Pagans in Europe

>Be pagans
>Conquering, pillaging and raping
>Killed each other, conquered each other all the fucking time
>Christians came along
>Whopped their asses
>"Muh land was stolen from me"

No, faggots. Your land wasnt stolen. It was fucking CONQUERED.

Just the same fucking way you had been conquering each other for hundreds of years, the christians now had conquered you, you fucking hypocrites.

It's the same lame-ass argument the natives in Murica uses against the whites.
"Muh land was stolen by the whites".

>Watch this 2min video.
(white man vs. native) - arguing of who has claim to the land, and see how utterly hard this white man won the argument. The same goes for pagans in Europe. Time to stfu with you.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Be pagans
>Get crusaded
>Even muslims could hold against Crusaders
>Cry for thousands of years
Pagans are panzy cucks that couldn't even beat the christcucks.

The fuck is that shirt? Scandanavians had flax up to their fuckin ears.

yep pagans are unworthy cucks.Even we could defeat thousands of crusaders sent by cucks from Rome.

I think pagans just want white spiritualism, they may say it's a reconstruction when in actuality it's a new religion to counter the semitic and third world tones of modern Christianity

>be pagancuck
>Christians came and annihilated pagan degeneracy
>cry in despair

act like a nigger

threated like a nigger

>Be christians
>Conquering, pillaging and raping
>Killed each other, conquered each other all the fucking time
>Muslims come along
>No need for a whooping, submit peacefully
>"Muh land was stolen from me, DOOS BULT"

No, faggots. Your land isn't being stolen. You are being CONQUERED.
Just the same fucking way you had been conquering each other for hundreds of years, the muslims now are conquereing you, you fucking hypocrites.

What events are you even talking about lad?
The Livonian crusade?

>pagan white spiritualism
>white spiritualism

top kek

Germanic Paganism has a stronger praxus than Judaism.

Just because you're 58% and full of larpers doesn't mean every other place in the world is lad

I'm a Germanic pagan and a lot of pagan groups are special ed gay discos.
It's fucking infuriating.

Yes, its true.
>The difference is that we actually LET THEM conquer us.
Hopefully people will wake up before its too late.

>a pagancuck supporting the mudslim invasion
>larping behind n/s flag

no suprise here.Daily reminder pagans and atheist cucks will get the rope too

If pagans got conquered by meek and mild Christians how would they have dealt with Islam?

Reveal your flag right now you pig

So when christian lands will be conquered by muslims you won't be whinning about it?

I admire what the pagans are trying to do, but you simply can't build a successful european religion on LARP and the shaky foundations of the nordic myths. Creating something like white buddhism would be more beneficial

>christian shill
>meme flag

I'll remind Christians of that reasoning when me and my muslim bros cut their heads off in the near future.

>Instead of using the religion of your ancestors use the one from some gooks instead
but why?

Most weren't conquered but coerced. Or at least the ruling classes were converted in order for them to trade with Christians or lay claim to Christian kingdoms and marry Christian princesses. It was usually for pragmatic reasons and especially economic reasons. It was then forced on the common folk by their rulers, by forcibly building churches on all the sacred places. It was basically like the mass-immigration we see in Europe today; top-down enforced immigration on the people for economic and political reasons by our leaders. So basically maybe we should just accept getting swamped by foreigners too? Because our leaders demand it. We're just being conquered right? We have no right to complain.

If christian lands were conquered by muslims by force and with a real fight, then I won't cry about it. Just as I havent cried about muslims conquering the christian lands in the middle east/north africa.

However, today they are conquering our lands without any fight at all. They are practically being GIVEN land. Which is why I hope we wake up soon.

You're a mudslime aren't you? You do know that Jesus is the King of Poland and spewing these heresies makes you an enemy of the state of Poland right? Kill yourself, faggot. You're a disgrace to Poland.

That's where you are wrong! Based black christians will save us!

>No, faggots. Your land wasnt stolen. It was fucking CONQUERED.
>Just the same fucking way you had been conquering each other for hundreds of years, the christians now had conquered you, you fucking hypocrites.

Don't forget based latino christians and based 58% christians lad

Because the Pagans didn't?

Do you know the History of Christanity at all?

Christanity stole it's way inside Europe through Rome like a tapeworm, slowly rotting out any sense of dignity and creating a ruthless Oligarchy that was quite prepared to destroy any idea of "Christanity" it deemed unpure.

