Redpill speech

So I'm in year 12 (yes I'm 18, I'm old enough) and I plan on making my speech about why Australia shouldn't accept Syrian refugees

I unfortunately have to keep my true 'racist' intentions hidden and will have to stick solely to facts and figures that are less controversial.

I was thinking I'll probably include things like how Saudi Arabia hasn't accepted any refugees despite having room for over a million, or how we cannot economically sustain the growth in population etc.

Any sources or ideas you might have would be appreciated

Year 12 is for 16/17 year olds, you fucking invalid. You got moved down a year, or you're lying you retard.

Lol go do your hw

1. Most refugees are young men. These are future doctors, lawyers, and scientists - not to mention hard workers. The rich elite want to steal these people from their native land and have them come work here as our low paid labor force. No more colonialism. They should stay in their own land, with their families, and wives, and help make their country prosper.

2. Refugees don't know our language, religion, or culture. It's cheaper to settle them in neighbouring countries with similar languages, religion, and culture - and lower cost of living - e.g. Jordan. Bringing in refugees is about making you feel good and making sure rich capitalists get cheap labor. Resettling refugees in neighbouring countries is about doing what is good. Making a mature decision with THEIR best interest at heart.

In Australia year 12 is for 17/18, here we start at 5-6 and end at 18, we don't start at 4 unlike you, funnily enough different countries have different ways of doing things

Talk about how we shouldn't be accepting refugees when we can't even deal with the problems of indigenous Australians

Thank you, first person to be helpful, appreciated mate

lmao go brush yer teeth

>(yes I'm 18, I'm old enough)

You're mathematically a piece of shit and don't belong here. Do actual goddamn research you lazy piece of shit. Are you looking for research or are you letting me know that we can have ourselves a legally safe consensual fuck because you're
>(old enough)

Note taken

>how can we accept refugees when the Aboriginal people are still suffering?
Use the natives against them.

I was mostly just saying that I'm 18 because it's in violation of the rules if I'm under 18, it was just a confirmation, also I already have done my own research and written 3/4 of my speech, I was just hoping to find the last few points that I need to make the finishing touches, calm down

1. A. Opening about how abbos got fucked by whitey. This will confuse them
B. Parallel this to modern colonialism with the kaliphate (or be more subtle and just talk about how, "if you think the abbos had it bad, just imagine if they were colonized by Syrians..."
C. Thesis: Although many Australians continue to believe that we must accept Syrian refugees, problems with assimilation, refugee demographics, and fiscal responsibility pose serious challenges to Australia's refugee program.

I like it, have a little edge to it, something different they won't quite expect, thank you, much appreciated

You legend

here in germany many ppl moved to the political right. especially bc it seemed like merkel was more invested in helping foreigners than to help the own citizens who have problems (homelessnes, low wages)

So if you bring in "refugees" and at the same time have lots of people who are in bad situations themselves, prepare yourself to have a political swing to the right (like europe experiences right now)

If you want to prevent right wingers, don't bring in "refugees"
Thats not a racist argument

Very true, thanks for that, always good to have word from someone who is physically experiencing the refugee crisis

Put a lot of emphasis on the environmental aspect of things. Compare per capita carbon usage in Australia vs. either Syria itself or nearby nations like Jordan or Lebanon.

tell them all muslims are terrorists and we should do more than kick them out
redpill ur teachers kid

Could have used a bigger swing though.
Sure the AfD got in and die GrĂ¼nen are finally landing in the trash where they belong but Merkel is still going to be around and you still have an 'adjustable' 200k immigrants coming per year.

Things went downhill after Germany had to cede its oldest lands.

help the aussie user with his red-pilling.

i just went through the statistics. regarding education the syrians arent that bad. Its more the afghans and pakistanis who are mostly illiterate and literate at best (in arabic).

will go through the crime stats now. but i don't think the syrians are the real problem. In germany it's more the nafris and afghans

I'd love to, it's incredibly tempting, but I can guarantee it wouldn't end well at all

That's a great idea, thanks

better yet OP, make it a "racist" speech. When you get called out on it, ask them to define the word racism. Make sure it's the correct definition then tell them that not wanting people from a certain region is not racist. You aren't arguing against Lebanese immigration and they are of the same race as the Syrians.

you'll get away with it if it's internal cunt, it doesn't even matter what happens internally if you pass the exam

only good educated and wealthy syrians can afford to pay the human smugglers.
So you by taking syrians in, you take away all the good educated syrians from syria.
I think it's called brain-drain.
That is not helpful, when you want to rebuild syria.
If an user could confirm that there are safe areas in syria, you could argue that they should stay there to help rebuild syria (now and in the near future).

