Ever been falsely accused of sexual assault?



How do we trend this?

Mods will probably delete this

Ruined her body with tattoos.

Have you ever been falsely accused of sexual assault?


First glance at that thumbnail and I thought the tattoo was hair.

Never been accused of sexual assault, but some women think I've slept with women I've never actually slept with, even though I clearly stated I didn't. You know, gossip shit.


Can't be accused of rape if you don't have sex.

You raped me.


Nah, they look nice.

Fucking puritans REEEEEE

Stop raping me with your shit taste.

Nah, those tits are pretty bad all by themselves.

Those nipples tho ew
Its not even the fact their brown, they are just too big and look fucked

The photo looked like a painting. My first clues that it wasn't a painting were the tattoos and piercings. No point making "art" of that.


>hideous dark giant nipples
>ruined her body
Yeah, no.

not so nice. would fuck but wouldn't be back. would probably look back on with regret.


If I end up with a girl who has a BF, and her BF finds out, the BF usually comes at me under the impression his GF was "forced" kek
And I've also had women sexually assault me for real, grabbing my ass and nuts unprovoked and keeping it up after I told them to stop

The fat bitch in the apartment criss the hall called the police and got me arrested saying I raped her. Wouldnt nobody rape that bitch. She's got a vendetta against me because I've payed her daughter to do some modeling and she's jealous of ber being hot because she is a fat old cow.
Haha, yes, you can.

dont interact with women in any way and u will be fine

>Ever been falsely accused of sexual assault?
Yes actually
>be me, going to college
>have a 1 bedroom bachelor suite
>meet this girl who seems really nice and really DTF
>she gets kicked out by her parents, is gonna be homeless
>decide to let her stay with me
>shes actually fucking crazy suicidical and spend most of my time taking care of her and making sure she doesnt an hero
>cant get a job because so suicidal and thus wont pay rent
>spends most of her time on tumblr
>literally begs me to fuck her all the time once she sees my dick, and although we make out lots i dont know if i feel comfortable ever fucking her
>one time shes spooning me and rubbing her butt against me so ofc i get a boner
>boner is uncomfortable as fuck in my pants so i re arrange it
>she suddenly bolts up right, grabs her phone and locks herself in her room
>tells every person she can on social media i sexually assaulted her
>they all believe her despite the fact shes a pathological liar
>lose all my freinds
>have to change legal name and move cities

Never trust a girl who browses tumblr to live with you

waste of a milf

actually yes, only on social media not to the police or anything, but almost none of our friends (mutual friend group) believed her (well known crazy girl) and she later retracted it

Yes, state rapes me every day

presuming this is true, we all learn the same lesson the hard way..... keep your dick away from the crazy

I LOL every time, every single time.

A girl in High School tried to say that I raped her.

>be me, insanely drunk on a University tour trip in London
>femanon is staying in her hostel room, not joining in with all the bullshit
>opens her door and notices me drunk in the corridor
>finds it funny, invites me into her room
>after very slurred talk try and kiss her
>kicked out of room
>go back to my room, so drunk people think about calling me an ambulance

Fast forward to morning:
>worst hangover in life
>have to pack and leave hostel
>school trip is late and has to book a hotel
>femanon is missing
>she hasn't been with us for the entire morning

No one says anything about it, continue as normal.

>femanon accused me of raping her, went to hospital to have her genitals checked out. Tried to kiss her while blackout drunk after she invited me into her room.

Why do females lie about being raped?

Its like you've never seen a Shadman drawing.

I kinda wanna see the extent of her injuries.


You can't trend it because girls will just say it's either because of privilege or the patriarchy that men get absolved of false accusations. You'll never win and have your argument turned into theirs soon enough.

6 months after the fact.

>Be in 4 year relationship and have female work friend
>Break up due to unrelated issues
>Work friend has been dating her boyfriend long distance for 2 years
>Finally goes to Europe to meet him
>I start getting non-stop nude snapchats from her
>She comes home, literally jumps on me as soon as she gets the chance
>Apparently guy had a micropenis. Legit clinical micropenis.
>We bang, cuddle, continue being friends
>Find out a month later she is still dating her long distance boyfriend
>2 months later I start dating another girl who lived 3 hours away
>Halloween the girl I was friends with literally drives 4 hours to crash a random houseparty in another city
>Slowly lose contact with her after
>1 month later get a call to chill and she accuses me of rape

Thank god I saved all our texts and had an out with the fact she was just diagnosed with raging bipolar disorder mid November.

I have, but it didn't affect me much because she was known for being a disingenuous cunt.
>few years back
>dumb roastie cheats on her boyfriend with me
>she was a bad lay, I treat her like the slut she is and stop talking to her after that
>later on she accuses me of rape
Hypothetically, can you file a libel suit against someone for this shit or naw?

yes, a retarded feminist though touching her leg gently was rape while she said nothing when i was doing it lol. Also she thougt i was "harrasing" her but i just saw her in highschool classes.

>be me
> go to liberal UU "church" populated by hippies and Wiccans
> self, friend, and another male and female go out to lunch after church
>after lunch, I drive the dude home, friend drives the female home
> friend is male, skinny AF; female non-friend fat toothless ugly
> next week
>fat toothless female claiming to church friend took her home, exposed himself, tried to rape her
>friend calls bullshit, "if that happened, tell everyone: am I circumsized or not?"
> fat bitch can't answer
> friend off the hook, fat bitch soon leaves church & never returns

Fuckin hell lads. I know the number would be near impossible to get, but what percentage of rape allegations do you think are actually true?
>Why do females lie about being raped?
Attention. Also funny how it's only "rape" when the female is drunk. If there wasn't a double standard, then I would be a chronic rape victim.

>femanon is staying in her hostel room, not joining in with all the bullshit

So....she finally got all the attention/sympathy.