How /fit/ is Sup Forums right now?

Also the sauce is Danberu nan kiro moteru

Which manga is this?


Holy shit! Someone translated this?

Yeah, there's a mistake in ch2 and I didn't get to ask the TSfag to fix it.
Anyone know the font used in the seventh word bubble? I'll fix it myself it's driving me nuts.


Two chapters translated already? Nice.

All that's out minus some bonus pages. Next chaper is in a week or two.

it bothers me too much that they count the bar weight as the actual weight

Its normal for beginners though to count that though.

but you sound like a retard in the process
>hey how much are you lifting
>oh 60kg
>but here there is only 40
>b-but i count the bar too

not fit at all atm

All wl/pl events include the bar weight to the total.

Maybe it's because i'm used to just count the added weight since that's the way the gym i go does it

I want to walk the path of muscles with my waifu Akemi

It's honestly weird you wouldn't count the bar, especially if it weighs 20 kg. That's not negligible.

Pretty mean of you to confuse these DYELs with your /fit/ memes user

>You will never join the body improvement club with muscle ojousan and the fat Gyaru.

Is that Darkshine?

Do you think she'll notice me once I get to 1/2/3/4?

once you join the 1k club you won't care

Been there. I dreamer bulked on SS and got to 245 bench, 375 squat, and 405 deadlift, all for one. I also became a fat t-rex. So I cut back down and lost a lot of strength because I didn't know how to cut properly. Now I'm trying to build strength back up at a more reasonable pace so I don't get fat again.

>t. blogger

170 lbs
1/2/3/4 for maxes.
25 minute 5k


tfw my squat and deadlift are the same ;_;

That was supposed to be an inb4 against people saying "not your blog."

Do you pull sumo or conventional?



>silver gym
and I'm a living skeleton, 115lb at 6 ft, so I don't have much weight for muscles