Can Balts be considered honorary Nords?
Think about it. We wuz Pagans n shiet.
Can Balts be considered honorary Nords?
>Can Balts be considered honorary Nords?
Why would they be honorary? Why can't they just be proud of being Balts?
i'd take balts over shitskins and negroes any day, zyrgo galva
No, you are honorary Slavs. In reality are just potatoeless sprats.
Not really, you Balts have a very Unique head.
A mix between Nordic, East Baltic, and Alpine is the master race. Mediterraneans I will allow. Dinaric i'm afraid don't make the cut
It's "sheeeit". The long "e" comes before the "it"
thats a slav baby
Why the hell would you want to be a nord, especially these days?
Only Fins
Not balts, kek.
no proper Balt would ever want to be a nordcuck
You are honorary northern Slavs like finns
Its a broad term m8, Poolish are considered baltic as well.
>honorary slav
Poolish are slav m9
I think Estonians and Latvians should, given their Swedish and German history. As for the Lithuanians, they were rather close to the Kievan Rus and Polotsk from the very beginning, afterwards intermigling with the Poles. Lithuanians can't be Nordic.
But so did Latvians and Estonians.
They were mostly part of the Swedish empire and also the Livonian order prior to this which was a puppet state of the teutons from Brandenburg.
They had the same fate of late under the USSR, but that's a different thing.
But they were a part of the Russian empire as well
Yes, the Latvians hadn't had any Russian influence before the midst 16th century though, and by then the Lithuanians had already occupied ruthenian and polotskian lands and started cooperating with the Poles.
Notice that in Lithuania dark haired people are a common occurrence, while in Estonia they are rare.
We are. Lithuanians can't decide between being baltic and Polish and Estonians don't have any other friends beside Finland so they try to become nordic.
Maybe that's why we didn't have our own national SS division.
Balts are fags
Dinarized is one of the most common phenotypes in Europe, especially Central Europe. Hitler was Dinaricized.
Thus Lithuanians aren't nordic, right? And as far as I know they don't really like the Poles and most of them stick to the Nordic label. What draws Latvia closer to the North is also the finnic livonians living in the west. Latvians and Estonians are also Lutheran, unlike the Catholic Lithuanians (not a nordic faith).
The nutjobs from the gestapo considered balts subhuman as well, they have used latvians to fight off the soviet troops.
Lithuanian posters are the worst compared to other balldicks.
You still outclass the Romanian posters. Most of us don't even know proper English, but instead they merely bix nood some hackneyed curses or buzzwords.
But amongst Baltics, Latvian posters make the best posts, followed by Estonians.
Livoninians are a meme. The Latvian tribes assimilated the few livonian tribes 1000 years ago. Thus we have some finnic genes and language traits. And that's it, there is no such thing as livonian for quite a while now.
They didn't consider us sub-human. Himmler liked Latvians and Estonians. He even allowed us to make our own provisional government.
Lithuanians didn't have an SS unit because they didnt trust them due to high partizānus activity
Rightful Deutschritterorden clay
This right here is what I would consider a great state!
East Baltic looks like Rosenberg so no. And Slavic is a language group
>The nutjobs from the gestapo considered balts subhuman as well
Nice disinfo, (((you)))
Balts are true nords and eternal members of the nord-club. /Balt/ should open up the national chapters of the Nordic Resistance Movement. I know several people in SMR who agree with me on this.
Prussia was a result of Teutonic and Baltic interbreeding - this clearly created a superior race and is a sign of the Nordic nature of balts.
>mfw Baltic savagery and German Autism created the best nation in history and now its gone
Himmler also liked the Galicians when it came to holding out against the Soviets or infiltrating the Galiciams into the ranks of the Soviets, but he would still label them as subhuman slavs.
The Order was named after them, the reason it was named after them was maybe because they made up the greatest procent of the population there. How did Latvians give the name of that land anyway? How did the assimilation happen?
Fuck off with your nazi bullshit meant to pander to the subhuman sven through those images of 3d females stuck there in a beta orbiting manner.
The map you have posted is the Finnic dna. The core of Prussia - Brandenburg - had nothing to do with the Baltic peoples. East Prussia was an enclave.
Prussia has nothing to do with the Baltics. Nibba do you even?
Balts have and are one of the most ancient aryan cultures of all europe along with germany and scandinavia italy and greece so fuck off
Fuck off gypsy scum. Mixed Fenno-Baltic-Tengric and Germanic DNA has created the most intelligent and powerful race in the world. Prove me wrong
Pro-tip: You can't
No, the order and land was named after them because Livonians were the first tribe the Germans stumbled upon when they landed. Also the first tribe to join the Germans.
Also, balts aren't slavs so Himmler could've thought what he wanted about slavs and I still wouldn't care.
Finns are Mongols, Slavs are subhuman
Fuck off shill may fascio crush your skull wherever you are
you can just tell a croatian or bosnian made this lmao,that line is absolutely unnatural.
when i think porteuguese i think of the most degenerates of 1600s frenchmen and spaniards being sent to an island where they cant bother anybody, sort of like a leper colony for sweaty, disgusting, smelly rejects of sweaty, smelly, disgusting cultures.
Tengrism is a religion you dimwit. I can't because "Tengric" isn't a race. "Finnic" isn't a race either, but a linguistic group. Permians are a different race from Finns.
Thanks for the info! Is Romuva a thing in Latvia in the same way Asatru is in Scandinavia?
That map is flawed on so many levels.
Those are all English words I know yet I can't grasp the essence of your text.
I consider myself an honorary balt, I hope one day we can work together with Poland, Slovakia and hungary to keep Europe European and rebuild it from ashes
So that we'd get slav'd again? Thanks but no thanks.
