What do you think of this manga?
Personally I think this is one of the best highschool manga I've ever read.
What do you think of this manga?
Personally I think this is one of the best highschool manga I've ever read.
best girl won that's all I know
This. Also helped me realize how much of an asshole I was
Stop saying my thoughts.
>best girl won
How can she win if there is no competition
Also shes used goods
It felt very Japanese towards the end with the girl descending into a deep depression. You don't really see this idea in western media.
My boy MC suddenly getting with the bully girl was a bit odd I think. She didn't really have a redemption arc.
behind the school after the lessons
>She didn't really have a redemption arc.
I don't think she needed one. She just naturally grew out of being a bully. If she wanted to apologize for her bullshit (and she did), she lost the chance after Squirrel Girl went nuclear.
How do you grow out of bullying a girl so hard that she slits her wrists right in front of you? There were seemingly no consequences for her at all.
Trash manga, loved by plebs.
>it's like death note except he faps!! xD so funi!
Now that I think about it, the moral of the story was pretty much
If you're getting bullied, you'll end up a total suicidal loser
If you're the bully, you'll be successful and happy in the end
Keit-ai is better.
The art is so trash i keep dropping it after a few pages
I identified with the MC cause I used to jerk off in class.
I remember best girl being cute.
Yeah it was pretty twisted, but that's Jap culture for you.
No matter how fucked up the bullying is, intervening is just bad manners.
She stopped bulling her long before that to focus on her grades. Those were two other girls who weren't even in her posse.
on your second part, I can kind of see that yeah, but while reading the manga I didnt notice it
Conformity the manga.
Brushing things under the rug is the Japanese way. Wa and all that.
>the moral of the story
This is not a children's book, there's no moral.
Did anyone ever scan the redraw?
Maybe not in a formal sense of the word as it is used in science. But in the sense that you look at the characters, their actions, and the consequences and try to abstract it.
If you look at most western movies then you'll inevitable see that good triumphs over evil. But in this story the message was more like: There is no justice and you can only help yourself and even then it might still fail.
Did anyone ever stop to consider Pizza-ta's feelings?
Maybe you should stop trying to get your preconceived ideals validated in the stuff you read and just try to appreciate the stuff you're reading for what it is.
You're basically saying the story should have been a cliche. I'm sorry but I'd rather read the author's version than your's. It sounds boring.
Pretty good. Way better than nonsense like Yahari.
Best adolescence/coming of age story I have had the pleasure to read. Catcher in Rye isn´t even close second.
>You're basically saying the story should have been a cliche.
It is cliche. Lame nip conformist/conciliatory crap. Nothing unique about it.
10/10, made me envy a work for the first time.
Bullies don't deserve happiness.
Holy fuck, redraw? Sauce for example?
Read it again.
There´s a moral, read it again.
Well yeah technically the moral is "let go and move on"(or something like that, it's been a while) but I meant to say that reading anything not written for small children with a mentally of "what's the moral" is retarded.
Not really. People want to get the message the author is trying to convey. And if people didn´t get it, they feel like they wasted their time. So either the author couldn´t convey his message through his work because of his lack of skills, or the author had no message to convey, witch incidentally label him as a bad writer for many.
I mean, Shakespear is fucking boring, but even his shitty tragedy Macbeth had a good moral message.
Okay then. Resent the author for not writing a story that has pedagogic values.
What? Almost every story has some sort of moral to it. Actually, story based anime without any moral to it tend to be shallow as fuck.
What's the moral of Kimi Uso?
I dropped it so I can't say.
The second part pissed me off.
I didn't like it at all. The gimmick wore off after a couple chapters, and the characters were terribly unlikable. The fact that they try to play the whole story straight makes it feel really stupid. Had the same problem with Molester Man, which I also really disliked. But then, shounen-style high school romance drama really doesn't do it for me. Give me flowery shoujo shit over shounen ecchi drama any day.
Also not a fan of YOKO's early, sketchy artwork. I think it looks really bad, but that's more of a taste thing. Just not my style. I have been meaning to check out that WSJ manga he does about dancing though.
The guy complained that the story didn't punish the bully saying it was teaching bad morals. All I'm saying is that this is stupid outside of books for very small children. This is almost on the level of "but what if a child reads this and thinks it's okay to bully?". Seriously look at the original post He's acting as if the story is prescriptive. This is how a child reads books.
