>In Homura's false world, background characters in Madoka's class have burnt faces
Why can't Homurafags deal with the fact that Homura is completely fucked up in the head?
>In Homura's false world, background characters in Madoka's class have burnt faces
Why can't Homurafags deal with the fact that Homura is completely fucked up in the head?
>Why can't Homurafags deal with the fact that Homura is completely fucked up in the head?
Most of them do, though. It's whether her being fucked up is justified that's the problem.
>Hitomi doesn't have a burnt face, and is therefore inside the world
for what reason does homura have to trap her in there?
Does this mean that she'll be important?
It just means she doesn't remember how they looked like.
How about you try reliving the same three months of death, despair and suffering for 25 years without receiving any mental damage.
>Hitomi FINALLY becomes meguca next movie
do you think the next movie will be the final installment in the series?
Will she become gay too?
>implying Hitomi would ever engage in FO R B I D D E N L O V E
She's like those anti-gay preachers that get caught sucking off male prostitutes in public bathrooms.
>real people vs familiars who looked normal until Homura got woke
Go back to tumblr.
why did Home have so many fucking familiars?
Don't witches only get familiars when they kill people, or did I make that up?
I CAN deal. That's why I like her.
What Sup Forumss would each meduka listen to?
Because she isn't.
Slint - Spiderland
MBV - Loveless
Descendents - Milo Goes to College
Kanye West - MBDTF
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
Raffi - Banana Phone
I think the intention is to give them a blurred out appearance rather than a burnt one. In any case, it doesn't really have anything to do with Homura, apart from that she didn't consider those people important enough to lure them over to her labyrinth.
Even fucking Nakazawa is there for some reason.
You made that up. What was stated was that familiars can turn into witches by killing humans. I think you mixed it up a bit.
>14 years old, Jap girls listening to some shitty Sup Forums approved bands
They did ask for Sup Forums specifically. Which automatically means pretentious and overrated.
Dpes anyone else feel sorry for Nakazawa-kun?
Thanks to some dyke chimping out, he's now stuck in a world where he's a forever middle schooler who has to listen to his teacher bitch to him about her shitty love life for all eternity.
he doesn't even get a cool hair color.
>She cucks Sayaka again by stealing Kyoko
>Sayaka reaches maximum despair and becomes a super-witch
>Hitomi kills her and establishes herself as the most powerfuñ Meguka after Madokami and Homu
>Hitomi replaces Sayacuck in popular merchandise
>Hitomi gets a SOL spin-off and is the protag of future movies
Hitomi's an important part of the setting since she's one of Madoka's closest friends. Same reason she trapped Kazuko-sensei. Nakazawa is a bit harder to explain.
I've always wondered what Hitomi would be like if she wen MG; and by extension what her witch would be like.
of course, these are questions that will probably never get answers.
>Charlotte became Bebe from fan love
>sayaka and kyoko held hands because it's a popular fan ship
>yfw it happens again next movie and they introduce Poor-chan as an official character
why did Oktavia get a last name when all the other witches just got first names?
Maybe there was already another witch called Oktavia, so they agreed she could keep the name if she found a way to tell them each other apart.
I wonder what happened to the Anja that Sayaka tried to kill.
>posting untranslated pages
I can't read Italian you smelly cunt
Time to learn you brainless faggot.
This is an english-language imageboard you autistic turbonigger.
who is best Inu Curry?
I'm not learning Italian just so some anons on a Peruvian wayang showing site can post untranslated jpegs without complaints
"But that's forbidden love!" was foreshadowing
she'll become meguca and defeat the lesbian devil as the true hero of the story
was nakazawa even an actual character in the anime? I dont remember him.
He's sensei's favorite student
There's no deliberate reasoning on Homura's part-- it was all her subconscious. Individuals that she recognized were lured in and integrated as part of the fake city. The rest of the population was just filled in with familiars.
Sayaka canonically likes classical.
>Even fucking Nakazawa is there for some reason.
she relived that one month for over ten years straight, how many times do you think she listened to sensei shout NAKAZAWA KUN
he's imprinted in her brain
>Nakazawa is gonna become the next god
Madoka would listen to j-pop and all that shit
Kyoko listens to whatever they make as rock over there
Sayaka listens to Mozat and the Beatles
Mami likes jazz
Nagisa does the thing little kids do when they'll play the same song over and over again; it's a different song every few days
Hitomi enjoys Death Grips
what about homura?
she listens to nothing but recordings of madoka's voice
>the PSP game will never be translated
why even live
can witches have sex?
can they give birth to new witches?
They make new witches by splitting off familiars, who eat people and grow into the original witch.
Interacting with other witches probably is more likely to result in them merging, like with Walmartnight
>hitomi is the only meduka character other then homu confirmed for girl lover
hitohomu confirmed for best pairing
Homura is such an obsessed and crazy dyke. Worst girl and I can't wait until Sayaka takes her down in the next movie
>implying it won't be Hitomi
>Which automatically means pretentious and overrated.
love this meme
if you were a witch, what would you name your familiars?
Where's that picture of Homu and Hitomi hugging from the PSP game
It's not that great a game.