Is there a better anime than this?

Is there a better anime than this?

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There is no anime better than this.

Not really, no. This is the best one.

I guess I'll just never watch anime again. Shame, this is the first one I liked.

I wouldn't say there isn't a better anime than this. I'd confidently say that there is no anime like this though.
Maybe Texhnolyze sort of.

Any of them.

Yep, sucks. Go watch some Tarkovsky.

Kino is still my favorite but this is a close second. Same director.

may he Rest in peace.

Already watched his work.
I'm running out of art I care about. If this trend continues I might just off myself before the singularity.




what are they?

Yep it's called Madoka.



Madoka is good. Not Lain good though.

I recommend Haibane Renmei for a good anime you will enjoy despite being not as good as lain
Kino no tabi has similar atmosphere but is much easier to understand. I liked that one as well.

Tatami Galaxy
Akage no Anne
Ghost in the Shell
Tenshi no Tamago
Mind Game
Tale of Princess Kaguya

off the top of my mind.

Lain is still good though

I saw ghost in the shell, thought it was trash. I guess I'll work through the rest.

I'll add them to the list. Anything to kill time until it's all over.

There are many better anime than that.


A lot of those are great showcases of experimental animation and aesthetics, but story-wise are not nearly as experimental as lain

I could get into Lain. Just couldn't seem to understand. A shame, really, it seemed an honest show. I know to some if means so much but I don't even feel a thing.



I want Lain to download my load


It's not even that, they just didn't have that feel. Eva had it a bit, but it was ruined by too much mecha bullshit. In Lain everything just felt RIGHT.




>rec thread by a massive newfag
Remember to sage and report.


We will never know what that post said, or whether its creator is still alive.

You caught me

This is literally my first time ever on Sup Forums and I made a stealth rec thread. It's too late though, I already got my recs and made out like a bandit.

Tbh, it was a good recommend thread.

Lain atmosphere anime are good anime. Otherwise you'd get 80% shitty recommendations and boku no pico.

Just telling you now, you're not going to be satisfied by any of the recs in the thread. If you watch them, the pain will only get worse. There isn't another Lain.

Who's waiting for Despera?

Forever waiting. And ill probably be disappointed by it too.

Arguably yes, but also arguably not. So who cares? It's pretty good either way.

Not sure if it should exist.

is lain actually good? i thought it was a meme

Extremely. But difficult to understand. I liked it first watch. Loved it second time over.

Reminder experinmental anime is always better than overused slice of shit anime


>Tenshi no Tamago
Utterly kill yourself.

>Tatami Galaxy
>Akage no Anne
>Ghost in the Shell
>Tenshi no Tamago
>Mind Game
>Tale of Princess Kaguya

Boku no Pico, it's a hidden gem.


Is Coalgirls' release any good?
Are they a good fansub team in general?

Everything is better than Serial Excrements Lame.

Since when they brought back alive lain threads? Is it because of vaporwave meme shit? Is it because this retarded meme became even more popular? Fuck off

>i can't understand thing so it's a meme

I'm talking about the VHS style bullshit editing and the big retarded words like this one. It's fucking vaporshit bullcrap.

You ain't gonna fool me, memester

The mecha bullshit in Eva was less tedious by orders of magnitude back when the idea of organic-feeling mecha was mind-bogglingly innovative.
Influence is a double-edged sword.
I imagine Lain will only start to feel unimpressive thirty years from now when the singularity itself becomes a tedious concept.

Are you an actual fucking idiot?


Are you projecting? yes
>It's still up.

There was also that website url in the serie, is the url still up?