It's dead. Where do we go now?

It's dead. Where do we go now?

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Just use mpv


My free software brothers.

Works fine for me

lurk for 2 years before posting newfag

enjoy your autism




What happened to it? It kept crashing for me a few months back so I just installed some other codec pack

Install Gentoo + mpv

You probably have conflicting codecs. You have to clean install everything when you install codec packs. KCP works fine for me.

>codec packs
Decent players have already all built-in.


Did that when I reinstalled. Thanks though

>Not installing from the repo

>Showa 91
>not using mpv


Just no.
MPC-HC is enough to play anything nowadays.

>MPC-HC is enough to play anything nowadays.

So is VLC

VLC is too hard, it's got all these weird fucking menus and shit. I just want to play videos and not deal with any of that shit so I use mpv.

Not exactly, vlc still have problems with subs while MPC no.

>I'm retarded

Is MediaLAN paying you people to shill?

But you would be unable to show me even one example that is still reproducible with an up-to-date build of libass and VLC.

VLC is free you fucking retard


I'll keep using mpv, thanks

is mpv on windows good?

I don't care

I think he's right, you are retarded.

Which is what makes it all the more puzzling that they'd spend donation money to pay for you to shill it and not to actually improve the abyssal UI.

You'd think somebody could make a player that doesn't have any weird big ass menus and just gave you 5 buttons - back, play, forward, toggle subs, and toggle audio - and would not require hours of configuration?

Oh wait they did and it's called mpv.

I installed MPC-HC fucking ages ago and stopped caring about media players because it does the job. If KCP is dead, can't you just download and use an older version of the codec pack? Surely the one that worked perfectly a month ago or whatever will continue to work.

When do you actually need to update codec packs?

Of course they'd reach out to the loudest tripfags on the board to shill their shitty player. Will you defend it when they add advertisements to cover your payroll?

>and would not require hours of configuration
Since when does VLC require hours of configuration?

This isn't Sup Forums, your retarded buzzwords don't carry any weight here. When a tripcunt is right, that's probably the time to stop acting like a retard. No one wants to be worse than a tripfag.

>I have no argument

It's not just good, it's the best.

Ditch those garbage codec packs and clunky Windows-98 style media players which make your laptop heat up and run slow and get mpv, the most modern and advanced video player in existence.

>I went off my trip to pretend like multiple people care about my shitty player

>When do you actually need to update codec packs?

h.264 mainstream was the last big one

Who seriously uses a laptop? Desktop for normal stuff, tablet for reading manga, watching stuff in bed, fapping, etc. Laptops are pointlessly expensive and limited.

Who the fuck needs a "codec pack"? Which operating system/media player combination leaves you unable to decode h264/h265?

You're fucking paranoid mate. I like said: when you're acting more retarded than a tripcunt, it's time to stop.

Since the day VLC devs built their shitty player.

People with jobs - ah, what am I saying.

Nevermind, you're right.

Outside of a few Windows-specific bugs it's on par with mpv on Linux.

However the software uses the traditional design of software built for Unix-systems though, which you may not be familiar with, and it's only made worse by Window's questionable design of it's command-line interface, terminal emulators, shells, and filesystem layout.

Compiling/installing the software on Linux is done in a very standard and common manner, mpv through the command line works in a very standard and common way for software on Unix systems, and configuring it through putting command-line options into a text file is also very standard and common.

If you have never used anything but Windows this may seem strange to you and confuse you. Please be sure that you are not confusing your bewilderment or incompetence with faults in the software.

People who went to college use laptops. I still use mine to watch my animus. I hook it up to a TV, though.

t. neet who never goes outside

As good as mpc-hc. I've run it and mpc and besides the obvious difference thanks the user interface in the second, there is not really some great improvement.

I just like mpc since I make playlists by "drag and drop" files into the box.

>It's not just good, it's the best.
Not really, it's about the same. If you don't like the appearance just change to screen mode only in mpc and that's it.

There are tons of stuff that can't be possible up to date, specially when it comes to BD and DVD stuff, so stop lying you fucking bastard.

VLC is good for streaming purposes, and being able to configure a small network. I agree that the UI is terrible.

There was a time when I'd think you were just taking the piss but that's long gone

>calls me retarded
>uses vlc
I bet you like SHAFT too.

>Not really, it's about the same. If you don't like the appearance just change to screen mode only in mpc and that's it.
No, it's the best. It even plays well with touchscreen, something MPC will probably never do.

I'm too retarded for mpv. Like I don't know how to change the save path for screenshots and to keep the filenames like MPC does.

You sound like a used car salesman.

We've already established that you're retarded, but do you literally have brain damage or something? The controls are so fucking self explanatory that someone who can't read English could probably still use it. Only thing I customized was changing the keyboard shortcuts so it only took a single keypress to take a screenshot.
I find a laptop to be the perfect balance between my need for flexibility/power with my need for portability. Tablets are too locked-down to do a lot of stuff with.

