Lately I've been growing to become a Nazi. But the main thing everyone knows about Nazis is they want to genocide black people and jews. Well I consider myself a Nazi in the sense of self-improvement. Wholesome family values. And a nice place for me and my people to live. And I don't believe in killing other people. Does that make me an ethno-nationalist. Or can I still be a Nazi without believing in killing off other races.
Question about Nazism
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Look into aryanism. That is the philosophy you want.
Maybe you're a white separatist?
Nazis began as hippies until they realized the world needed to be saved.
Naziism is an ancient religion. We Nazis are here to help.
What a fucking waste. Move to Canada you shit.
>Lately I've been growing to become a Nazi.
Are you German? If not than it won't work bud, NatSoc was made for the German people and the German Nation, doesn't mean you can't be something else though.
1) You're not a fucking Nazi. Nazism is an extremely esoteric ideology that could literally only be applied to a situation as unique as 1930s Germany, and Hitler's conception of race was totally different from that of modern-day white nationalists.
2) Loving your own race =/= hating or wanting to kill off others. Real life isn't the Turner Diaries.
Maybe YOU have FIVE concurrent digits in your post number which are all exactly the same? Such an alignment is not a common occurrence!
Praise Be to the Mighty and Potent Lord Kek!
national socialism is simply a political ideology. Just because it was only used in Germany doesn't mean it can't be used somewhere else.
You're not a Nazi. To be a Nazi is to necessarily be a German supremacist and pan nationalist. The Nazis were less white nationalist than the countries they fought against. Reminder how they slaughtered poles and slavs while allying with Muslims and Nips while the US had racial quotas to ensure only whites could immigrate to the US at the time. And it's the same for family, practically everywhere had deeper meaning for communal and family bonding than we do now
Don't become one of those spergs that brown supremacists can point to. Avoid playing into their narrative at all costs. Racism, as they know it, does not exist and you should let them know this.
So what would I be considered? A white nationalist? White separatist? Fascist?
Sounds like you'd like to move to the North-West
Check into Bernie Sanders, he was the socialist we deserve and a true hitler of the future!
If you want to defend your family values, and defend your family and give them a happy life, then we have to get rid of blacks and Jews.
It's not called "The Final Solution" for no reason.
Be quiet you stupid fucking kike
>Or can I still be a Nazi without believing in killing off other races.
If you believe this meme you're clearly not a national socialist, or you're too fucking stupid to be one
Does it matter? You have a list of things you support and want to see fulfilled regardless of label.
If anyone asks you what you believe, just say what I tell them: I'm a chad nationalist that wants a country for hot people only
Nazis didn't want to genocide all blacks and Jews, they just didn't like degenerates. They accepted many people of African origin and Jewish people as Nazis.
Basically if you aren't a marxist then you are nazi. But there was also an actual historical group called the Nazi's and they were Germans back when Germans were the bad guys. You don't want to be a German bad guy do you? Anyway, that was like a hundred years ago, words change meanings. Nowdays being a nazi is a different thing, it basically means not being a pushover. In 2017 even Milo, a gay jew with a black husband, is a nazi.
In terms of killing people, nobody wants to kill people. You do it to defend yourself if you have to. Whether or not you have to depends mostly on other people so it's not really an issue one way or the other. If your people and their nice place and your wholesome family values are under attack, what will you do? Be a pushover?
But your people can include people of all different colors but it gets tricky which is why Israel is an ethnostate and why we put japanese people into camps in wwII. Defense is the justification for a lot of unpleasantness.
Relocation to Madigasca was the first option.
Look into Perennial philosophy. While I am not against National Socialism in principle, it helps to have socio-political sensibility grounded in something deeper and broader than a single particular 20th century system. Being that particular guarantees that you will compromise some degree of truth in order to remain true to an ideologically pure ideal. If you can navigate perennial theory, manage to avoid the new age pitfalls, and come out the other end with a sober and stoic appreciation for the common patters of human social order, you'll probably be closer to the truth than you are right now, and than you would be just getting really really into the A E S T H E T I C S of the Third Reich.