Christanity turned the idea of Faith into Dogmatic preaching and self-flagellating for the sake of the coffers of Chruches.

You know why Paganism is popular to many people? Because it's a chance to throw away the idea of a "Formal Church" which demands tribute and to get in touch with something through themselves.

Tell me exactly, as a Brit, What the fuck did Christanity ever fucking do for me? besides cause at least one Civil War and countless COUNTLESS executions for little to nothing.

So pagans went with a fight and christians are spreading their cheeks wide to conquerors? Fucking based, man.
And your country is official Chineese colony. Had you prepped Wong today?

>be native american
>looting, raping, tribes wiping out each other to get land to thrive on
>Anglos come around
>"muh land was stolen by the white evil man"

not too different

Why are Christians so hypocritical? If it's okay for pagans to be conquered because they're weak, why isn't it okay for Christians to be conquered by Muslims?
Here you go. Now you can make your ad hominem.
>Christfags are incapable of comprehending a religion that isn't a centralized mess seving a singular purpose

Because buddhism is an actual religion with philosophy and theology, paganism is wewuz romans, vigangz and sheit

So germany is rightfull soviet and jewish clay?
The less white, the more based they are!

Paganism is only good for cultural reasons, it doesn't have the ground, strength or relevancy of Christianity. Greek Orthodoxy is a pretty good example, they're really proud of their pagan past and still glorify the men of those times, but are zealously Christian

Most of christian theology is based on plato and aristotle.

All religions were created at some point tho
I don't see why we couldn't create a proper religion on the canvas left from our ancestors, instead of stealing a ready made religion from chinks

>polish flag
>shitposting vs Christianity

kys you pathetic shitskin mudslim.You will get the rope too no worries faggot

These animals can't even save themselves. With the hand that feeds them (white Christian imbeciles) cut off, they'll starve to death and the world will be better off for it.

>Your land wasnt stolen. It was fucking CONQUERED.

No, back in the days a few powerful scumbags sold their country, their people, their faith, their future etc to the church because of greed and personal gain.
Just the same way politicians today sell out to the globalists. Not much has changed in 2000 years.

Catholics were pretty similar not that long ago. Instead of shitting on pagans and atheists christians might want to look inward and try to fix their churches. Nah, fuck it. Let's better blame everything on some dude praying to trees. If we get rid of those pesky white people we will save white people!

>Christanity stole it's way inside Europe through Rome.
Christianity and christians was persecuted and killed for their beliefs up until constantine legalized it. Then it spread peacefully all over the roman empire because the roman-pagans chose christianity over their pagan gods by free will.

If you don't know what christianity did for Europe then youre just an 50 IQ'd uneducated faggot.
I recommend reading up on Dr. Duke Pesta. He has studied what exactly christianity did for Europe.
Here's an interview where he discusses how Christianity built western civilization:

Until you show your real flag, I'll assume you're a jew
certainly act like one

>some retards feed rapefugees: ree ebil pagans
>pope licks rapefugee feet: pride is overwhelming shitskin larper
How about you show your flag, mutt?

>Spread peacefully over rome

You should look up what the "peaceful" Christians did to Pagan Statues and Pagan Scholars.

Oh and burning down Alexandria for a third time.

Thanks Christians.

>B-but look up this Sycophant.

No thanks, I don't follow the Dogma of the inbred.

Pagans "raiding and pillaging" is literally jew history made by christians. Vikings for example were predominantly farmers and merchants, most of the so-called "raids" were trade route expeditions that ended badly once they clashed with the native tribes.

The real niggers were the christians who forced their kike on a stick belief on peaceful people, you are no different from the muslims you claim to hate. Go kiss some nigger feet and turn the other cheek to your muslim brothers like a good christian cuckold.

Thats from when you had no choise anymore.
Pagans lost basically EVERY major wars against christian armies.

Your "few powerful scumbags" only started selling out when they knew they had already lost.

What I've seen so far is disappointing, been reading some stuff from McNallen and it's pretty bonkers

>Then it spread peacefully all over the roman empire because the roman-pagans chose christianity over their pagan gods by free will.
Yes that's why 60 years after christianity was legalized all other religions were outlawed
because surely 2 000 years ago everyone would have converted in 60 years
you goddamn retard

The only ones who shiting on White Europe are pagans.Literally everything they said it's against fellow whites.Pic related varg shitkernes whose all videos are literally against White Europeans so btfo cunt

This is my flag you fedora wearing scrublord.I will never fly the yankee shit

And now christians are selling out to muslims. I literaly can't handle this level of basedness.
Show your flag, mutt.

