Daily poland hate thread

shithole here

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Poland is a poor shit state but its based as fuck.

Fuck off pic related

t. germanon hiding behind a proxy

>daily poland hate just kiddings polan stronk thread

imma do my part,quick rundown for y'all:
-poor shithole
-all drunktards
-high crime rate
-poor shithole
-hohols roaming the streets and kill you for one groszy
-poor shithole
don't go to Poorland,they are full

Germany Im pretty sure you dont have the right to shit talk about any country outside of Africa atm, pic related

Get your house in order.

stop bullying germany plz

Fuck off kraut we know its you! Poles are good.

The guy is actually Polish, but he did hide under a German flag first.

I remember his threads where he would talk shit and call motorways autobahs to pretend.

Das rite

Sup kraut

This thread right after I come back from work?

Let the fun begin :DDDDD

Pay reparations to Namibia you racist.

fucking dumb americans
no,thats me
kurwa tepaku jebany

no, Polska is BASED

No hate toward my northern brothers here.

I'm already waiting with dick in my hands to jack off to this thread
Fucken bump

Your gov show niggers how to impregnate german girls hahahahah

dlaczego tutaj sa takie tepaki jebane?
kurwa nie wiesz do czego ten thread sluzy

what are they doing with those Overwatch flags?

leave polan alone

fuck these dumb divide and conquer shitposting threads.

After like 1 month of this daily thread everyone already know it is butthurt kraut or self-hating faggots

Do rzucania gównem we wszystkich i wszystko?

I mean I had fun playing OV to but come on

To go out on the streets with flags and shit?

fucking shithole

the more you hate on poland the stronger i get

pisz po polsku hoholu jebany

>high crime rate
>poor shithole

you're one to talk Mohamed

but seriously tho
hate this fucking shithole

Only shitholes are antigay.

You must be new here sir

More like everybody knows this thread is propolish and all Poles jerk off to all the white knight defending Rzeczpospolita

>kys :DDDDDD

I think that if Poland stays white, and opens itself up to white immigrants (I.e. wealthy American baby boomers) they will flourish. Wealthy American baby boomers love heritage and history and love to reconnect with their European roots, they don't cause crime, they are nice and just want to experience things...and they have barrels of money that they spend on anything. Also, they love to encourage their friends and family to follow them when they find someplace they like.

In a decade as more of them are looking for the next "it" spot, Poland, Hungary, and others should really try to market to boomers. Then in a generation don't be surprised if your country becomes way more wealthy.

Boomers tried to do this with Mexico, at least my parents and aunts and uncles did. But Mexico was to violent so they gave up. I'm not kidding, my family is slightly upper middle class and at one point in the 1980s and 1990s, my extended family had 7 houses in Mexico and we all would spend thousands of dollars there each trip, on frivolous things, food, souvenirs, tours etc. Basically just giving away our money to locals.

Just a suggestion. Anyone with a great knowledge or interest in your country would set up a tourist destination, with authentic tours and food etc. then just work with a marketing or advertising company in the US.

I believe in you Poland. And Hungary, and Slovakia. etc. Pic unrelated maybe

tyrone, please....

divide poland
half to germany
half to lithuania

push these yellow slavs back to mongolia
shoo shoo retarded flu

push them back

they wuz asianz

Co ty kurwa pierdolisz o mojej ojczyźnie? zapierdolić ci? :DDDDD

zamknij morde szwabie jebany
niemcy takie zle a ssiesz z cyca markeli, kurwo

this so much

good one

Fuck off Schlomo.

My main source of hate against Poland is when I used to play LoL 5 years ago on EUNE. Learn to speak English you faggots


Poland is good OP is bad

O kuhwa napisalem po angielsku jeszcze sie skapną :DDDDDDDDD


Fuck off we're full

We don't want no New World fags

>wanting to divide the safest country in europe
>poland are yellow

where did you get your burger degree?

Get out of Europe kike

Your mistake was playing a video game in the first place

Your second mistake was playing League out of all games

The third was playing on a EU server


We don't want to end up like Cuba, but I doubt that's even possible.

Have you ever been to Poland?

>zapierdolic ci
no nie kurwa
wez,prosze cie

>We don't want them shekels

Also: There are Americans here already, I see them in the city centre quite often.

jesus, i fucking hate poles here
they think they are smart and ironic with those threads, but in reality Poland is a real shithole
with memes only burgers can believe in

The perception of Poland depends on where you live. I live in Warsaw and it's pretty good.

What zadupie are you from?

I was a teenager, give me a break it was 5 years ago. Some of my friends still play it and my god that game has gone from shit to even worse. At least it was semi-playable in 2012

Do not take commenters' flags at face value.

Do not respond to comments or threads meant to engender needless and counter-productive divisions among people with common interests.


How is this bad though?


