Spoiler on Wednesday.
Other urls found in this thread:
Dead threads on Thursday.
Once again as a fellow Ichihime shipper don't insult Rukia by comparing her to Sakura. You waste of sperm.
Stop posting this. STOP POSTING THIS.
I wish I had never posted this image in a Bleach thread.
Why are you all hung up on who ends with whom anyway? They are only fictional characters.
Sad people with no life, no looks, no money and no perspective need to self-insert as their head canon user-kun.
Why are you hung up on who ends with whom anyway? They are only real people.
Is this from some reality TV show? I don't like American TV.
Fuck you for doing it. You probably thought it would be so fucking funny when you posted it.
But Sakura is better senpai.
Sakura is Rukia done right.
It was once, just once. I didn't know that this would happen.
Sakura only craves for one guy's dick.
Rukia goes from man to man. Pure slut.
>It was once, just once.
That one time created almost a month full of spamming.
Naruto is Orihime done right
is it finally over?
Sakura didn't do a single impressive thing until the fucking epilogue.
Rukia's at least cute.
Quads confirm.
As if something this obvious needs to be confirmed
a-are the IchiRukians and IchiHimians gone?
Yonkou does not like posting on Sup Forums. So unless the poster has a magazine scan, then assume it's an imposter. He told me to let you all know that there is some faggot pretending to be him dumping fake spoilers and he's getting flooded with people asking him if they are real.
>Naruto ended
>Bleach ending
It's like my entire youth is disappearing.
No, apparently spoilers are on Wednesday.
>there is some faggot pretending to be him dumping fake spoilers
I hope he doesn't mean me posting this over and over. I saved it from the Annette fakery a couple of weeks ago.
consider the following
Could be, but you're not the only one posting it. Reddit and tumblr got their hands on it as well. Also there have been several posters claiming to be him posting fake spoilers since yesterday
Spoilers fucking when? The waiting is driving me crazy. I want off this ride.
was it this image?
No, just posters saying "hey yonkou here" and posting some fake spoiler or other. Also Yonkou has no affiliation to Mangastream whatsoever, as one of the imposters claimed.
Monday-Wednesday. Take it easy user.
What are you even doing?
Which ship will win?
Capped for speculation/discussion.
What kind of resolution for the romance subplot would you like? Please post your imagined scenarios.
Shut the fuck up already. Your ship will sink, if for nothing else how cancerous you faggots are
What ship?
Why the fuck was he not a war potential? Did Yhwach think Ryuken was just a chump who didn't care about the Vandenreich? I trust Kubo won't give us any explanation at all on this end.
Why did you use to photoshop that?
I love Orihime. I want to curl up besides her and fall asleep.
IchigoxYuzuxKarin is the best possible ending.
Prove me wrong.
Because people expect resolution from underlying plot elements introduced in a work of fiction?
The war potential were for the normal Sternritter. Ryuken was too busy for the war itself.
Please tell him to kill himself. He is just an attention whore. That's why he tries to always post spoilers, so everyone can sick his dick with compliments
Kakashi is Yoruichi done right.
>Urahara wasn't the final villain
>Urahara jobbed
Kubo is a fucking hack.
He needs our fap fluids to sustain himself.
There is not one ounce of Romance in that collage.
Kubo pls ;_;
>Doing things results in attention which means people only do things for attention
Nice post user, way to beg for attention you dirty attention SLUT
You're the reason that we get spoilers last these days. Go fuck yourself.
I rewatched this movie recently and damn is that autumn aesthetic comfy. A wonderful mix of comfy and nostalgia.
Senna a best
>You're the reason that we get spoilers last these days.
isnt it for the best?
Who's that grabbing Ichigo? Is she from some filler?
This is the Valentine's Day chapter.
>Heart on his chest
>Thinking of Rukia
thats his future wife.
Okay fine, but Yhwach should have sent someone to assassinate Ryuken instead of assuming he wasn't up to anything.
There's still one more chapter. For all we know Urahara is fucking with Yhwach's reiatsu so that he can become god king emperor.
don't expect nice things from Kubo.
Urahara is dead.
>That girtl with glasse
Ohh right, she existed
I wouldn't be surprised, I don't expect nice things from Kubo.
Why can't that happen?
I hope not. He's my favorite character
Yonkou pls.
Anyone got any fake spoilers. I'm dying here. I need false hopes.
Ichigo will end up with Tatsuki. This will be the final kubo.
Aizen walks into Soul Society, Yhwach's eye rug flowing off of him, and starts massacring the Shinigami. Kurosaki arrives to fight him, but at that point Aizen undoes Kyoka Suigetsu, and Rukia shatters. Aizen then unmasks himself to reveal that he was Rukia the whole time. Rukia then unmasks again to reveal that she was really Orihime the whole time. Orihime then forces herself upon Kurosaki and gives him a deep kiss. The End.
I love it
Even if Ichigo never feels romantic towards her i have to admit the idea of Rukia liking him wouldn't be unlikely at all given her past feelings towards Kaien and after watching her face here mangareader.net
However, given Rukia's a shinigami and Ichigo a human with a life and a family in the living world it's also quite likely she would repress them for his sake. It'd fit with her becoming a captain.
Is this the best design in the history of everything?
No, he looks like a decent midboss.
We're given more scenes of Ichigo clearly having something for Rukia, but it's never quite clear how she feels towards him, and the original character arc for Rukia was her repressing her feelings for the human world because of her duties as a shinigami, which goes double for Ichigo because of how similar he looks to the guy she loved that she went on to kill, Kaien, which is why she treats him so different than anyone else in either world.
This should have been resolved in a clearer manner, but Kubo dragged the manga out infinitely so it just didn't happen.
Top-tier bait. Kubo was fucking with you guys so hard.
Sorry user, I forgot noticing things in the manga this thread exists specifically to discuss is a sure sign of autism.
I guess being unable to comprehend human emotion and interaction in a visual medium means for sure you're safe though.
If Chizuro never disappeared from existence how would she reaction about Ichigo dating Orihime if Ichihime happens?
Nice denial
Didn't Kaien turn out to be Ichigo's family or something?
yeah they're cousin's
Yes? Why do you ask?
not related to your post at all, I just vaguely remembered something about it but wasn't really sure.
Dad was a shiba or something like that. Which reminds me. Rukia doesn't know that Ichigo and Kaien are related.
Why do you faggots think he doesn't like posting on Sup Forums? Because on Sup Forums no one knows who he is. He is just another regular user. He can't take credit. He loves leddit and other forums because he has a little account where he gets all the dick suck
Post Rukias.
Check the Sup Forums drawfag thread, Swordbro just got another.
Yes, and the characters it would matter to never find out about it so it doesn't matter even a tiny bit to the plot, making it into story element #40685 that Kubo has introduced and failed to follow up on.
It could easily have been used to leverage Ichigo and his family as being invited to live in Soul Society or something, since the ability to grant and restore shinigami powers has been introduced twice now, so Ichigo could officially choose whether he wants to live as a human or a shinigami in the end, and for the shippers would basically mean him choosing between the chance to live with Rukia or to go back to his old life to do whatever.
Would have been an interesting ending and actually make sense as a conclusion to the 2 main character arcs, but I guess we'll just get Kubo'd instead.
Could someone explain the "wax that ass" meme to me?
>Not wanting to wade neck deep in this shit tsunami makes you some tryhard
Rukia's haircut makes her look like Hanataro.
Why not just be a tripfag?