Go to NSG, read Mein Kampf, and watch TGSNT.
You mean a Nazi?
Nazis enslaved jews in camps and actually worked with blacks... so 'killing' off races wasn't really a thing. Just an FYI. Also you can't be a Nazi, the Nazis were defeated in 1945. You are a larper if anything.
>guy tries to join your ideology
>asks reasonable questions about your ideology
> tell him to fuck off for asking questions
>doesnt join your group
> group dies
> mfw
Please point to any actual document that states National Socialist policies were about killing other races, I have yet to see it.
>But the main thing everyone knows about Nazis is they want to genocide black people and jews.
>genocide black people and jews.
>genocide black people
Shill thread detected, leftypol tactics. sage.
Ditch the term nazi, you're a national socialist. You are correct in believing that one can be a natsoc and not believe in killing others because of their race
No mr Fbi NatSocs do not want genocide
Don't let them tell YOU what naziism is. you have to discover that for yourself. just focus on being a better nazi everyday.
naziism has NOTHING to do with national socialism or germany specifically.
No you're still nazi your hard work good decision making and abundance of privilege or oppressive to others
Silly cracker you don't get to self define
If you're white then you are a nazi
Only a fucking while male racist would disagree
Nazis ((nationalists)) come from white genocide and the wish to not have niggers in the community or state.
Poland today has reluctantly decided to gain EOS aid of 2 mln dollars a year from norway. The criteria was that ((half)) goes directly to a soros fund Batory. That poland banned for leftist degenerate anti white activities.
So you see. The jews want the white man to die. And white communities destroyed.
>Nazis ((nationalists)) come from white genocide and the wish to not have niggers in the community or state.
it's just natural, and nazis are profound inquirers into nature. even if nazis wind up slaughtering everyone of a certain race in a certain area, it's not genocide. it's just extinction. part of husbandry is keeping animals that shouldn't be together seperated. nazis would seperate different kinds of humans to natural and healthy partitions.
Why would you want to be a socialist?
what does 'socialist' even fucking mean.
lots of people on here are fucking delusional, thinking about 'what government (that they heard about) that they want and what ideology that they support (that they heard about)'.
you should be focusing on whats true and false, right and wrong, good and evil. you don't need these things. think for yourself and imagine the system that is appropriate for a specific situation, or at the very least, deal with 'what to do' on practical points. governments have to be grown from the volk, organically.
realize that these banners you fall under are the things that divide you, but that the open-minded sincerity of intent that you share with many other people has the chance to create something new and powerful. mean Italian Fascism? In that case, call yourself a Classical Fascist, not a Natsoc.
I believe Nazism has a lot of good ideas but I also think it needs to be refined a bit. Frankly its socialist economic model is unworkable, particularly in 2017.
The problem is that people use 'Nazi' as shorthand for 'ethnic cleansing' and 'genocide' but it's really not.
I think if we can get past that false characterization we can at least have a rational discussion about what Nazism really means, and fix the things that are wrong with it.
You're exactly like a peaceful muslim. You really don't want war. And your kids will read the Koran/Mein Kampf just like you tell them to. And if a few of them sperg out and kill Jews, only idiots will be surprised
>t. American visiting Germany on business
Sorry, I thought people would understand the thing that I meant and not be an autist and take it literally. You can be a capitalist and not own capital. It's called an I D E O L O G Y
>I believe Nazism has a lot of good ideas but I also think it needs to be refined a bit. Frankly its socialist economic model is unworkable, particularly in 2017.
the nazis did what worked at the time, and that's the only thing that ever works. awareness and intelligence =/= 'some word about politics or ideology that means something different to everyone'
I'm sorry. I'm transitioning out of the civic nationalist stage, so most of what I know about the Nazis is typical high school education shit. I really would like some books on the subject. From both sides.
xD no I am serious though. I'm coming out of the civic nationalist stage, with a high school education on the subject.
