Waifu feet thread
Waifu feet thread
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Who's that?
The seasonal meme waifu.
All this seasonal Rem waifufags make me ashamed of liking her.
Did I hear someone scream lewd?
Who's Rem?
One of the best girls from Re: Zero but everyone fucking hates Re: Zero because the MC is an autist
You waifu is Rem and not Emilia?
Just what the fuck, dude? What the fuck?
? There was a character like that in Re:Zero
Rem is the best girl in Re:Zero. 10/10
MC is the best part of the show
someone help I can't find some good Rewrite Shizuru feet pics wtf why can't I find these
It's impossible to find good feet pics.
But if Rem was cute she wouldn't be ugly.
I don't wanna live in this world anymore without good feet pics.
Take notes everyone. Never start a thread with a picture of Re:Zero if your thread isn't about Re:Zero. You'll attract the worst crowd of the year to your thread.
Yeah it became a Re:Zero thread faster than cute anime girls' feet appeared.
Re:Zero is pretty good though
What if my waifu doesn't have feet?
Do lamias have tail stockings? Or would scales make that impractical?
yeah really enjoying it, MC-kun is made of autism and rem is losing, but it's still a solid show
The real Re:Zero OTP.
So after rezero finish in eps and finally dies down from those fag talking about it.
WhIch show is going to take over in Sup Forums
next AOTS
OK for gods sake I wasnt hoping for any Rem/Emilia related arguments here but to settle it
cute boypussy. retarded haircut.
>trapped in a video game garbage that attracts underage getting out of school for summer.
Pick whichever one that starts airing next spring/summer.
Re:Zero isn't a videogame
Either shit on it with actual criticisms instead of shitty generalizations, or kill yourself
>OP posts a vegetable.
I don't get it.
Her toes are so cute!
Sayaka a cute
I don't even like feet that much, but I'll make an exception for her.
You're right
>Literally the only picture
>tfw waifu has only one piece of official art with her feet
Feels bad.
When's the next chapter for Ore No himekutsu come out?
Rem has cute feet.
Why are you all posting your waifus' feets?
Because they're sexy.
But strangers will fap for her feet.
Want to bully those feet
Kind of sucks that while this is partially what I enjoy, the look of the tongue and saliva ruin it.
There was a Suigintou picture I was looking for the other day, wondered if anyone here might have it. She has one of her boots off and there is a closeup of sorts on her stockinged foot.
Idol feet are great, so much potential
I agree.
One of my favorite pictures of Makoto
Glad that some nice ones exist, but it'd be great if there were more, if only because Makoto seems to be wonderful for certain aspects of the fetish.
It wouldn't be useful anyway as lamias are cold-blooded and it would probably tear quickly from crawling on the ground.
I still have to catch up
Does anyone know what site releases chapters fastest? The site I use hasn't even got up to chapter 6, can't find any others
I want to see Revy's feet
I think she's barefoot in the ED.
Speaking of EDs, this is one of my favourites.
Translator here, I've actually been very busy lately (family circumstances and translating exhentai.org
What is this, a mojo for ants?
>waifu's name is Stocking
>has hardly any foot art
Shouldn't this go to /e/
At least she has something, mine has zero.
Isn't there a guy on pixiv who draws almost nothing but Stocking's feet?
We have a discord dedicated to the posting of anime feet. Want?
Uh, fuck yes?
What about general waifu threads? Should that go to /e/?
Try batoto or kissmanga
I was eagerly awaiting
Naturalton is going to kill me.
You haven't gotten permission to die yet.
I love that Senran has so much feet material in the official art
Cat guy won the bowl right?
My life is in Naturalton's hands now.
Classified post, view at your own risk.