Genre that saved anime forever
Genre that saved anime forever
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I'm triggered (you)
Out of those only Re:Zero and Konosuba are good.
Not all of them and definitely not SAO.
It only applies to Syosetsuka ni Narou isekai. Truly the saviors of LN and Animu industry.
God all of those are shit. Leave it to the Japs to completely waste all that potential just to pander to virgin weebs.
>just to pander to virgin weebs.
Haha, you make it sound like you aren't a virgin weeb like yourself.
Wait, is SAO an Isekai?
>no isekai no seikishi monogatari
sudoku you'reself my man
No, kinda, maybe. Not really.
isn't bleach technically isekai?
They're all objectively shit
Except Nobuna
Is Mondaiji-tachi an isekai?
>virgin weebs
Isekai is shit but you're retarded. Anime isn't made for "weebs" you moron. The main market is, who would have thought, Japan.
Yah forgetting Mondaiji.
No, kinda, maybe. Not really.
log horizon and sao needs to fuck off. Gate was "okay" even with CG.
Of course not. No matter how people spin it the world is literally a game and not real.
Video game is not isekai.
I don't know if isekai saved anime, but Drifters is coming to save isekai.
>protagonists aren't completely useless
Noice mayb-
>they all have superpowers and can just cut down swathes of soldiers by themselves
Fuck. Why can't we get a fucking Isekai were the protagonists don't have any special powers but instead get by by being cunning and smart? If the protagonist can just cut down everything but a select few designated rivals, him being dumb or smart doesn't really make a difference, he just swings his sword at the problem.
Whatever, I'll still enjoy Drifters I imagine.
That isn't urban fantasy battle harem.
what is konosuba
Alderamin has a protag like that, it's sounds great on paper but it gets dull.
Ever watched Hai to Gensou no Grimgar?
I'd love this BUT with a protagonist that isn't your generic hero type, because there have been isekais with protagonists overcoming problems with their smarts. I don't mean "oh he's an underhanded but loveable rogue" or similar (), I mean someone in the style of Cao Cao from Three Kingdoms, Dio/DIO, or Tywin from GoT. Doesn't necessarily have to be evil, especially not edgy evil for the sake of it, but rather a proper psychopath in the truest sense of the word that will use any means to achieve his goal (e.g. Cao Cao blaming the food shortage on and executing his trusted officer for hoarding food to avoid a rebellion in the army, when it wasn't true, but it was what was needed to be done).
Worth watching for that last episode grapple alone
Alderamin sucks the mc's dick a bit too much, as everyone in the show sings his praises about just how awesome he is. It grates on your nerves after a while. I thought Tylor is a much better executed example of a smart instead of strong mc.
Grimgar was real shit though. They didn't get magical stuff out the ass but they were completely retarded.
It is, in the same vein of Isekai as NGNL. I like both but Mondaiji-tachi is better with its no-fucks-given stance.
Reminded me Re:Monster. Ever read it?
They were only realistic teenagers.
The isekai genre actually has a pretty long history, I wonder why it's only being looked at as one now. Honestly I thought Tensei is going to be the new hot thing.
Not even a genre, that's simply fantasy writting with shitty excuse for MC and plot. All the "good" Isekai would be better if they weren't isekais in first place.
Smart characters that solve problems through smarts and cunning are very hard to write, especially if you are going for that grounded no bullshit kinda deal you seem to. Not saying it's impossible but the author needs to be very good to keep coming up with problems and intelligent solutions to them over and over again and always keeping it fresh so it does not get old.
Been there, done that.
Remember that americans did isekai first.
>co producted by toei anhimation
sounds like you should read dungeon defense, the MC's a genius with no physical might whatsoever, so he has to manipulate everyone to get what he wants
Yup, there are only two real things that separate isekai and fantasy
A) Its an easy excuse to have an ignorant MC, so there can be plenty of infodumping
B)Pander to losers who want to escape from the real world
Therefore you know a show will be shit just by virtue of being isekai, because thats the whole point of isekai
Does Rakudai Cavalry fall under this despite eventually discarding the harem idea and fixing on a single girl?
that's school battle harem fantasy, a separate yet near if not just as popular genre as isekai
You're joking right? Goblin MC from Re:Monster is the exact opposite of what he mentioned, save for the psychopath part, and it's not even the same kind of psychopath.
Cunning is something you hone when you lack strength, he's never going to pull a Cao Cao when he's a walking mass of broken skills.
Ah pardon me for mistaking between the two. I should have figured that out with the lack of mentioning shows that fall in that. It's a shame neither of the two can break the mold and actually figure out how to write something different.
Is there any story that has the characters start out as wimps and slowly get real power over time? I'm sure that's more like Jump stuff, but perhaps something that hits a stronger balance with character development while not being a Jump length story to do it.