Dievturība is on a semi meme level. We still participate in all of our folk traditions, myths and such things, they haven't gone away or anything, but we're Lutheran on paper.
There are some people who practice it openly, our president has declared he's a pagan
you have yellow in your flag, this amuses me
So you wanna get blacked and muslimed instead?
It's either this or that, assuming we ever fix our economy
and that will only happen when people realize we can't have 50% of the people working in the public sector
a: i no like slavs
b: you must like musloids then
a: ...
Congratulations, you've understood 97% if pol
There are two sides you can take right now
The communism pushing, foreigner dick loving, LGBTBBQ west or nationalistic, christian, family values east europe, which side do you think will have the inteligence to take europe in 100 years of race mixing?
lmao, this so much
Read up on him now, great man. I love Latvia now. How was the news about him being a pagan received, especially by the religious elders?
For an American, yellow has indeed a unique meaning - fries, peanut butter, chicken, lemon cake.
Have you noticed the trend, usually exhibited by burgers, of hailing and worshipping Poland and especially putting polish women on a pedestal?
Get off Sup Forums for a few days, you are living in a world of memes. Communist afficionados here in eastern Europe are usually conservative too (see all the old communist nostalgics in virtually every eastern eu country).
I guess trying to preserve Baltic Lithuanians isn't Nationalistic enough, kek.
He isn't a great man though, quite a shit president. Learn about Kārlis Ulmanis, now he was a hero. Turned Latvia from a post war bombed-to-fuck shithole into the 10th richest country in Europe. We could use someone like him now.
Also most of Americans base their knowledge on memes. You can post a t-90 with red lights and a text "feed me chechens" and they'll think that Russia is this powerful white untouched nation when in reality it's run by chechen mafia
Haven't you noticed how badly germany wants to spread their shitskins all over europe?
the only reason they're not staying here is because the gibs are bigger elsewhere, if we ever climbed out our economic shithole, they'd line right up for gibs here as well
I never said anything about mixing with slavs, I only said that allience with those countires would be the most beneficial in the long run.
Why would you think that countries which dont wanna be mixed and culturaly destroyed would do it among themselves?
Americans think they judge freely while watching their conservative podcasts and spouting the worn out arguments they get fed there. I hate American politics, I hate conservativism and liberalism alike.
Muslims are okay, arabs are not. Muslims don't chimp out in Tatarstan or Dobruja. In comparison, arabs are not so big a problem but nigs are. Race matters more. Nationalism is also an obsolete way of judging.
No. Nords can be considered honorary balts.
Restoration of Livonia when?
A Baltic Union would be better.
no Baltics have retained their paganism inspite of christian chimping.
They are even better than Nordcucks.
I don't care what belief a person has as long as it doesn't cause disharmony and pointless conflicts in society i.e. budhism, unfortunately muslims are very judgemental of everyone who is not muslim.
Have you ever talked to a refugee?
They genuinly believe europeans are meant by allah to serve them and that is why we are giving them shelter, gibs and dressing our women sluttly for them to choose from and take.
maybe no unions need to be changed, EU is great for shengen and trade zones, the thing that imo is crossing the line is their belief that they are the example of how every country should be, bossing and ordering around the rest of us.
I don't really care about women anymore. I have grown too bitter for this, but their killing agenda is indeed unfit for Europe, but not all muslims are like this. It's usually the subhumans from south Asia and the Arabian peninsula who think so, North Africans are more civilised, let alone the European muslims (of Mongolic heritage from Russia).
You lost me at " EU is great"
Sorry if you got me wrong, I fully agree with you on this, native Europeans can take upon any religion and be resonable and I never even paid atenttion to them, I was just trying to say that this uncotrolled immigration from other continents is very damaging to our culture and the effects are going to be most visible in a few decades, I simply don't want my nation and heritage to be destroyed right after we manage to fix our economic state
>inb4 that never happens and we stay europoor forever
EU was made as a way to make trading among countries simpler, stimulating the the economy has never been a negative thing
Sure that's what "they" want you to think.
Balts can't even stay in their own country.
Balts are based
I agree. All Lithuanians should come back to Lithuania.
We'll make sure they do after Brexit. Don't worry :^)
Back then (they) werent even that publicly known, it seemed like a pretty sweet deal to join the EU
Thanks for taking in our wiggers
The inteligent ones stay cause they find decent work while staying at home, not really a loss
Switched to phone so id is different
>berating others for travelling
Really makes you think
Fuck that shit. Your homeland should be above all "muh career" bullshit.
There is no career in berry picking, user
Let the wiggers go
The more of them leave - the more intelligent our next generation is going to be
Lithuanian posters are the worst.
Most are 17-19, because anyone who's older doesn't bother with this shitty website (except me).
Internet culture is really young here, literally nobody here delved into Sup Forums in the 00s. And the ones who did grew out of it. So we have a bunch of fucking kids who like normie memes, making fun of other poor lithuanians from small towns (haha xD dumb poor maroz) and don't remember the internet pre social media.
if I could ban every lithuanian IP address, I would. But I can't. So I wander this website like a vagrant.
Typical self hating Lithuanian.
You got me xdddd
Fucking defeatist propaganda
All defeatists should be executed in Gediminas Avenue.
so what am I supposed to do? praise my countrymen's incompetence? patriotism is also accepting that something is wrong, not just blind loyalty. and the meme game in Lithuania is shit.
t. proud professional internet autist
Nice try slavposter
I am going to sexually fuck balt girls
Do you really want people who hate Lithuania back?
They'll keep voting for communist and globalist parties so they could leave again
Ha. "Voting"
>doesn't believe in democracy
Who's the defeatist again?
I am seconding this on Romanian posters and the internet culture.
>balts are balts, nords are nords
end of story