Then I might as well spoil you: The blonde girl dies in the end and it turns out that she was in love with the MC from the start.
Maybe the message was: Stop being a sad cunt because other people who have it worse are also trying hard to be happy. That's something you can find sometimes in Japanese stories.
Maybe the moral would have been clearer if the anime didn't leave all but the main thread unresolved.
>So either the author couldn´t convey his message through his work because of his lack of skills, or the author had no message to convey, witch incidentally label him as a bad writer for many.
There's actually another more common reason
>Maybe the message was: Stop being a sad cunt because other people who have it worse are also trying hard to be happy. That's something you can find sometimes in Japanese stories.
But I think that not really a good moral because in some ways it might be easier to make the most of your days when you know that they are numbered.
What are some other stories that don't have a conventional happy ending?
Then it just comes down to a shitty loose end.
The deaf girl manga had a similar problem where nothing is resolved in terms of the bullies.
Because it's not about the bullies.
Live your life without regret.
I like that.
>Shakespeare is boring
>Macbeth is shitty
Well, for most manga reader, that unlikable dick that is the MC, that is suppose to be the average reader when he went to high school. Edgy little special snowflake that is better than anyone, too good for friends and so on. OMK is about the MC transforming from a asshole into something likable. Growing up, coming of age. The topic at hand is regarded as one of the most important in literature.
Hell, I blush from time to time thinking about what a shit teen I was. And OMK hits all the right note, is like looking into the mirror. And for many, they never changed that mirror image. OMK is so powerful though, that it might even be that one cataclysm for that change one needed to grow up. Is fantastic.
Shoujo shit is just guilty pleasure 99% of the time. And that dancing manga in SJ, just generic sport shit.
Is called a classic for a reason. One of the first, the concept is novel enough to last. And then we build upon that, add something more, make it more complex and so on. Human appetite grows.
I don't think he grew into a likable character, though. I still hate him. And everyone else in the manga, for that matter.
You're a moron if you try to look for the 1-2 sentence "morals" to stories. Good stories are inherently complex enough where that's impossible to begin with: that's what makes them good in the first place. A good story is good because it has a shitton of interwoven characters and themes that can each be analyzed individually. OMK was enjoyable because you watched the characters grow as individuals, rather than fulfill some sort of overarching morally imperative message; it's a coming-of-age story for entertainment purposes, not one of fucking Aesop's fables.
Gravity's Rainbow, Brothers Karamazov, and Blood Meridian can all easily be summed up in one sentence, each.
Alright alright, I know I definitely should've specified that this obviously does not universally apply to every good story. I was just consumed by a fit of rage at the idea that a living human being actually somehow got it into his head that
>Now that I think about it, the moral of the story was pretty much
>If you're getting bullied, you'll end up a total suicidal loser
>If you're the bully, you'll be successful and happy in the end
>A good story is good because it has a shitton of interwoven characters and themes that can each be analyzed individually.
Like the bullied character whose life was fucked up and the bully character whose life was fine. Analyze that.
How about you elaborate on why you hate everyone and everything about this manga.
What point are you trying to even make here?
He thinks that the writer is making a statement. He's retarded.
You have very bad reading comprehension.
>Also shes used goods
Delinquent gal
I like how this thread turned out, lots of discussion.
I honestly can't say I've ever seen such a frank discussion of emotivism and prescriptivism on Sup Forums before in all my years here.
>highschool manga
The whole thing took place in middle school
>catcher in the rye isn't even a close second
Nigger what.
I blame the later volumes for that, it had a strong start and middle ish.
>There were seemingly no consequences for her at all.
Best girls are always free of all sins, especially cute tsundere. The suicidal bitch even had a chance to win the MCbowl, but she crushed it by her own hand, that's no one's fault but hers.
>Delinquent gal
In other words, completely pure girl?
The premise of the masturbation avenger is kinda funny. But that's all.
After the public apology it just become boring and uninteresting moralfaggottry that basically overwrite everything that made this manga cool till that moment.
>Also shes used goods
that's a good thing
Reminder that Kurosawa and Sugawa got married canon