Human Exctiction Project

Obey the rules:

>No girlfriends
>No procreation

Everyone is welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll have an extra kid for you, OP. God bless


gl convincing people to reject their most basic biological imperative

if it was that easy more people would have tried by now

Obey the rules

Good goy. Don't reproduce like every other animal in nature. Just die quietly alone.


> (OP)
you first, homosexual


god fucking kill me now

No my friend you still have use, join the project and lead other user on the right path.

it's fake

>it's fake
I used to be able to tell, but honestly nowadays I would believe it is real.

Just got rid of my girlfriend
ready to join.

the BBC is shooped right?

>No girlfriends
>No procreation
>Much nuclear war

Im with u op we have to disappear

White, half middle eastern (christian). 4 kids,maybe i'll have more one day. Western culture won't die because of me.

Welcome brother. you are now free

>No girlfriends
>No procreation

way ahead of you

The path to my own kingdom will be paved with the corpses of faggots like you, OP.

Keep fighting the good fight

fuck off nigger this don't concern you

White people shouldn't believe these things. Even if we stop having kids overpopulation will not only not be resolved, but it will became worse. imagine a world where white people became extinct and niggers roam the world free. It would be hell on earth, just like Africa is nowadays.

Now I am going to impregnate. A fat mestizo cause s o o gud cummins

i second this
our time is nye