>this is a 10/10 in japan
This is a 10/10 in japan
More like a 9.5/10, it's missing a nose.
Only for you, my dear Anonymous.
>this is a 11/10 in japan
This post is a 13/08/16 in Japan.
Both are perfect
A-user, such beauty.
that's an 11/10 everywhere
Post characters that are canonically hot/sexy/cute
Too old.
Get some fucking taste.
You first.
You're joking, right? Ena is fucking adorable and has a pussy you'd ride till the point of bloodied chaffing.
Ena is taller than this
Seems like you've got some unresolved sexual issues involving your mother.
The insecurity of normalfags is neither wanted nor needed here. Try tumblr if you cannot resolve the issues with your mother and leave the rest of us out of it.
Canonically gorgeous young lady.
Is this Tomoko Sup Forums ?
Reminder that Umaru stole all her lies and rumors from TSF, who IS the perfect little sister and a proper young woman.
My dream is that someday a figure will be made of her.
I will buy ten.
Even if it's an obscure garage kit, I will hunt them down and acquire them.
oh right, the desu wa's mother
Maybe you'll get lucky if there is a second season.
if S2 follows the manga Sylphin, Ebina, Kirie and Hikari will have more screentime
>New chapters translations never
Thanks god
page 1
UMR: BOM, what's up with these goggles?
TSF: COOL desu wa!
BOM:it's a plastic model from a magazine
BOM: UMR!are you dating TSF in a mask dating?
just for you
page 2
UMR: don't tell me Bonber thinks that UMR is a guy
UMR: I wonder if I look like a guy
Bomber: let's go play table tennis!
TSF: I would like it too desu wa!
UMR: where can we play table tennis?
Bomber:It's near the arcade!
TSF: by the way, it was also in Sagamiko!
showa era ping-pong table desu wa!
Bomber: it's for me?
UMR: she loves retro things
Bomber: these are certainly old
UMR: so, Bon---BOM, It's my turn
TSF: Afro san does something like Rugby
Bomber: I'm not a rugby player, i took lesson of table tennis when I was a student (to small for my eyes)
Bomber: I was called "the 150000 point golem", try to not take 150000point!
page 4
UMR: Hai!
TSF: Match Point UMR!
Rember, my translation is not perfect
Well there's her himouto form figure.
Jokes aside there is something misterious regarding Umaru and TFS's family. Both Silphyn's Mom and older brother seem to have a verysuspicious fuxation with Umaru.
there is a reason, you must read the manga to discover it!
Don't do that to Krillin's sister.