Talk about how it doesn't fix the problem. That many Syrians don't want to be refugees and that taking refugees is the easy way out that doesn't solve the problem a crisis in Syriia and drains the country of productive individuals who could help solve that problem potentially making Syrias recovery harder. . Then play the interview of the Syrian guy on CNN who thanks trump for attacking Assad and tells the anchor that he doesn't want to be a refugee and just wants to reclaim Syria.

I'll consider it, maybe if I use the right wording I could do it, maybe you're right and I'm being a pussy
Very true, I hadn't thought of that, thanks for all your help user, I know being nice is generally not common on this board and I'll probably come off as a pussy, but thanks, you've been a great help

you can only take in a very small number of syrians compared to the milliions of syrian -refugees- most of whom stay in syria or go to neighbouring countries.. Especially the women , children, old ppl and poor ppl. cant afford the journey (bc of health or resources).
If you want to help them, and not the mostly young male, well off syrians, you want to help the syrians in syria.

With the same resources it costs to provide for a syrian in the west, you can easily help 3 syrians in lebanon, jordan or syria. Thats the ethical thing to do. Help more people and especially the ones in more need (women and children over young able men).

Yes, note how in Rome, there was a habit of replacing the natives with conquered foreigners, sending natives to take over the foreigner land. Manifest destiny is bad,

That's a great point, and that CNN interview too, genius idea

to souce this, just check out how many syrians "flee" to neighboring countries, how many to europe and how many stay in syria.
You will find that the most flee to neighboring countries, the second most stay in syria and only a small portion (sth. like 10%) go to europe.
That means, if you want to really help the 90% and especially the ones who can't afford the expensive journey. You want to help syyrians in syria, lebanon and jordan.

If then someone says you should bring the women, children to aussieland, you can say that the huge number of them is just to big, and with the same resources you could help way more ppl if they stay in syria; lebanon, jordan.
Bc housing and feeding in aussieland costs way more than in those sandboxes


also one counter-argument, if someone sayst they "flee for their lives".
say that syrians would be safe in turkey, yet they still go up to sweden.

They don't need to go half around the world just to rescue their lives and wellbeing.

ok, now the overall structure:

beginning question:
How can we help syrians (most effect per resouces; help all, not just few).

Establish that they don't need to come to the west to be in safety.

Establish that you would help syria and the syrians the most with the method of helping them in their own sandbox.

Tell them that it is unsustainable for refugees to come here, talk about the cost of living the house prices and such and that in the end you are only importing a lower class society that does not integrate.

Propose the solution of ending the war in Syria with Assad in power and the encouragement of the return of syrian refugees

Done and done, very helpful

>be like: "If this was a safe thing to do, don't you think Israel would have accepted any refugees?"

>I'm in Year 11 in Aus to man

if he talks to blue pilled ppl, you shouldn't kick the red-pill in that fast.
If your whole premise is to help syrians, the blue pilled ppl. will listen and if your arguments are good, they will believe.

Also: Syrians arent Nafris. And Nafris are the ones who commit the most crime.

That's a great point
I'm in Victoria as well, thanks for those links, I'll check them out

You already have massive social issues that require funding, drug addictions, homelessness, suicide, mental illness. National socialism is logical, normies need to realise.

Spam them with the abo cause as well, and how this funding should be diverted to muh natives.

Good point on saudi too. Muslim, richest country on earth. Dont overplay this hand just let it sit.

And if you want, australias gov debt is massive and its the next generation whose stuck with it, paying down debt is vital.

a land is private property of the community that doesn't have to be share with anyone outside of that community.