/our guy or nah?


Other urls found in this thread:


he's a commie you decide but he's not /my guy/

Druggie and wants to start a communist cult. Never our guy.

but he fucked msm multiple assholes

literally when he speaks I just hear bla bhalghbla

he verbally rapes these docile retards and exposes their shenanigans.

He may be a commie fuck, but he does more than you pussies.

he was based before he stopped fucking 5 whores a night and doing cocaine off their tits. Now he's just a pseudo-intellectual hipster lefty cunt.

He's a well-spoken sociopath/narcissist. Behind all the charm and big words his ideas are all very shallow and mundane, and his arguments are easy to debunk using logic. Also he's a literal socialist.

Pseudo intellectual cunt and I can't stand him. Sure he says things that might appeal to your nature but don't let that blind you from his objective. His endgame is to have multiculti and rape everywhere.

Literally the biggest faggot next to you OP

Is this actually what media presenters are like in America? Sweet Jesus, what are they hired for? No wonder half the country is goddamn brain washed, they just pick the most vapid idiots to do what they're told.
I mean, ours are morons too I guess, but at least they remember the fucking guests name.

Russell Brand is a dumb person's idea of a smart person.

He dated a Fabian.
He's a lefty / socialist type.
Mentally retarded.
He pisses off normies.
He's locally amusing for the reactions he might get and that's about it.
He's like an intellectually deficient David Icke.
I forgot he existed until I saw him in a link a few months ago.
And he'll drift right back into irrelevance.
Until he dies.
At which time he might be a footnote in an esoteric history book about side-shows to fringe movements.

basically this, brand will ride whatever wave he has to for self promotion and that's all there is to his convictions, an utter clueless annoying cunt buffoon.

>calling out msm is all it takes anymore for people to make someone an idol
>doesn't matter that the person is a pretentious embodiment of degeneracy and Marxism

he was married to Jemima Goldsmith A.K.A ROTHSCHILD

Greasy, nasty, insincere, child fucking prick not worth the time of day.

Def not

He has a tiny penis and has an infantile view of the world and how he believes it should be. Moving only to the most braindead blue pillers around

Years ago I saw one of his interviews. Dumbest fucking retard ever. I don't want to hear him speak again, what a fucking faggot. Commie shit.

I could type a long drawn out post about how hes a champagne socialist, only interested in shameless self promotion preaching to young and ignorant lefties who want to start a revolution from their parents gated community, but i fear theres not enough room on the page so ill summarise..

>Total cock

He's a pedo, get to fuck, you too, OP, you fucking nonce

He is the stooge that the MSM rolls out to laugh at and pretend they aren't Marxists

Nah, but he did get to dick Katy Perry

he's the black science man of spirituality
he makes normie leftists misunderstood it and think it's a liberal thing

I can't believe it took this long before someone mentioned this.
The guy has a micro penis, and he he shills for commie politics in the UK. He's a total fuckwit.

He's a dickklet. Probably just rubbed it on her

Vote corbyn he said.

a degenerate communist shill with some very questionable hollywood roles. played the child catcher at the london olympics ceremony and wrote a pied piper book about snatching kids, for kids. no.



FtM tranny, like many famous people.

Russell Brand & Jimmy Saville Interview BBC Didn't Want You To Know About

>Russel Brand

Isn't that the guy who destroyed Labour's chances of winning the 2015 election by telling all the milennials

>literally like 3 days before the election when people could no loger register to vote


>/our guy


He's prolly fucked more women than you've jerked off to.
but yeah, most of his ideas are shit.

Yes. But he also makes normies realize how fake and gay their idols are

look at the size of that weenie. its clear that he's one of us.

>He's prolly fucked more women than you've jerked off to.

That's fine by me. At least I know the women I've been with could feel something

Remember that leftism is a great alibi for people wise to the ZOG. I think Brand understands a lot, but he's literally not allowed to be NATSOC (it would be impossible and unthinkable) so he veers left. He's alright desu.


your flag says otherwise

To his credit, Brand refused to shill for Hillary Clinton and called out Bill Maher for being a neoliberal lickspittle who blindly supports psychopaths like Clinton.
His virtue signaling is less hollow as well. He has actually reduced himself to poverty because he has given away his wealth. You will never see any other celebrity do insane stuff like that.

>He has actually reduced himself to poverty because he has given away his wealth
Nigga please.