I was thinking more along the lines of late night infomercial guy, but close enough I guess.

>this thread

Thanks for putting the trip back on, makes it easy to ignore your sick promoted posting.

By the way, mpv does what you had to customize out of the box.

Is it really dead? I haven't seen the creator comment on this at all.

Is MPV really better than VLC? Does it allow custom skins as well?

Everything is better than VLC

On the KCP thread someone compiled an updated version of the codec pack, you could always try using that. If it doesn't work just install each component manually to MPC.

Or you could use mpv

New versions of Wangblows are killing KCP.

just download everything individually?

How so?

Wait, I may be out of the loop here, but what is wrong with Combined Community Codec Pack?

I don't browse Sup Forums as much as I used to, and that's what I've been using for these past 10 years.

I don't know, but a bald man needs to die.

Nice malware.

KCP doesn't work on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition. I didn't really trouble shoot, I just uninstalled it and started using mpv.

Video players have been stuck in the 80s until mpv came along. (Although Linux people already had a taste with mplayer and its derivatives).
mpv just makes all the closed source/platform exclusive stuff that came before it look like total garbage.

Everyone who downgraded to Winpoo 10 deserves that their software breaks. A sane person would have stayed on Win7

>Is MPV really better than VLC? Does it allow custom skins as well?

mpv uses no graphical toolkit, it's just a window with video inside it with the sole exception of an on-screen display drawn over the video, and optionally an on-screen controller drawn over the video that is shown here: The OSD is just text to show info, no inputs can be preformed upon it. You can customize the font and colors of this text.

The OSC has a few different layouts/styles but does not appear to be significantly cosmetically customizable without editing the source-code behind it.

It took all of five seconds to change. Mpv is literally a meme player and you know it.

With VLC I've never had to hassle with codecs, on any operating system. Ever. It can also convert files, and even has a plugin to use JACK for its audio. You have no fucking clue what a half-decent media player even is.

>literally within 2 seconds

You have to be a fucking retard to use a codec pack in the current year.

Just use pulse already you fucking autist. You're not a god damn musician, there's no reason for you to use JACK.

>With VLC I've never had to hassle with codecs, on any operating system.
neither does mpv
>Ever. It can also convert files
>and even has a plugin to use JACK for its audio.
>You have no fucking clue what a half-decent media player even is.
I do, it's called mpv
I can hit post on my phone and computer at the same time too.

sorry but if I have to choose between performance and continued delusion that Microsoft has no access to my life if I stay on 7, I will always choose the former.

t. vlcposter

Do you even know what the fuck JACK is? It's like the most God-tier way to listen to audio. You haven't LIVED until you've used JACK with a decent speaker system.
There is a way to have both, you know. It's called, "Linux".

>You have no fucking clue what a half-decent media player even is.

I agree with you on the Linux but VLC is still trash and JACK is still for autismos.

By the way, don't forget that it's GNU/Linux you fucking fag.

Listen, you braindead shits.

You don't need some codec pack with shit you don't even know in it.
You either use MPC-HC, which by default comes with LAV filters and libass support, or you use mpv, which is based on ffmpeg.

These will play everything, even shitty proprietary codecs no one uses anymore, like real media.
If you want to enhance MPC-HC you can also install madVR and, optionally (I really don't think it makes a difference), xy-vsfilter.

I am going to assume you aren't actually too retarded for mpv. This is also for lurkers who are considering mpv but don't know how to start configuring it.

1. make an mpv.conf as according to

2. read how to set options in the configuration file as according to

3. set the screenshot options that you want as according to

Other options are set in exactly the same way except for ones that require user input during playback.
Those are set in input.conf located preferably in the same directory as mpv.conf. Instructions for configuring input.conf are in

Notice how everything you need is in the manual.


>You haven't LIVED until you've used JACK with a decent speaker system.
You'd think somebody this autistic would understand why VLC is a bad player.

Or just use mpv and not do any of these things.

>you can maintain delusion that microsoft doesn't have access to your life if you use linux
tripshits in charge of reading comp

I've figuratively never had a problem with VLC, I have no idea what ya'll are on about.

>Or just use mpv and not do any of these things.
It would help if you read the stuff you reply to. I mentioned mpv in there.

Besides, you can "just use MPC-HC" and not do anything else, it comes with all most people need. Unless they need video postprocessing, then they'd just need madVR.

After drunkly reading this thread I have concluded that no one knows what they're talking about and are basing comparisons on fictitious facts

You don't win a debate with facts

This, codecpacks are a meme in this day and age.

not an argument

>shilling this hard

wtf I hate mpv now

What's dead about it? Mine still works.

How does mpv stand against mpc-hc with madVR?

>That commit description.
kek. based wm4

The only the mad about madVR is the amount of gpu power it uses for a completely placebo result.

Ditch the closed source garbage.

What's wrong with cccp? My autism is focused on other things so I haven't been keeping up with codec shit as much.