Sup Forums, show me your favorite nazi anime girls
Sup Forums, show me your favorite nazi anime girls
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Sup Forums,
How many times will it take before you take a hint and leave?
Sup Forums makes up most of Sup Forums. Do you want this board to die?
You'd be surprised if I told you..
Well, that certainly explains why the place has gone to shit. That and reddit.
Fuck off tripfag
Don't worry, it'll be less cancerous when the summerfags take a hint and fuck off back to Facebook. Happens every year.
Don't worry the summerfags will leave. They're all over Sup Forums too.
Most Sup Forums crossboarders from Sup Forums know how to speak Sup Forums and only go full autism once fascism or Hitler is mentioned.
We also make up 80% of the GuP threads
>tripfag bitching about Sup Forums going to shit
Oh ho ho.
Back to your shitty board.
You should go to Reddit too. They don't post anonymously there either.
Back to your shitty site
Go sit on a dick.
You're not helping newtrip.
I refer you to
I told you asshats before we don't want you here.
YOu have your containment board and you can spew your hate there. But let us alone.
Fuck off tripfag
>muh 4chink hugbox offends me with nazis
w-where is this from?
>spew your hate
I knew it. Reddit and Tumblr is destroying this board by terraforming it as an another annie may site pandering for them. I fucking thought it was just a meme
The day of the rope is coming, tripfaggot.
Uh oh, is the lefty triggered?
Tumblr is thataway, senpai.
One of Alicesoft's most dissapointing games. Just play Sengoku Rance or Daibanchou instead.
>guize guize look at me I'm so edgy am I cool yet
Tumblr is down the hall and to the left you fucking whale.
I'm only offended that by your stupidity.
You have a whole board for your content, and you're so dumb you can't keep it where it belongs.
THis is not relevant to this board.
my fucking sides
>spew your hate there
This screams tumblr to me.
>taking off your trip to pretend multiple people agree with you wew
That's not anime, senpai.
Remember guys, if you haven't filtered him already do so now
Thanks f a m. I have a lack of Japanese Cartoon smugs on my folder
I would do unspeakable things to Winkle
Her friend sadly has a bad case of being from Argentina
Filtering is just like turning your head away from a problem so you don't have to think about it. We need to convince Hiroshima to remove trips.
This thread is too edgy for me.
pls no
I want the Sup Forums to leave and take the tripguy with them!
Hey guys, these threads are not allowed, mkay?
Be nice to each other.
Remove all shilling on Sup Forums first
This. Please.
>Take the tripguy with them
>implying Sup Forums takes in refugees
I think we both know I'd have a much easier time convincing him to remove Sup Forums instead. Containment has clearly failed. You should all go back to Sup Forums or Fagfront.
That would also be a good final solution
I don't understand.
They wont remove Sup Forums. Ever.
This has been tried since /new/.
Ha! You barely have the intellectual capacity to convince a toddler the sky is blue.
That's a fucking riot, friendo.
I just made a whole thread about keeping those shitty edits off of here.
Man, sounds like you're a lot of fun. You don't even seem like a CTR shill, you just seem like a genuinely detestable and unlikable personality.
Get some friends, get a tan.
That shop is laughably bad.
Found her, thanks anyway.
>You barely have the intellectual capacity to convince a toddler the sky is blue
I take it you would know, being the toddler in question.
It's not my work, buddy. I couldn't care less.
Even Hillbots are now on Sup Forums? My goodness.
Communists > Fascists
Why would I want a personality that attracts a guy like you?
You're some doofus that post about nazis on an anonymous forum, but doesn't have the balls to say anything in public.
Post girls with maga hats?
People paid by organizations like Correct the Record to post on social media come to this site among others to convince people that voting for the Democrats is ever a good idea.
Get the fuck off this board.
I think that this guy has the right idea
I know you weren't here when it happened, but moot tried to do that once and he regretted it almost immediately. Fuck off. Don't you have a piece of paper to be paying for?
You don't know me. You don't know me at all. And I don't think you'd want to either.
I only hang out with the hottest dudes, and obviously you're not one of them.
Oh fuck yeah man.
Fuck off already, worthless nigger.
>being a dirty red
and capitalists/individualists > all
Fuck off, I'm not even from Sup Forums but Sup Forums culture is what wards people away from this place. It's a defense mechanism, per se.
Better than a fascist pig.
Beep beep boop boop vote Hillary.
Better dead than red.
>any better
But Democrats are winning user, it's not odd that people would be saying this.
Now, this discussion belongs on Sup Forums, not Sup Forums.
No I would''t want to know a bigot.
>I only hang out with the hottest dudes, and obviously you're not one of them.
That sounds rather homosexual. So...
thanks for Correcting The Record!
Commie subs suck. Therefore communism sucks
I thought Trump wanted to build the wall, not destroy it.
Fuck off.
Warsman is the only acceptable red.
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, Tumblr's two blocks down.
Good, so you'll refrain from posting here?
I seriously want to know how Sup Forums will handle Trump losing. It's inevitable. He's free-falling in the polls.
Workers of the world unite!
True. But its just memes because SNK has a very large wall to keep invaders out.