Is it possible to have a good action scene without much or any good animation...

Is it possible to have a good action scene without much or any good animation? Not in the sense that it has to be all stills, but rather just having functional animation at best.

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Bump for interest.

few anime off the the top of my head with that. its all about the flow

I find that hard to imagine. Having a good flow of action is key but it has to be supported with good animation for it to work, no?

Shura no Toki got through on manliness and choreography

This webm isn't really representative because the series was QUALITY most of the time

Not when you have someone trying to figure out whats gonna happen next and not so much focusing on the way a line is drawn

That's actually not bad at all.

Kill la Kill would be a good example

Yeah, just insert a bunch of camera shakes and motion blur and you're good to go :^)

Yes, its called Manga.

There's some pretty neat animation in there though.


Threadly webm

Good example of sparse animation but fights looking awesome would be - its mostly stills and low quality short scenes, but looks damn awesome.

And here as counter example actually WELL animated fight

That scene has pretty unimpressive animation for YZQ.

ping pong

The last episode of Gunbuster manages with a full minute of stills.

I remember the Tanaka arc in GANTZ, when Kei fight against the giant bird, the animation is not great (but the drawings of good quality), but the flow of action seemed good enough for me to think the scene was well made. (I read the manga first)

But it's a hard one, usually good flow means readable movements which leads to complex animation of bodies


I also kind of agree for Ben-To

All you need is a JAM Project insert song


jojo comes to mind

Tried more than once to get into yozakura quartet but it was boring and I wasn't feeling the characters at all. Plus a lot of the sakuga like in op's webm seems to come from the OVAs and not the TV series.

That is well-drawn and well-animated, it has nothing to do with what the OP is asking.

Kaworu's Death from Neon Genesis Evangelion is a fucking masterpiece and that's basically just a still with a shot of the body falling

If I post my sakuga MAD here will you guys give me feedback on it

Rokka's animation was pretty variable throughout but I always thought the choreography was good and it never impacted my enjoyment of it.

Not really. Fancy fighting needs good animation, but the key to good of combat is speed, impact and choreography, which needs more technique, improvisation and decent knowledge of how the body moves in combat than actual animation.

Yeah, Ben-To is probably the best example I can think of at the top of my head. Not much movement, a lot of stills, but there is a great sense of dynamism to the fighting and the impacts actually feel like they have force behind them.