R*ddit Socialist has an epiphany

A rare moment of self-awareness

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>but their musings on economics seem to align with my own more than I'd like

Because they are fucking socialists. They are national socialists while the antifa are stateless socialists, of course their views on economy would be the same. They are the opposite side of the same coin.


This shows that socislist want equality by making everyone like themselves not to the other way around.

The Socialist Party in the Netherlands opposed imported labour for these same reasons. They were quickly called racists by all other lefties, and amended their issue in order to not be reduced to irrelevance by the ruling Social Democrats.

Also, please note the open anti-white racism of the socialist. They simply call white genocide "ending white supremacy", and then will tell you there is no white genocide. Normal white society is "white supremacy", according to them.

Hell, you know that trannie from Assigned Male? He even equates having children as a white person to "white supremacy".

These people are dangerous, and they must be stopped by any means.

Le Horse Shoe Theory Any One?

>not all facts are created equal
Are you saying this is correct? And that you think that represents self-awareness?

I wasn't referring to him, but the OP in the pic

>claims to be americans
Hang him.

>Not all facts are created equal.
And they wonder why nobody tries to even debate them anymore.

Why can't you be communist and a racist? That the betterment of the proletariat takes a back seat to creating some heterogenous world with no national identities and only coincidentally enormously benefits global capitalists sounds like a bourgeois plot.

>don't think about this


He is just using the superior and cultured British English.

huh i guess asians arent that smart after all

Nazbol nigga


>covering the names

Then he can fuck off and do that in some other country.

On some level if feels good knowing that these type of people are destined to be powerless, servile, provincial nothings in the face of the red flag of Chinese hegemony. You just know, and the exchange in the OP is a portent, that they'll look at one and other as they fester in the decaying ruins of western civilization as theyir Chinese shift boss cracks the whip, and yells at them for not making their hourly quota in the uranium mine, or whatever, and ask "was it worth it?"

And their method for ending racism is to be as inflammatory as possible towards white people. So much so that there have been numerous street brawls over it and a fat chick even got killed with a car.

I don't think leftists know what the fuck they're doing.

All those corporations are made thanks to goverment intervention into the economy through socialism and jewish central banks.

Kill whitey am i rite?

Start hammering home the question of how can we have a fight for 15 while still having open boarders?
Who is going to pay 15 with an unlimited supply of cheap and illigal labor that is more than happy to work for 7 and send 3 back home?
Socialism is just simply a list of wants so long one ever gets around to reconciling them all.
It's bullshit.

It is fairly obvious that multi-cultural societies and no-border policies benefit the upper echelons of society the most, providing them with cheap labour and a good conscience, while the lower classes suffer from global competition and general erosion of the social fabric and national cohesion.
A non-homogeneous society where multiple ethnic groups compete is easier to exploit and there's less of a risk for the people to rise up against their masters as they are busy with in-fighting. Socialism needs an ethno-national foundation, and socialists like Gregor Strasser or Ernst Niekisch realised this early on.

Those which deem themselves socialists today are in most cases bourgeois students. Today, the class-enemy wears a Marxist mask.

I found on Twitter

these faggy larpers really do imagine themselves to be underground resistance fighters with HAM radios and shit

And there you have it. Their entire ideology is a sham who's true purpose is to destroy the white race. They openly admit to it. Everything else, even their own wellbeing is subordinate to destroying the white man.

They want to be part of something more meaningful than a WoW raid. Sad that they chose kikeonomics as their calling.

>Some facts you just have to ignore
Lel these fuckin retards


Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

>Don't think

Sums up their whole worldview in the first two words really.

>Don't think...
Yes goy, thinking is bad for you. Just listen and regurgitate.

>anti-racism is our number one cause first and foremost
No it's not.
>There's nothing more important than ending white supremacy in America
Yes there is.
>Some facts like immigration lowering wages you just have to ignore.
Yeah no.

This all reads like a kike trying to manipulate lefties into their personal anti-white force.

literally when has mcdonalds, coca cola or nike infringed on your rights?

>Perhaps there has to be some sort of homogeneity to realise what we want

And there you have it. National Socialism.

Modern leftists believe in both socialism and globalism, even though the two are incompatible. Very much like their beliefs in gay rights, while also promoting Islamism, which seeks to kill gays.

The amount of mental gymnastics that you have to play in order to hold these contradictive beliefs beats me.

>is a socialist
>speaks of the American Dream

the irony is that capitalism does more to aid white genocide than socialism.

My thoughts exactly. Who could read that response and not feel like they're veing manipulated? It's basically "nonono ignore our fundamental cause and kill whitey since they don't all vote democrat."

Science is a social construct.

when u fags blank out names all I can think is that its because it is your reddit account and u don't want to be harassed, would still be easy to find the poster though

great. another fucking nazbol shitting this board.

>Failing to see the epiphany as being the realisation that modern socialism has abandoned those it originally championed in favour of ‘muh racism’ and ‘stickin’ it ta whitey!’.

American education, everybody
Read both posts in OP’s pic again

Sup Forums mods have a strange habit of banning people that don't blank facebook/reddit names on occasion, no idea why.

doxing is against rules newfags

That guy will inevitably leave Socialism. He's too intelligent and socially aware not to.

>that reply
>shut it down: the post

it's crazy seeing so called anti-racist socialists arguing that race issues are more important than economics

>literally admitting to white genocide

Because socialists and commies in the west today tend to be middle class and university educated. The actual working class have moved away from the "far left", and they dominate what we understand as the "far right".

Unsurprisingly a lot of the same ideas are pushed among both these groups. But immigration on the other hand is something the actual working class don't like. It's they who will have their neighborhoods dominated by other immigrants first. And it's they who stand to lose their jobs as they are easier to replace with the masses of cheap uneducated labor pouring in.