Murder is against God. It is a mortal sin.
This movement is what we make it.
> living in middle age germanic fantasyworld
> thinking you deserve more based on your looks
> socialism
> it’s all about self improvement goys
Off yourself.
write your own.
if you want to do some real hardcore fucking research, try to learn about the artaman league.
they were the founders of modern naziism, basically nazi's came from straight-edge hippies who believe in a spiritual purpose to life.
it's some obscure stuff. most of it is oral history. expect to have to track people down and actually call them to get leads.
>Does that make me an ethno-nationalist. Or can I still be a Nazi without believing in killing off other races.
You've been gaslight by leftists and niggers.
Whenever white people try to be ethnocentric, they make the claim "hurr, durr, you wanna exterminate gorillians of (insert X group here)". It's just an old Jewish/commie trick to destabilize white civilization. If you'll notice, these same groups support shitskins being openly ethnocentric.
>i want to be a nazi but i dont want to kill niggs
Sounds like you are a fascist.
Right that's what I'm saying. We can't use the 1940 version of Nazism, we have to refine it to work for us today.
i'd like for people to realize it's more of a religion than anything else. a way of life and a dedication to excellence and discovery, using the imagination and bringing the dream to reality.
>Well I consider myself a Nazi in the sense of self-improvement. Wholesome family values. And a nice place for me and my people to live. And I don't believe in killing other people. Does that make me an ethno-nationalist.
It neither makes you a Nazi, nor an ethno-nationalist. Everyone, all around the world wants those things, we all just disagree with the methodology.
That's a good way of looking at it, yes.
Exactly. 1932 they had a shitload of issues we just don't have - the Germans had literally begun starving etc because of the Food crisis.
Point 1 fucking 1 was to fix the farms. We just don't need that.
We need children - the housing program was excellent - zero interest home loans to young couples.
This would obliterate this idea of selling property to foreign buyers etc.. A huge problem in Australia, Canada and the USA.
that's a pretty good description of what naziism is.
Self improvement both physically and mentally. To be the best you can.
one thing nazis would implement would be physical training in schools. as in, lots of it. to the point that every 18 year old would be at their physical peak in order to graduate.
naziism was a lot like the AA, except it was effective, they created a true social network that made sure no one slipped through the cracks - if you looked like you had problems - today that might be fat or weak or introverted people - they'd force you to fix them.
imagine the gestapo finding fat people and forcing them to come jogging with them in the morning in america, and forcing shy neets to socialize. why? because they need it. because we have to live with them. because helping each other is how we become strong.
i mean, fucking hell. imagine how much healthier, more productive, more effective, more sane our society would be if every single person graduated primary school as a greek god/goddess physically. the kind of effects that would have would be almost unimaginable.
and it wouldn't even be fucking expensive.
t. braving ruin
>You have to be 18 or older to post on this tibetan pottery forum
can anyone link the orignal video for this IMG i've lost it. please. i'm white.
>they want to genocide
>don't believe in killing
bullshit, if someone attacks you/your family would you refuse to kill them in self-defense?
>can I still be a Nazi without believing in killing off other races
yes, but they have to all be deported and you must be prepared to use force if they won't leave us alone
We need more of this.
Yes. This!
>Lately I've been growing to become a Nazi. But the main thing everyone knows about Nazis is they want to genocide black people and jews. Well I consider myself a Nazi in the sense of self-improvement. Wholesome family values. And a nice place for me and my people to live. And I don't believe in killing other people. Does that make me an ethno-nationalist. Or can I still be a Nazi without believing in killing off other races.
