Other urls found in this thread:
Part 2 is the worst part. Don't get me wrong, it's just not that good.
I hope I'm fitting in by now..
Doppio progress
All the world, loves a lover
all the girls, in every landom
Xth for deep concern about the last half of the anime adaptation with all those 6 chapter arcs.
scary but great drawing
Don't open this
7th for aussi user eat a shoe
>when the cutest joestar see your dic
nth for Aya art when?
and to know, the joy of loving
What dick size you people consider big?
is to the world of maaaaaaaandom
I went for a "He's Mad" look, I think it's fitting.
>average jojo fan
above 7?
i don't know i guess it depends on the thickness?
yeah this is better then that dude the other day spamming like 3 doodles a minute
good jobu keep it up
>When the best girl sees your tube
for those who haven't fapped today
there's a someone who's waiting for youuu...
Soon the world will be yours, for a toy
You best not fucking tell anyone that my fetish is lewd ASMR
i really really like those boobs
music starts to play, night will turn to day
Post best Gappy victory pose.
A beatiful prince makes an apperance in this thread.
you guys know she dies, right
>anyone in this thread who hasn't read the manga
>ywn smooch yukako
I don't get it
>ywn pin her down and convince her that you are "Koichi" by showing her all 7 inches of your Little Koichi
And that´s his only one.
It's 'Sutando' you fucking philistine, and you didn't even make that an option. I'll still except Stando but Standu is objectively wrong because there's no 'u' sounds in that word.
Thanks, now not having sex hurts even more
So can anyone explain Shigechi's head?
Or his father is Dodorian?
He is rock human
im a dude whose never seen another dudes dick outside of porn so
Depend on country
For example, 6 inches is roughly the UK average. So here I guess 7+ is big
5-6 inches is the average (ie what 90% of men fall in). The remaining 10% makes up people with dicks both above and beneath that average range. Anything above 6 mans you won the genetic lottery. Even if it's not considered huge it's still bigger than over 90% of other men's dicks.
Dicks in porn are larger so... mine is still above 7 and I won't use it, that's why it hurts
most girls aren't going to get out a measuring tape and check you're some exact measurement
as long as u can fill'er up and have some kind of sex game you'll be fine
Dude all you need to do is go online and say 'I have a 7 inch dick and want to fuck, but I'm also fuckugly'. You'll get a fuckton of hits from both men and women more desperate than you are.
Why is he still here ? Just to suffer ? Every night i can feel his voice...his words... even his echoe.
The VAs i lost... the voices i lost...won´t stop hurting. It´s like they are still there. You hear him too, don´t you ?
I am gonna make them give back our Kira.
have you thanked him today
It's hair
What if I'm Diavolo?
>it's a jojo fan with a big dick and feels episode
The new guy fits better imo, just wait until they make Koyama voice Diavolo next year.
It isn't. He had a similar gloating moment in Beetlemania.
JoJolion fills me with dread because Araki always builds up these great characters just to kill them
You remember how you fucked Trish' mother right? You must have done something right back then, try and reflect on that a bit. Also, I've been looking for you Diavolo, my name is Risotto Nero and I am a member of Passione's Assassination Sq
>i only heard 30 seconds of him talking
>yeah the new guy fits better
Davidrone force is still here, i see.
All Pizza Mozzarellas needs to die
No one really died in DIU though.
>Davidrone force
did Sup Forums get boring for you again or something?
Did I say Diavolo? I mean I'm eating diabolo pomidoro hehehehe, my boss is calling, sorry
We're now seriously discussing dick length
This is why the rest of Sup Forums hates us
Clearly they're all insecure
He's right about it being too early to judge though.
how any inches do you think lolyne is feeling here?
Keep denying all you want. I am always here, i see your techniques, your indoctrination.
But you won´t fool me, you fucking shill.
Gomen nasai
>in morioh
>these two mafiosos slap your waifus ass
what do
He is, but the Davidrone part is pretty retarded.
Enjoy your stay and have fun 'till Sup Forums calls you back then user.
qt aya do not open
It's a shame we live in such a cruel and heartless world, user.
The new guy actually sounds like a normal guy and not over the top like Koyama. It remains to be seen how he handles Kira going off the rails later on but for now he's doing a better job than Koyama. You need to realise that there are different requirements of VAs depending on the medium. For the games they needed someone who can do the popular lines and catchphrases as over the top as possible and in an actual adaptation they need to try and capture all of Kira's range and not just one aspect that only comes into play in the final battle.
Take them home and fuck em
All of them including the stands
How do you fuck a tiny plane?
What is this, user ?
Man, Stone Ocean is fucking great for reaction images.
Ask Giorno why he's walking around with a corpse
Love have it's ways
>ive only heard 30 seconds of him talking
>yeah the new guy fucking ducks and David Pro might as well have just came to my house and cut my dick off
>be satisfied with bland voice
Thanks user.
>tfw you're reading disney without mickey mouse and enjoying apple and fucking pinoccio comes to you wanting to suck your dick
Lmao at the davidrones thinking only one person hates the new VA
It´s not that he sucks. It´s that nothing can top Rikiya Kira.
sneak preview at the final arc of jojolion
araki is my son
He's literally fine so far though, only a faggot would get this up in arms about the change since he's only had like 5 lines.
This, it's why the new VA for Josuke fits him perfectly, the ASB voice actor was brilliant because pretty much all his lines were for fights, whereas in the anime the new Josuke's voice has the perfect range for calm situations and over-the-top anger moments where the ASB voice actor wouldn't have worked as well.
>missing his entire point
Lmao indeed my friend
I don't get the webbums, it's clear Joshuu is going to get cuck'd but besides that I think he will be set up to be Gappy's buddy.
Ask why two homosexuals are going around touching my woman.
nobody likes you
I see. You want some of this bitch nigga ?
>tfw comparing dick sizes was better than this shit
Given how far in we are and the fact that they seem to fucking hate each other I don't think that they'll become friends or even like each other, but for sure there'll be some mutual respect between them after some shit goes down.
>Using Davidrones unironically
>ASB voice actor wouldn't have worked as well
I will tell you what i told people months ago near 1st episode.
You see, HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU EVEN KNOW ? He didn´t get a chance to voice anime Josuke. But seeing from his other animu roles, he could do as well as this new Josuke, if not better.
But let´s say you are right. New Josuke fits his as well as previous. However, that´s not the case with Kira.
see i know we're not great but we're better than a va slapfight
Love me.
Please love me
Have I really stoop so low Naranciafag is comparing himself to me?
Same to you, HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU EVEN KNOW ? that the new guy isn't just as good when he's had 5 lines in the same tone and no chance to show range yet?
That´s rich coming from one of the most cancerous group in this thread. Naranciafags.
I would take Terufag anytime over you.
Only acceptable group is us, smart Joushuuposters.
You could tell from the lines in EoH and ASB when he interacts with other characters, he's alright but the new Josuke VA fits really damn well. Of course I miss the old Josuke VA but the new one is just as good.
>However, that's not the case with Kira.
And how do you know this? Kira's new voice actor does his roles quite well in other anime and even did a brilliant job of voicing Diavolo in ASB, and you're brushing him aside from only 30 seconds of hearing him?
Wait till Quiet Life or Sheer Heart Attack senpai.