>LET THEM conquer us.
Isnt that what your entire pacifist submisive religion is about

Well Catholics also need to learn to call out the pope on his shit. This has been one of the worst fucking popes Catholicism has ever had to endure

>cherry picking incidents. Wow man. Arguing like the regular leftist.

>No thanks,
Sure, stay uneducated and ignorant to history, faggot

And Christianity will cause you to get conquered.

>This is my flag you fedora wearing scrublord.I will never fly the yankee shit
Yankies won fair and square and most southerners had accepted their victory peacefully. What are you doing?

>58% too ashamed to show his real flag so instead he waves the flag of people who got royally btfo

>99% of the modern day degenerate pagans are shitskin lovers
>implying pope is a Christian and not a kike shill

kys mongoloid rat

No, you see when pagans cling to their past even when they got conquered it's bad. But when confederates do it, it's good. You are just a heathen and can't comprehend this level of enlightment.

m8 again
just because your entire country is brown and full of larpers rebelling against mum and dad doesn't mean every other country is

I am a Greek Orthodox Christian so i don't care about catholcucks

The absolute majority of open-borders advoactes and liberals in general who sells out our countries are atheists - not christians. The absolute majority of christians both in Europe and USA vote right-wing. But nice try.

>highest calling of a christian man
>"h-he's not a real christian muh real christianity!!!"

admit it, this is the deepest desire of any christian, to kiss nigger feet like jesus would have done like a good kike.

Bitch, MOST christians in the world are non-white.
And there is not a single major church that didn't denuance racism. I'm sorry mate but you do not have a leg to stand on. Stop using that flag of conquered people and fly a flag of your betters. You lost fair and square. You were CONQUERED. North had won.

>a literall 3rd world shithole shitposting on the biggest superpower of the world

You are irrelevant faggot.Nobody even knows where are you on the map

Christians sold out Europe long ago through never-ending religious warfare and brother wars. Neck yourself jew-worshipper, there is literally nothing more destructive to Europeans than semitic religions.

>t coen goldenstain

go suck some camel dicks you pathetic dune coon

>Cherry picking.

>Pagan Saxons almost genocided by the Christian Franks
>Pagan Saxons appeal to Pope, he says "Nah fuck the Pagans"
>Saxons convert to Christanity after their holiest site is destroyed.
>Saxons appeal to pope
>"Nah he's the Holy Roman Empire he is allowed to conquer you"
>Flee to the British Isles
>Pope demands instant tithe and fealty from the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms
>Irish Catholics refuse to acknowledge the pope as head of state?
>Send the Normans to kill them.
>Anglo-Saxons fighting of the Great Heathen Army?
>Well the Vikings already paid me, fuck helping them says the pope
>Normans invade Anglo-Saxons
>It's okay they paid me says the pope

>Fast forward hundreds of years of dealing with the corrupt papacy; the Anglo Saxons like the idea of Christanity without dealing with him
>pope gets butthurt even more.
>Make our own fucking Chruch
>STILL Falls to corruption of the pious.

Christianity actively punishes mankind. All of our achievements are inspite of it, not because of it.

Idk man, England was Christian when it was conquered by Danish Pagans. Norse people converted because of the gifts and Olof Skötkonung converting out of free will. We were never conquered by Christians during pagan times

>greek ortodox
>confederate flag
You do realise, clan would lunch you alongside niggers.
Bitch, merkel leads CHRISTIAN democrats. Pope licks muslim feet. Ortodox church wants to ban distinctions between "refugees" and economic migrants and take in both. What the fuck are you even talking about?
Estonia and czechia have sweden-tier atheism. Italy is majority christian. You don't have a leg to stand on.
Show your flag.


Pick only one


>biggest superpower of the world
United States of America? The country flag of you refuse to fly? Or do you mean confederates that don't even fucking exist anymore?
You either show your real flag or we all gonna assume you to be a nigger.

Christcuckery in action

You bring shame to yourself by charaterising your ancestors as being weak.
Roman pagans defeated European pagans. Romans converted to Christianity after they had already done that. At this time there's no such thing as Europe political only various tribes and Rome. You can listen to the Dan Carlin podcast "the Celtic Holocaust" on YouTube or his website it's 6 hours long but it's partially about this. Another one he made about same topic is Thor's angels which is about how pagan kings were converting to Christianity. I'm not some history expert but there's a lot of eggs posting here as if they know what they're talking about who are even dumber than me.