Your mind on socialism
Nazis don't want to genocide black people (or anyone). Jews are different -- they are a parasitic entity, their very being is about infecting others and feeding off their carcass. Nobody is safe as long as Jews exist. Nazis believe that Blacks need to shake off Jewish and Imperialist (remember Adolf was anti-Imperialist, anti-Western Empires) control, civilize themselves authentically, and join the peoples of the world.
Don't believe cartoonish portrayals of Nazis, and remember that many Neo-Nazi groups are 99% FBI.
Real NATSOC is intellectually sophisticated, scientifically rooted, and believes in the freedom of all peoples.
outrun THIS.
honestly it is hard but the true spirit behind this - naziism as a religion where you devote yourself to physical, mental, and spiritual self improvement, and devote your life something greater than yourself, this is what Sup Forums needs.
Sup Forums gets lost up it's own ass with ideology and government and problems and all this shit, and yeah there's some important stuff there but that's all secondary. it's a passion. it's a fire inside of you. it's something that our generations weren't told about, our parents fucking failed us. our society failed us. but if we don't fix it, no one will. and there's no arguing or debate or proof of it that you can memorize and repeat.
it's something that you are. it's the heroic spirit. it's the will to struggle ever upwards - it really does come for most people when they become part of something against which their own life is insignificant. it's something beautiful, worth dying for, it's a strength of heart.
hitler might have had sincere debates with christians about spirituality and beliefs, but he'd kick a fedora-tipper out into the hall on his fucking ass. this strength of belief, this spirit, this is what we need.
Living Truly in the Authentic existence of your people literally fills you with ENERGY and POWER. You run faster, jump faster, think better and faster. It is glorious.
Exactly. Skinheads disgust me and in reality they would've been shunned in nazi germany.
When I die, I sleep. And when I sleep, I dream. I believe that when I die, my dreams will be of the world that I spent my life creating.
they're feral lost boys. in nazi germany they would have been guided and taught how to act rightly.
in nazi germany they wouldn't have been left behind.
>Everyone, all around the world wants those things,
thats where youre wrong kiddo
i do not want to curb your optimist but there are plenty of sick fucks who do not want these things at all and even want these thing to be destroyed
you are right tho that waning these thing does not one national socialist make - plenty of other ideologies have had these goals in mind
>But the main thing everyone knows about Nazis is they want to genocide black people and jews.
Are you talking about larping neo-nazis or the real nazis?
As they rightfully should, user. NATSOC is such a real danger to the world order that it is made almost impossible to exist -- most of us hide our power level extra hard.
If any skinhead group had potential, the powers that be would infiltrate, drug, murder, psyops them into irrelevance and hooliganry again.
This is why we say that it is important to read and understand the classics, to work on bettering yourself, and to survive the ZOG.
Stop being a larping faggot.
> Nazis want to genocide blacks
Jesus Christ mate, have you even read Rockwell, Mein Kampf, Goebells of Henry Ford?
National Socialism advocates removing likes from their positions of financial power and removing them from the nation.
Secondly, it a nation for every race and every race in their own nation.
Go read a little and come back when you understand what your talking about.
Genocide isn't need to achieve the aims of national socialism.
Violent Genocide is a messy and unelegant affair. A modern stable national sosialist state should be able to sett up soft messures to promote racial homogeneity via systematic outbreeding.
Here is your explanation in a nutshell. American National Socialism as envisioned by George Lincoln Rockwell wasn't about exterminating anybody, it was about protecting the white race and achieving an organic state of government in harmony with nature, both human and greater than human.
It was about crafting the best of people, and encouraging the best in people, and rejecting evil and weakness wherever it could be found.
Underappreciated quints of truth.
But to help you taxonomize, "National Socialism" is a political belief. "White separatism" is a strategic belief.
"NAZI" is a derogatory term used for National Socialists. A true national socialist would never consider his/herself a "NAZI"
>systematic out breeding
or you know you could deport people, getting rid of societal trust and unrest and crime in the process
Theoretically, you don't have to kill them; you can just deport them. Problem is, they won't leave peacefully.