I am going to masturbate to lewd anime girls. Just thought I'd let you know, Sup Forums.
I am going to masturbate to lewd anime girls. Just thought I'd let you know, Sup Forums
I would join you in doing so were it not time for afternoon tea
That's alright, user. I have too much stamina and usually go for hours, so I will be here for a while.
What are some great pics to masturbate to?
Here is a good one.
You can't go wrong with Haruhi.
I love Hilda so much. She's my ideal. I would give anything to look like her.
I wish I could be Haruhi.
Have you seen the new chicken-chan? She is better.
No way, user. Hilda will always be the best Pokegirl.
I can't wait until the game comes out and everyone just ravishes her.
Does it take you that long to get off or do you just edge a lot or go for more rounds?
I usually go at a moderate pace while looking at lewd things and talking to people. Having to stop and type on the keyboard gives me a brief rest to let my dick calm down a bit. I can go like this for hours. I think my record is something like six hours before I let myself finally cum.
I can't seem to enjoy fapping unless I do it like this. It's not exciting unless I masturbate with others.
I am gonna buy the game just for her.
I thought I was good but this is some next-level shit.
I'm going to stick this inside me and pretend I'm a lewd anime girl
I do the same sometimes actually. It's pretty nice to have a long fap but I need something else to keep me occupied meanwhile, I couldn't do it while just watching a porn video. Browsing, watching ecchi shows and playing games with fanservice are all good for that.
I don't always go that long. Just when I'm in the mood.
Definitely. I like to masturbate while talking about lewd things with friends and stuff. It's fun and it feels good.