Why are white nationalists almost overwhelmingly from lower-income, lower-education backgrounds...

Why are white nationalists almost overwhelmingly from lower-income, lower-education backgrounds? Why do they often come from less well-educated and affluent areas? Why are they often very young?

Because people who have no prospects in life or feel empty inside will latch onto anything that makes them feel they are a part of something larger than them.

It's the same reason whores become SJWs.
It's the same reason Muslims join ISIS.
It's the same reason most of Sup Forums does nothing but shitpost and browse social media.

young men with too much testosterone and see no prospects. exact same thing as arab spring

when you have less your haritage means more.

lower class people feel the effects of "Diversity" first

as they have little social standing to lose they are the first to speak about it , even if that is misdirected.

stop spamming these threads you dingus

For some people, the system can buy them out

Materialism is attractive until you realize it is meaningless. But by the time many people realize that, its too late.

>why are there so many more lower-income, lower-educated people than upperclassmen?

Why do leftists constantly put their hang ups on rightwingers?

Shill thread.

Why is the base of the pyramid also the widest?

Because that's the same place niggers come from

Nigger stfu
I'm 33
135k salary
Masters degree
And I'm racist as fuck
So I say again


What you call "higher education" are camps for leftist indoctrination.
Also they are the people hit the hardest by programs such as affirmative action and immigration and in return forced to act.

Because the only ones willing to become visible are the ones with little or nothing to lose. But there are plenty people who are watching what is going on. They are here, and when the time comes, you will know they are.

How I Rectified My Bougie Hatred Of The Lower Class Against My Love Of Communist Revolution

Because the smarter and better educated know that political suicide isn't limited to politicians.

Good luck finding a good job to pay off your student loan if you're vocal about your opinions.

Undeducated retards tend to be poor. Poor and stupid people tend to blame others for their poverty.
Smart people generally understand that any social system can be played to gain personal benefit, so they focus on doing that, instead of trying to change the system.

On Building A Better Life For The Poor: If They Arent White, That Is

Basically this, and pic related

It's been said before so let's say it again:

There are 2 types of Conservative - Snake Oil Salesmen and Snake Oil customers.

99% are Customers.

Majority of high class whites hate niggers with a passion see Shillary , Jared Taylor etc

fuck that fuck you kys
attitude like that got bongistan the way it is now.

>meme flag
>1 post by this I.D.

Can you guys please be vigilant of shill threads? Why would you even want to validate this "persons" question with response? Sup Forums is really being ruined by shills and newfaggots.

This isn’t true and the people giving your retarded, baiting question genuine responses are retarded. The alt right and white nationalists are predominantly middle-class, poor people are easily led and will therefore just accept the propaganda due to their lower IQ but people in the alt-right are able to see past the media’s lies and disingenuous coverage, and uncover the Marxist agenda whilst reading up on the matter and basing their opinions off logic and statistics. Fuck off huffpo.

It’s because all they have is that they are “white”, in a world where race is becoming more and more less important they will be nobody

Lefties broke civil society and didn't check what was on the other side of all those fences. Some of them needed to come down, sure.
Some of the others were helping people find the path in life. I don't think religion was one of the necessary ones, but it's hard to create a social experience intense-yet-safe enough without it.
People need something that they can take 100% seriously in order to practice mental discipline. The sort of people who go around questioning everything don't seem good at putting that together.

Because us dirt people actually have to deal with reality on a daily basis.

because rich white people dont have to interact with non white people on a daily basis

Shills literally everywhere including OP. Saged.

Those white rich enough are the extreme minority and are too subverted by the status quo/jews/whatever you want to call it. This composes the majority of whites recognized by the media, why whites have this absurd guilt and why cuckolding is associated by whites. The visible minority take part.

Those whites not rich tend not to have gone to Harvard or Princeton or Berkeley or MIT, but being white tend to have very high IQ's on average. As such they recognize that there is something very seriously wrong with the state of affairs. Sometimes they are right in identifying the source, sometimes not. This is all evidence of a massive awakening, however, and the OP is attempting to subvert.


>yfw this is true
>yfw individualism is the true redpill

sheltered leftists are the most racist of of all.They have a god complex and believe niggers and spics cant think for themselves

You’re a fucking idiot, it’s “less and less important”.

I only hope one person at least reads this, particularly the massive influx of newfags to Sup Forums. Realize that this board is under siege. Realize this is not the place to get unbiased opinions but rather to realize the true disillusion of ideological subversion.

And Why California and New york state is literally feudal system

White working class don't own house, nigger don't own house , spic don't own house

every body is renter slave

It's just high tech-feudalism that Elite exploit every one

Look at the people very carefully who are the one saying about Equality

They are all came from White upper/middle class who live in gated bubble

When Ultra Liberal Lord import minority into school or white neighborhood

budget Spending is up , achievement going down , Crime is up , Property values going down

Is it ((Equality)) mean Everybody must equally poor and brown, so ((Elite)) can exploit them ?

Are you actually retarded? Or did you just not actually read?

I gave my opinion on the matter since OP asked a question; I niether advocate nor practice it.


Leftist spend no time thinking about niggers and spics, how much of a fucking dipshit are you? If you could calculate time and energy spent on thinking about nigger and spics Leftists wouldn't come CLOSE to nazifags.

Nazifags literally spend ALL DAY AND NIGHT thinking about niggers, jews and spics. There is nothing else in their heads.

