What do you think about neon genesis evangelion series and movie Sup Forums ?
Also what did he mean by this ?
I never noticed the little tentacle things coming out of Lilith were tiny legs.
It's boring and nothing happens. Movies are better than series and EoE
>try to watch for awesome big robot battles
>receive faggy 2deep4u bullshit
This is one of the reasons i never got into Anime. I just want to see some chaos and war, not angsty retards going through emotional problems.
Capeshit and certain movies are guilty of this too, the reluctant superhero trope is so annoying. If you got power, fucking use it.
You post like Sup Forumsermin.
Why do all you dumbasses suddenly hate this show? It was acknowledged all across the board as being a masterpiece despite the odd bait or 2,now everyone suddenly thinks it's cool to hate it. It's so annoying seeing all these people so desperate to fit in and feel unique,they think having the same opinion as someone else is a crime or something.
Grow up. Like what you want to like and stop hating on popular things just to make you feel unique. It's so cringy watching all these tryhards everyday.
It's shit
>advertised as a mech show
>they're not even real mechs
It's about a manchild who lives in a big robots fantasy world and refuse to grow up. Japan have a big problems with these people wand they try to get rid of the american democracy to start the extermination of the weaboos. You know the reason why Sup Forums hate Evangelion is because it told them how worthless pieces of shit they are. Evangelion should be the last anime you watch. If you still watch anime after that then shoot you in the head.
wow really made me think
It's legitimately good.
You will consider it the greatest thing ever if it speaks to you
It just doesn't click with the people who hate it
Hating Shinji more than likely means you are Shinji
One of the few times you'll ever see "mechs" fighting giant monsters
EoE needs some significant tweaks (like seriously, Anno, we didn't need AT Field commentary during the literal Rapture)
The Rebuilds are inferior should have never been made
It's awesome. I identify with Shinji so hard, he's a good kid. The story's great as is the art and animation. Mecha designs are ace. Basically a perfect series.
Evangelion is like Ghost in the Shell, normieshit.
>Robin Williams
>Kanye Wesr
>Garret of Mega64
>masochistic pedophiles
I like it.
Why ?
The mind is a complicated thing.
Taste in anime is like humor.
Sometimes, if you like it, you just do.
Way too much tell and not enough show, especially in the last couple episodes. I am at the second-to-last episode and I'm nearly exhausted by all this 2deep4uButNotReallyThatDeep dialogue.
Sad how the exact same thread on Sup Forums has actual discussion.
Sup Forums best board confirmed
I would prefer Evangelion to be remade by M Night Shyamanlan, at least it's pure comedy from begining to end and it will expose without mercy all the shit that fanboys have been eating since EVA's inception
Thank you Anno for ruining a generation
So deep
So mind blowing
Truly the greatest work of art in anime
I've noticed that suddenly there's been an increase in EVA related threads, kinda weird...
I've noticed it, too.
Hey, you, Evafag! What's your opinion about the manga?
Think it was a blatant ripoff of Virus Buster Serge
I liked it as an alternate take on the series.
Although I kinda get why people may not like it because of how it's ending is too "upbeat" and diminishes the efforts made by the characters in the series,
I thought it was fine and good enough to stand next to EoE
Nah, there were always edgy hatefags who wanted to stand out by dislking Eva. I mean it's obvious the "+18" warning isn't something most kids will give a damn about. Hence we get those.
The anime is a masterpiece, the manga is just good.
>Way too much tell and not enough show
It's quite the opposite, so much in the show is just being presented through visuals and that's why people can't comprehend the message, narrative and characters a lot of the time.
This is the most autistic image I've ever seen on this board
Rei is inferior girl because one, she is literally unobtainable by shinji, two, she's a cross between lilith and his mom, and three, literally any rei other than rei two can fuck off
The problem is that the show doesn't really explain the concept of instrumentality very well, so the last two eps seen like bullshit. Btw I would love a SoL anime with eva characters like you see for like 3 minutes in the last episode.
It get's waayy too much shit, it's pretty decent and gives quite a bit more context to what's going on in the show
>I would love a SoL anime with eva characters like you see for like 3 minutes in the last episode