisemites on Sup Forums are literally just sjw with higher iqs. Not high enough to see the hypocrisy between saying blacks are under represented in the upper class because of IQ but jews are more over represented than whites because of muh nepotism when the iq difference between blacks and whites is the same as the iq difference between ashkenazi and whites
there are good and evil people at every point on the scale
if nepotism is the only reason why don't you practice it?
no it is, that's why I Iinked you the graph friend
Again, not how it works. You are just flying by the seat of your pants here. You definitely fucked up because the number of Jews in that range using a Jew pop of 6 gorillion is less than 20,000.
Nigger you can't use the graph you have to use the actual values in the table and actually do the math. How are you this stupid?
do you disagree that if we assume standard deviation is constant and there is a 15 point difference in the mean between two groups one with a population of 1million the other with 323 million there is not an iq score that the 1 million massively out represent the 323 million?
I think you have that backwards boyo.
The average western jew is an ashkenazi urban progressive shitheel and they're the ones behind the trans agenda, gay rights, feminism, BLM, the SPLC, the media, and everything else bringing this country down. Oh and they generally hate Israel and would never call themselves Zionists.
There are a few who go against this and are pretty solid, but they're the VAST minority when it comes to Jews.
Israelis themselves tend to be pretty okay and for the most part are completely baffled as to how we even put up with the ashkenazi scum who infest our country.
>if nepotism is the only reason why don't you practice it?
White nepotism is white supremacy. Guess why they are so afraid?
You get them to out their self
It shouldn't be hard to get them riled up with paranoia. Especially now when they are sliding hard.
theres just no red pilling the normies on the jew question. most dont care or oh no the evil nazis went after poor innocent jews who dindu
jews are gods chosen people - normies
don't be so naive; nazi antisemitism directly resulted in the jews return to israel. Antisemtism rises every time war is brewing as a symptom of the populaces financial repression. People complaining about muh jews on Sup Forums is as irrational as fat lonely women saying gender doesn't exist, or african americans thinking they'd be better off if they'd been left in africa
Yes to Spielbergs who have assimilated to American values, no to Usurers who wish to undermine American values
Become Egalitarian and start judging individuals by their own actions. Remember that race is only a fraction of what makes a man's personality and that culture plays just as large a part of the puzzle. Hatred of the majority of Jews will naturally follow.
So long as you don't act like a retarded feminist shouting "kill ALL men" about it then you're technically not racist.
Holee Fuk m8, let me break this down barney style for you. Looking at a graph isn't 'a calculation', especially not with things like this. There is a formula, you have to use the formula (and if you had any idea what you were talking about you could have looked at the graph and gotten the gist of it but whatever). You are very stupid for a Jew. But this is also a great example of Jewish chutzpah, where you thought you could just bullshit your way through this hoping other people would not know you were full of shit.
Mr. PersuasionMountain hasn't assimilate to american values, he has subverted them and done a lot of harm to american cinema.
I'll confess, I agree. (but most of them are still nasty kikes)
Egalitarian is le faire communismm
Being against jewish plan is antisemitic.
>Jews are over represented in the 1% because they have an average IQ a standard deviation higher than the general population
Also - blood is thicker than water.
yeah fair enough I can't be fucked doing the calculation again, but i'm saying there is an IQ score that a population of 1million with mean iq 115 will have significantly more representatives than a 323million population with an iq of 100
if its not 4 sigma its 5 or 6.
I'm saying if you do the calc for iq scores 170 180, 190 etc one of them is going to have the smaller population with the hgher mean outweighing the other larger population with lower iq.
do the frequency for iq of 200 and I'll concede if the ashkenazis aren't more frequent than the rest
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