I’d let them both shit on me

thanks for contributing :DDD
Gob,honor i Bojczyzna!

Poland is best county in Europe.

>Muh money
Fuck off, western spy.
True slavs don't give a shit about Jewish subversion.

they take every non pole and foreigner when the night comes and slit their throat in some old garage

o to mi chodzi
co robisz in krautland? wracaj i zapierdalaj na naszą gospodarke


spoko,robie tutaj studium i wroce


im from wwa
hate this fucking city

Póki wysyła szekle z powrotem i płaci nasze podatki to niech tam siedzi


What's so bad about it? Apart from the bad architecture and tramps on pavements?

What district do you live in?

Pamiętaj żeby zawsze cos rozjebać lekko

Nie wyrzucaj nigdy nic do kosza tylko na ulice itd

Takie drobne grzeszki :DDDDD

>What's so bad about it? Apart from the bad architecture and tramps on pavements?

fucking everything

>What district do you live in?
praga północ


Podludź alert

zajeb sie, cebulaku

Sup, new fags

This kraut is actually a polish diaspora
read between the lines and lurk more

gdzie jest ten z Szwecji z flaga DEUS VULT

Oh boi, Białołęka here. Przeprowadz się lepiej.

Czekam na niego, zaraz pewnie tu będzie

jest pare niezlych inwestycji tutaj
still chujowe miasto

do magrowa kurwa

Proszę się od mnie zwracać Pani Żydzie

Tak wygląda perfekcyjny żydo-słowianin
Legendarny Anty-chryst, ubermensch

jak bysmy go mieli w 2. wojnie,to kurwa niemcuszky by spierdalali

Kończę naukę w Wielkiej Brytanii i wracam, aby wstąpic policji. Co sadzicie ?

najpierw pokazoj flage a nie jak then z szwecji

Dlaczego nie wojsko

kurwa naprawde mysle czy mam do wojska isc jak wroce

>Pokaż flagę
>JP 100% :DDD

Płacą grosze i wojsko dzisiaj jest bardziej skorumpowany niż kiedykolwiek

Macierewicz się stara ale to nie jest hop siup, potrzeba lat praca

Zapisz się do OT i rób swoje, generuj pieniądze

I tak swoją drogę zawsze miałem problem z tą piosenką

Moim zdaniem ten kult "szarej piechoty" i "nieznanego żołnierza" to przesada

>Husaria i szlachta, czyli chluba narodu była kolorowa i złota
>Obwieszona swiecidełkami i egzotycznymi skórami
>Pełna dumy i pyszna
>Chcieli zapisać w historii swój ród, swoje nazwisko

To jednak nie znaczy że nie płaczę jak pizda jak słucham

Were do the purest Poles live?

in Poland


Spiewaj ze mną user

> Przejdą lata i wieki przeminą
> Pozostaną slady dawnych dni
>I wszystkie maki na Monte Cassino
>Czerwieńsze będą bo z polskiej wzrosną krwii

I wonder who can be behind this post.


You're an idiot. Poland is going to be the only European country left. Why would we hate them?

Fuck off retarded kraut.

>Why would we hate them?
gee i dont know why

kurwa znam z pamieci to
ja jestem bardzo fit bym powiedzial,bym probowal isc do GROM jak by bylo mozna

>War.. War never changes

Do gromu z cywila się nie da, biorą z podoficer po latach doswiadczenia

sprawdź JWK

Rolą Polaków w monte cassino było zostanie mięsem armatnim a znaczenie w zwycięstwie żadne.
Na dodatek nikt nie zwracał uwagi na ten "heroiczny" czyn
bo to było typowe polskie bohaterstwo, zginąć po to by zginąć, mądrze czy głupio ważne że w słusznej sprawie

jebane polactwo mesjasz narodów nigdy się nie nauczy

oczywicie w kazdym normalnym kraju takie pyrrusowe zwycięstwa są potępiane i ocenianie negatywnie. obiektywnie ocenia się zwycięstwa i porażki, wodzów i królów. ale nie w polsce gdzie każdy spuszcza się bo zmarło tylu bohaterskich żołnierzy.

oczywiscie nikt polaczków nie pochwalił za to co zrobili, tak samo jak nikogo nie obchodzi jebany dywizjon 303. bo ich rzeczywiste znaczenie jest marginalne ale dla smieci ludzkich to sa najlepsi zolnierze jakich matka ziemia nosiła xD
sprobuj tylko umniejszyc ich glorie, wypowiedziec sie obiektywnie to zostaniesz zwyzywany od antypolaków

>1939 - heil hitler
>2017 - hooba hiiba

fuck poland if they hadn't baited germany so hard we would be living in a better place probably. FUCK POLES

>we don't want barrels of money from peaceful elderly whites

Go fuck yourself then, they will find another place you poor faggot. This is some nigger mentality shit.

dont come here