>having a cultureless country full of niggers, spics and half-breeds is okay because we have big strong military!

Reminder that your precious south is literally chock full of niggers

The only reason Christianity became widespread is because tiny groups of influential elites accepted it.
A very jewy & therefore appropriate way for a middle eastern religion to gain converts.
It's amazing how historically illiterate you anglos apparently are.

No it was't conquering you moon, people converted and then forced other to convert.

Looks white to me. I don't even know why I'm making this post though lol, Greeks don't want to be called white and don't want to be associated with Germanic people because they believe they have an inferior culture. They're not completely wrong, the shit going on in Sweden would never fly in the Mediterranean

>You either show your real flag or we all gonna assume you to be a nigger.
That's an assumption you have to make even if he does.

But they are based niggers. They are christian! If you dont want your daughter be breed by a based negro you are a jew slave.

Why paganturds make everything out of wood? I want to see some marvellous Norse cathedral, not some wooden niggerdicks

>Looks white to me

>Bitch, merkel leads CHRISTIAN democrats
Not an argument, faggot. Her party won with majority atheist votes. Right-wing party AFD won with christian votes.
>Pope licks muslim feet
Cherry picking examples to prove a point. Just like how the regular leftist scum likes to argue.
And even implying the pope is representing the world outside of Italy is fucking retarded. Which also brings the point of to why Italy is so cucked.

>FACT: Majority of atheists vote left wing. Majority of christians vote right-wing. Numbers are on my side, you 50 IQ'd faggot

>hides his flag
Why i'm not even suprised anymore?

>Some people Disenfranchised with Christanity's long slow crawl running ramshod over personal belief and replacing it with Dogma and herd mentality wish to return to a simpler belief system.

>The Same Dogmatic Christians are unable to grasp this idea and instead try again to Brow beat people into compliance.

That's not how Paganism Worked. Paganism was about the Pagentry and the ritual, not the big expensive cocks for Bishops and Pastors to aggrandize over.

>Her party won with majority atheist votes.

>Right wing is always correct all the time.

Neo-Con spotted.

>Majority of christians vote right-wing
What christians? What right wing?
Becouse in US (which i can only assume you are from given how you are scared to show your flag) right wing means republicans: party of dying for israel and refusing to stomp on immigration. Fucking based!

The Catholic Church controls the wealth in even the smallest town in Poland, and after hundreds of years, even the most bluepilled Catholics have had enough. Take the power away, through EMP, nuclear war, what have you, and you might see Poles get even with their oppressors, the Catholic Church. PS Seeing some South American Pope LARP as a white man goes a long way to redpill people who thought PJPII was /ourguy/

Begone lefty! If someone calls himself right wing, it means he is the messanger of God Himself!

I wonder why so many of the anti pagan posters here seem to hide their real flags

Greeks and Italians don't LARP anymore though even if they could with their great history, Nords keep larping because muh tree

Right wingers in both Europe and the US vote right-wing in general. Thats a fact. The absolute majority of liberals are atheists. Leftists in general are mainly atheists.

I get where you're coming from, but:
Majority of Norwegians were already Christian, along with many Kings, before the so-called "conquering" of the Pagans by the Christians. As if some foreign Christian invader decided to come along and take over; not what happened.
It all started when some British monks, taken slaves by vikings, came along (many willingly) to Scandinavia in order to try and convert the populace.

We *decided* to convert, no one forced us to.

Roman/Hellenic paganism achieved much. Germanic paganism, which is glamorized in America, achieved little. Should we all start worshiping Neptune, pleading him to sink all the shitskin boats?

>No, faggots. Your land wasnt stolen. It was fucking CONQUERED.
By what army?
No army ever conquered England, Scandinavia or the Slavic nations.
No, what the Christians did was be complete and total kikes in honor of their faggoty Jew god

Are you telling me that stone circles AREN'T impressive?
Show your flag.

I noticed that people pushing for christianity in right wing circles tend to be either shitskins themselves of shitskin-lovers.
Nothing personal against christianity as a belief myself, but excluding other whites for sake of negros over your religion is the very definition of supversion.

Roman Paganism involved tons of gods, including those they saw in Germany.

Paganistic vikings pretty much developed Modern Seafaring and mapped most of the trading routes of the world.

Dont forget all the key and major wars you lost. If these battles had gone the other way, do you think you wouldve fallen on your knees for christianity? No, you wouldnt.