You guys probably didn't notice, but in Monokuma's explaination of the rules. He used Kyouko Kirigiri's sprite to kill Chisa's sprite.
Danganronpa 3: Daily reminder that Kirigiri is the traitor
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Dont really care about chisa anymore.
>reee I had to teach normies.
>Punches Naegi and makes him bleed
>Knee'd the fuck out of Anxiety fag and makes niggers drop faster than the Detroit police department
>Went one on one with Gozuboys
>Rekt Hinata so hard he turn Izuru
>100% accuracy rate in Olympic chair throwing, that one miss on Kirigiri was just to flex his muscles and check dat ass
>Went full ham on the old man and crew just to get his kick quota fulfilled
>Roundhousekicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet
>Too busy punching manlets, so some mentally deranged kid blows up half the school.
>Great try, but no normalfags died
Fucking reeeeeeeeeee
>Tried to take kill the donut but jobbed again.
>Survived 2 missile barrages by some random ass cripple in a wheelchair.
He is gonna kick everyone in the damn anime and survive, shrugging it off while kicking the traitor back to hell. HE WAS LITERALLY INVOLVED IN ALL THE DEATHS, HE'S GONNA KICK EVERYONE.
PS: Normalfags and Chiakifags need not apply to based Juzo.
> Is Nagito the best waifu?
Give your opinion
why the fuck would you post this at the beginning of a new thread?
We all noticed, idiot.
Thats cause Kyoko is Junko Op-chan
Well that's this thread killed, good job guys.
I want to cure Junko and cuddle with her until she cries
post yfw Izuru beats Juzo up.
I hope Izuru and Juzo end up being bros.
Kyoko will beat him up.
At least it was a quick kill
Rolling for Mukuro
Izuru wouldnt be a bro with a talentless loser like Juzo.
Good job idiot, you killed the thread
Keep that shit for /drg/ you cock sucker
>Juzo's ass-whipping imminent
>Juzofags: "w-w-we're b-b-bros right, Izuru and J-Juzo are b-b-b-b-bros!"
No. Juzo is BTFO but he doesn't realize it yet.
the thread was shit anyway
>nagito will never lick your crotch clean after 3 days without bathing
Why live?
Not even, I just think it'd be funny given that they both have a distaste for normies. Juzo getting his ass torn open instead is what everyone is expecting to happen anyway.
It was all an anime huh?
I like it
So is it based on Ryota's actual high school friends
>Junko was a girl who liked to wear fashionable clothes and was surprisingly smart so SHSL analyst and fashionista
>Naegi got all the girls so SHSL lucky
>Hajime went from being a loser to being the most popular guy
>Nagito also got all the girls but was gay
I like this chart because nobody ever rolls Junko
>they both have a distaste for normies
I was pretty sure Izuru doesnt like everyone.
Here we go again...
The stuff he was saying to Nagito in chapter 0 gave me the impression that he had a particular distaste for the untalented, maybe I'm wrong though.
Juzo is a normie by Izuru's standards.
I want OVAs of SDR2 cast doing SOL things, since the anime doesn't really focus on them.
I'm very late to the party and missed a ton of information. Can someone give me some quick tips how to prepare for this anime?
I played and enjoyed Danganronpa 1, that game also got an anime some time ago, but I didn't finish that one since I already played the game.
Now this anime also requires me to play Danganronpa 2 to understand it and that game doesn't have an anime, right?
So after having played Danganronpa 1 and 2 I should start watching this?
And then there's actually 2 different versions of this show? Mirai-hen and Zetsubou-hen?
>Hajime hates himself.
>His alter ego hates people like him too.
Izuru is an awful "character". I really don't get why people like him.
>derailing thread
see you in 1 day, my predictions are 100% accurate
It's not totally untrue in in that pretty much everybody, even ultimates, are untalented and boring by his standards.
Let's HOPE together
>Weedman is actively trying to join the killing games
You play DR1, DR2 watch ultra despair girls on YT and then read DR zero and you should watch the DR3 anime then
I wanted a cute SoL of the Remnants of Despair raping and pillaging cities.
You only need to follow Hagakure in DR1 getting his FTE's and then read Ultra Despair Hagakure novel to know everything you need
He's the strongest character in the DGRP universe and the final form of Hajime who's a good character in his own right. What's there not to like?
Is this proof that something happened to Chiaki / she died?
Because how could Despair Mikan with her memories back instantly identify the traitor. She must have thought it was weird Chiaki is around since she's not part of the Despair gang.
he's bland and edgy as fuck. Completely unneccesary character who was only created to give player a dillema and twist in DR2 ending
Because he's OP Hinata without much emotion, awesome hair and red eyes I guess. That and he owns Komaeda and sees through his crap...