>brown ppls feelings are more important than actually liberating the working class

fucking liberals man


Wew recycle fag, wew

yup. at the end of the day, natsoc's get the rope too. nazis are not right wing or alt right.

this lad/bird is one wee thought connecting with another wee thought away from pure NatSoc

The faggot Michelle Foucault made a deal for the "new left" and that deal was they would scap their economic belly aching if they could be degenerates.


Then he died of AIDs haha

>stop thinking about that, goy

>Not all facts are created equal.

You just had to ruin it, didn't you?

So the only difference between Nazis & SJWs is one is the genetic question? So if all SJWs were to suddenly be okay with ethnic segregation, they would be welcome with open arms in the ranks of modern national socialism? The genetic questions also correlates with the base acceptance of homosexuality being a naturally occurring, though rare, sexual deviation observed in nature & thus also worthy of inclusion into national socialism, the philosophy of natural law demanding it.

Furthermore, what will be the fate of the religionists who worship Hebraic Jesus? SJWs hate christianity. Nazis hate Jews. How long would it be until this new fascist, liberal, socialist nightmare would engulf all of christianity, with the footsoldiers of Allah happily doing the dirty work?

What is this new reality & why don't any of you see it?

Ask their workers.

>what are economies of scale
>what is product differentiation
>what is advertising
A few small mega corps will always end up dominating a laisez-faire economy. Libertarians are fucking brainlets.

Hitler was right though. You can't have a multiracial country and have it work no matter what system. Not even capitalism will work really in a multiracial country because those who have money just end up getting the hell out for a better place

If they dont like their jobs they should quit and work for somebody else

It's a Jewish plot user. Capitalism and communism are two sides of the same Jew coin because they lead to the same place: a mongrelized world with Jews in power over the 90- iq mongrels

He's about to realise...
>was ist die echte socialismus,

listen to russel brand speak, the epitome of superior British classism


The person in the Reddit post is a British right-winger LARPing as an American leftist. He's on my side, but it's still a shill.


I never would have thought that these people actually exist.

How can the American Society create such scum ? I don't understand it.

They don't.

only socdems (aka social fascists), anarchists and (((progressives))) like shitskins and kikes
stalinism was redpilled
>inb4 "muh food" "muh ukrainians"
who the fuck cares if some hohol rats starved to death

>some facts like immigration lowering wages you just have to ignore

>some fact
>you just have to ignore

wew laddie

he's not even fucking American

its crazy how many leftists 100% believe that whites are superior and must be stopped

>anti-racism is our number one cause

then perhaps you ought to focus on that instead of pretending you know anything about the economy, trade, international law, immigration, international relations, defense, policing, etc, etc.

the left's lack of focus is really getting them nowhere. lucky for non leftists i guess...

Well I can tolerate this kind of a communist.

real anarchists do not reject the state for communism, that is ACTUALLY not 'real' anarchism. 9/10 times it is a commie acting like an anarcho in order to seem hip and then rattle off why a communal anarchist society would be great and day dreams about being king commie

Mike Enoch's arguments all come out of a left wing thought process. That's why he appeals to these people. Reminder that he was a communist in his younger days.

That's why journalists and urbanites find him so intoxicating

Best reply he could have received. He'll be on our side in a couple of weeks. The self-honesty is strong with this one, that reply will give him such dissonance. I predict a short period of neurosis accompanied by depressive moods breaking out into a hysterical outburst, a small psychotic break with lots of tears and wondering what the fuck as the blackness of the red-pills starts to surface, then the healing will begin. Welcome him at the next rally lads, it will be the first real taste of camaraderie he's ever had.

I really wonder what all of their philosophical circle jerking has brought to society.

There is not 1 productive or positive thing that these philosophers have brought to society.

You can only ignore red pills for so long. Sup Forums is antifragile; the harder it gets shilled by the commies the more refined its arguments become (and the further the shills' morale declines.)

>A few small mega corps will always end up dominating a laisez-faire economy. Libertarians are fucking brainlets.

What's laisez-faire about Jews printing money and giving it to their friends at lower interest rates?

It is not the only differenfe.

>hurr durr it has socialist in it so it must be socialism

>heres the thing
This is why trs gets so much flak, because they are really good at converting normies. You can laugh at enoch for being a cuck, but this how you win.

Also lolbertarians fuck off, your ideology is dead.

It's funny looking back at the 68'ers in my country fighting against centralization and work outside the big cities so people didn't need to move away from home (to the bigger cities) to find work.

Now the radical leftists fight for open borders, as if that isn't the dream of extreme market liberalists.

>Modern leftists believe in both socialism and globalism, even though the two are incompatible. Very much like their beliefs in gay rights, while also promoting Islamism, which seeks to kill gays.
Doublethink at its finest.

>russel brand

Literal Nigger level degenerate.

"Prefers" to hang out with actual drug addicts.

That's because white nationalism is the next stage in socialist revolution.

don't worry about class, goys. just kill whitey

They can thank (((Trotsky))) and his 4th international for that shit.

>End Racism! Kill Whitey!

people fail to see this over and over again

what distinguishes the far right from the far left and capitalism isn't economics- it's the fact that both communism and capitalism place money and material goods as the only meaningful measure of social goodness, whereas the far right values tradition and social capital above money.

Unfortunately I think these idiots will be long dead before that happens. Our children will be forced to suffer for their mistakes

>National socialist party
>practiced wealth redistribution
>government run companies

Its literally socialism you fucking retards. Why cant naziboos just admit their lefties with in-group preferences?

No more cooperatism