He still
>a proper psychopath in the truest sense of the word that will use any means to achieve his goal
Now and Then Here and There wouldn't work, Re:Zero wouldn't work, 12 kingdoms would be far more dull than it already was, Konosuba and ZnT lose a lot of their humor.
Why is devil is a part timer there? Isn't that the exact opposite of isekai?
Konosuba could easily work without the isekai thing.
>Only know what four of those anime are.
None of them are master-pieces, two are paraded by normies like they're the second coming of Christ.
Fuck Overlord. It's a shit show.
the show's not a very good representation of the LN
Make it stop
Dog Days
Log Horizon
That series with genderbent Nobunaga
Re Zero
Girls Bravo at the top right(not sure on this one)
What am I missing?
What does that even mean?
What could he mean by this?
>What am I missing?
Hataraku Maou-sama!
i hope you like your military otaku pandering propaganda
>Girls Bravo
Why are these even in the picture? Girls Bravo in particular isn't even close to any of the others, it's just another high school harem. The fantasy element is just tacked on.
Meanwhile it's still missing Outbreak Company and NGNL, assuming we're talking about stuff from within the last 10 years.
So look at this !!!!!!!!
We got Roswald that chained Subaru at the wall , and Rem trying to save him while Roswald decide to change his way to make Subaru despair to reach the Satella mind
>no isekai show in fall season
Why the fuck is this allowed?
They need to adapt Atelier Tanaka already
>no battle harem either
Is the anime industry finally saved?
How come this one never comes up anymore? Watching it now and it's just pure unadulterated fun
Seems like once the trap Lelouch novelty wore off everyone forgot about it
He can steal warm panties from girls, that like the best superpower ever
More like being pussified, its becoming tumblr friendly each passing year
how so?
How is Girls Bravo an isekai?
You'll have to wait until Western isekai gets adapted.
Although then you'll have to deal with "hurr let's invent gunpowder" bullshit.
Lots of "strong women who need no men" shows being made instead of shows where the women are just eye candy
Reminder that isekai was 90% of American fantasy before Lord of the Rings got popular in the 70s and got so bad that they were already writing deconstructions in the 60s.
>Pic related is 1977 but Poul Anderson wrote one in 1956.
People keep claiming this, but every Overlord thread seems to have the exact same edgy teenager shit that made me hate the show.
Why is this a bad thing?
And also this is definitely not a new thing.
>Why is this a bad thing?
I didnt knew i was talking to tumblr
Carry on
Anyway, post your favorite isekai.
I loved this book as a kid. Too bad the sequels get retarded with Catholic dogma. (As in, the main character trips over a stick, screams damnit, and all the other characters are upset as he's literally damned the stick to hell.)
You got some sort of vendetta aginst women or something?
Atelier Tanaka is a MANLY NOVEL. WIZARDS RULE!
So you don't actually have an answer?
What exactly is wrong with characters who actually have a character outside of loving the MC's dick?
Forgot picture.
Forgot pic on this one as well, dangit.
Its tumblr pandering, females shouldnt do anything besides look pretty
He's just memeing, ignore him.
Drifters has the "let's invent gunpowder" thing, it's pretty neat.
I sure like glorified music commercials.
Is this the one where the D&D group get transported to a fantasy realm? Only had a book a few entries in but the plot was about no longer having a tech advantage because other countries were coming up with magic guns
Just read Dungeon Defense for that.
Yeah, but Mondaiji was actually fun.
Is time for another "Sup Forums reveals that it knows nothing about the subject they talk about" thread?
Reeeeeeee: 0 is poor man's Edge of Tomorrow.
The threads also aren't a good representation of the LN. The threads used to be mediocre, but not too bad. They've been nothing but a circlejerk with the same five people for quite a while now though.
>young girl he rapes on a self loathing power-trip in the first book comes back in another
>she's old and mindbroken
Thomas Covenant was a ride
It's a pretty good representation of just how little happened in the first three volumes, I'd rather reread The Lizard War than put myself through the first three volumes again.
>judging anything by the fanbase
Nigga, no.
Sadly old men as MCs don't sell too well. Which is also why I'll never see stuff like KENS or Beastman merc and his witch buddy adapted. Cute girls as fantasy MCs don't sell too well either so we're stuck with bland teenage protags forever.
>Cute girls as fantasy MCs don't sell too well
Thank god
You mean All You Need Is Kill right
Subaru treats loops as if it were his own life. That's why he is so hesitant on dying. Don't compare them.
> Old men as mc.
Why can't we have more of that? Why couldn't this dude become the mc?
Why all those MMO animes smell like Ragnarok?