Stupid spell check ruined that

this is the correct answer.

there are hardly any real nazifags tho. that's why pretty much 99% of any sort of hate or actual bigotry is a hoax or false flag. shit it's all fbi/gov anyways.

I think it's because low-income families tend to live in places with more immigrants. They deal with them everyday and therefore are more in touch with the reality of it.

99% of the SJWs I've seen in my life or the pro-immigration type are from middle-class suburb families and they have rarely ever met an immigrant until they're in college.

Same reason why they don't really understand the concept of economy or the repercussion loss of jobs can have on the real people. They grew up in a cushion world with an infinite amount of money. That's why they fight for such incredibly unrealistic ideologies all the time.

That's true most of them typically are women and ones who have been coddled and are out of touch. Women have been a privileged class for awhile now.

"Well educated" really just means "indoctrinated by Jews"

Because everyone else has something to lose

Pretty much this

How many words. Any people group has their economical interests and this pic is primitive view about needs of modern urban wage workers. Autor think if people don't want to hear his ideological shit that means they are stupid lemmings.


>Most successful countries

>Adenauer's West Germany , de Gaulle's France , eisenhower's America , Yoshida Shigeru's Japan

>and They are not liberal or neoconservative

Keep laugh at America

But we are all heading to federal system

>Massive influx from all over the state and national borders
>Housing shortage
>Prices skyrocket
>People can't afford housing
>Provide free housing for illegal immigrants

>Non-white able to support a massive family on 1 income that's below the minimum wage
>Meanwhile white families struggle to support 2 children with both of them working full time, highly paid jobs

TFW My own government importing Southeast Asian for cheap labour

rural communities already replaced to Vietnamese or Bangladesh

Every single developed country "Elite" doing exactly same goddamn what American "Elite" doing

Prove it

Because dumb fucks always blame someone else for their own bad choices

Btw I have a job, so I keep these opinions to myself irl.

I can't read gook english are you saying the Jews are in Asia too?

Because when you are a disenfranchised youth all you want to do is be a part of something.

Couldn't you say the same about ANTIFAgs and any other fringe group?

Because some people are poor and uneducated. Whites are people.

Next question.

So you don't even have any excuse? That makes it even more sad imo.

>browse social media.

So everyone on Sup Forums is just like every normie?

Why are left wing extremists and liberals overwhelmingly from privileged middle class backgrounds, well educated, and from affluent areas with parents who are professionals?

"Left wing extremists"


This....most white nationals alt righter are autist virgins thatll get what they can and blame anything they can for their failures its sad they got biggest victim complex...not like they live in detroit or mexico

Time stamp fag

George Lincoln Rockwell explained this at great length to William Luther Pierce.

The revolutionary class will ALWAYS be made up of disillusioned and disenfranchised people. It has to be, because they are the ones who have no investment in the system and nothing to lose. People who are comfortable only very rarely break that comfort in order to fight the system.

Yeah. Probably this

That's not exacly right. All of those men were recruiting.

Blatant shill thread is blatant

I would say poor people are more likely to live in or near immigrant areas. Nothing switches the tribalism on faster than realising your area has been conquered by Islam and it's only a decade or 2 til they take your city.

It is a rule but there are exceptions. Hell, Rockwell and Pierce themselves were hardly people with nothing to lose. If they kept quiet they could lead comfortable lifestyles.

>lower-income, lower-education
This has always been grossly incorrect.

There are plenty of intelligent people who are racist.

They are just smart and know that it is best to hide it from the general public.

Its the poor who have to live around niggers and compete with mexicans for jobs. Its easy to be a liberal when youre rich and you dont have to suffer the consequences of diversity


Because their parents are stupid people.

I know many people with masters and PhD's that are critical of diversity. I myself have a two masters and a PhD and hate diversity, but I will not speak out unless anonymous. The goyim need their employment.

Low-income individuals speak out because they have less to lose and have more testosterone.

because the lower to middle class whites are the main enemys of the Jew, the backbone of any country and those most affected by anti white sentiment and mass immigration.

This legitimately made me laugh

Because poor people are most frequently the ones who have to deal with the consequences of leftist immigration policy. The elites that preach the glory of multiculturalism and diversity often live in gated communities or in well off neighbors constantly patrolled by the same policemen that they accuse of being brutal fascists.
t. well off upper-middle class that isn't however a shelterd elitist faggot

Because they are genetically defunct

For every 1 outward white nationalist there are 10 secret ones in the middle and upper classes

Controlled opposition to direct millions of anti establishment men into (pre approved) protests and direct the rest to oppose them while the rich continue stealing everything you have

Untermensch tricked into following a false movement that will never lead anywhere. Lazy indolent proles that can be bothered to pick up a book and make some basic efforts to learn about European history.

>Why are white nationalists almost overwhelmingly from lower-income, lower-education backgrounds? Why do they often come from less well-educated and affluent areas? Why are they often very young?

You could say the same about BLM

These are the men whose fathers and grandfathers built America.

They are "lower-income" bevause they were systematically cheated out of the wealth they created for the benefit of the monsters who now expect them to kill themselves with elephant tranquilizer.

Because people who have no prospects in life or feel empty inside will latch onto anything that makes them feel they are a part of something larger than them.

It's the same reason whores become SJWs.
It's the same reason Muslims join ISIS.
It's the same reason most of Sup Forums does nothing but shitpost and browse social media.

Just because they're poor doesn't mean they're wrong. They just feel the effects more strongly than us Southern aristocratic elites in NC and Virginia

The age-old European cycle of "elites get too individualistic -> dissatisfaction starts brewing among lower classes"