>Now this anime also requires me to play Danganronpa 2 to understand it and that game doesn't have an anime, right?
Yes. Watch or play Another Episode too. And read Danganronpa 0. Then watch Mirai-hen ep1 -> Zetsubou-hen ep1 -> Mirai 2 -> Zetsubou 2, etc.
Speculating is probably pointless but I still feel like "real" Chiaki was murdered, I hope I'm wrong though.
Who dies next monday?
Please don't kill Ryuta
His memes are hilarious. Why else.
This is taking place at the same time as 2, right? That means Kirigiri and Naegi are safe till the end and not the attacker.
I think he's cool. I probably have the little girl inside me to blame for that.
Ruruka, her bf, animator and fedora are going to die for sure, punished munakata and fagakura too probably. I wonder if Kodaka will actually kill anyone from dr1
Pic related
did Mikan know that she was in a simulation?
Because if she didnt, why didnt she question Chiaki's presence if she died?
No, it's taking place after DR2.
i can never tell what's bait and what isn't.
I love you
What's that?
She knows because she recovered her memories. Saionji is still a midget.
I agree. Before I started SDR2 I heard a lot of hype about Izuru but he was barely in it. Not only that but he's supposed to have all the Ultimates or something. How does that even work, and how overpowered is that guy then.
He works as an extension of Hajime but as an individual character, nah. It's sad that Kodaka sucks at creating villain characters. They're all one-dimensional / overpowered characters. Junko, Izuru.
I loved Monaca though. She's legitimately threatening and interesting, and not written as if by a 14-year-old's concept of what a "scaaaary" villain is supposed to be.
Several reasons
It doesn't prove Chiaki is dead
She might have remembered Chiaki wasn't with them and wasn't a despair at all
Or maybe Chiaki was a secret despair and she knew that Chiaki was fake
I hope the latter, I wanna see despair Chiaki
>i can never tell what's bait and what isn't.
True despair
1) Chiaki died and Mikan aknowleged this was a simulation and correctly identified Chiaki as the traitor.
2) Chiaki is alive and Mikan correctly identified Chiaki as the traitor.
3) Chiaki is alive and Mikan incorrectly identified Hajime as the traitor.
I want Mikan to experiment on me!
Really? I was under the impression it was the same time because no one seems to know most of the remnants are dead.
Did she never meet Izuru?
They are not dead. Some are still in COMA.
Just memes my friend. He hasn't done anything notable on screen yet.
Despair Mikan probably knew. Didn't the RoD voluntarily agree to get in the simulation, hoping they could abuse and control it? So if she got her memories back she should've known.
Back to my post here. Then again did the RoD knew Izuru was Hajime. Was Izuru easily recognizable as Hajime? Did Despair Mikan look around and recognize Hajime was supposed to be Izuru? We don't know since no one (?) has seen the both of them. Except Junko, maybe.
The DR2 students aren't the only remnants.
All they care about is that Naegi's hiding them. At the end of the day it doesn't matter whether there are 16 or 5 remnants. They're just mad Naegi disregarded orders and went right under their nose to do his own thing. Naegi and co know that so they didn't take the time to tell them as much. Not like FF gave them any opportunity to do that anyways.
I forgot the special matrix coma.
Which theory is complex enough?
>junko's ghost is the mastermind
>junko's still alive and mastermind again
>Future side is VR again/anime/dream under pills
>Chiaki is the mastermind/Monaca/alive
>Hagakure is the mastermind
>Togami was already in and is 16th participant hiding inside the building
We'll know soon thanks to the anime. What's certain is that Komaeda didn't.
The most COMPLEX theory is that the culprit is the original Izuru Kamukura as an agent of Order trying to destroy the source of Chaos, aka luck coming out Naegi.
>Koichi is the despair sisters father and the mastermind
> Junko is in Kyoko and is the mastermind
> Chisa is the monokuma maid and the mastermind
Who else is glad they didn't fall for the "Ultra Despair Girls is just a spinoff it wont be important" meme?
I completely forgot these ones
There's that door Yoi found user
Wait and hope.
Reminder that the best thing to happen in the DR2 anime was the DR1 kids showing up
Considering how young those kids were I'm surprised they got away with some of those scenes in North America. Kotoko herself is a laundry list of things I didn't think would fly.
The most complex theory is that in reality, Junko and her followers is the real hope, while Ryota has made the viewer fall into despair and see everything in the anime in the opposite emotion
it's funny how some people actually think the sdr2 kids were the only remnants
danganronpa is niche enough so no one would care
Reminder that the best thing to happen in the DR1 anime will be the DR2 kids showing up.
Junko & Mukuro showing up was fun, yeah. Getting some background on SHSL Imposter & SHSL Miyazaki was more interesting for me though.