I want:

I want:

-an end to benefit/welfare in general, specifically targetting single mothers
-a law system that doesn't give a massive advantage to women/feminism
-a law system that allows criticising the existence of Israel and the holocaust
-an end to all interest-based banking/money-lending
-an end to the useless trash nigger-loving monarchy
-an end to low-tier immigration
-a focus on protecting the environment
-an end to the bullshit one-way ass-licking "special relationship"
-an end to domestic violence being seen as a crime
-an end to traditional family values being attacked by the media
-an end to thots being socially promoted and accepted

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=special relationship

I like this

-an end to the bullshit one-way ass-licking "special relationship"
Which relationship are you referring to?

Reported for hate speech. The authorities will be at your flat shortly.

lmgtfy.com/?q=special relationship

sounds like you're a national socialist

This is what I was wondering 2bh. But weren't the Nazis in favour of welfare and also saw women as equals? Excuse my ignorance on the subject.

how cute, the cuck "wants" something. how long until you give up and suck a nigger's dick anyway? ten minutes? five?

Sharia is what you need. Thankfully, it's coming to you soon.

Am I more Mudslime or Nazi then? Or are they the same ideology with a different dress code?

I saw he today at the reception.
A glass of wine in her hand.

>an end to interest based money lending
How can I afford a house then

The whole money system would need a rethink. I'd support people learning to build their own houses from the ground-up like people used to.

Until you come up with a rethink then I'm going to take out a mortgage so in 15 years at least I'll have something in my name instead of renting because the only people who will be able to build properties without loans are people who already have the capital. If only a small minority are able to build homes, why sell them when you can rent them out indefinitely. That's worse for a free market and creates an even bigger monopoly on housing

Doing things for the short-term and going the easy way is why interest-based economies have even been able to exist at all. There's something worthwhile in having the patience and dedication necessary for building a house. It wouldn't even take you a 1/4 of the time you're planning to pay that mortgage for, and you'd be a free man and the kikes would have one less person filling their pockets off a no-risk task of lending money.
It's not even remotely true that you need that much capital to build a house. The land is probably going to be the expensive thing, at least in the UK.

Oh, so you just don't know how expensive materials are. Here is an estimate for a super shitty one floor home.

And remember, you're paying rent while saving for those materials. If you're a college grad, you're paying back loans as well. Subtract the cost of any health normalities from your paychecks. After all is said and done, I will probably be able to afford my shitty one story apartment sized home in..15 years. Or! I can take out a loan, live in the house 15 years, and give my interest to the bank instead of my rent to a landlord.

Shit is overpriced, that's basically my issue with how the economy is. You can't make things fairer for the majority by continuing along with the same old shit setup.
You need to recognise this only suits a class of people who are already rich and intent on staying that way perpetually.

I'm a capitalist, I see no problem with it. Wealth redistribution is theft, and price regulation disincentivizes commerce. Micro 101

I like all of these, except:

If you need money for something in the form of a loan, where would you get it? Why would anyone give you a loan for free? Interest is incentive to invest in growth

There's nothing wrong with the concept of loans as long as only the capital is repayed, fuck kike-imported usury. Usually (and logically) you would only get a loan from someone who trusts you, therefore the concept of trust would have to be brought back again. Interest is actually incentive to make money with no risk. And for the fat kikes to just get fatter and not have to do any actual work. Money is not something that can or should appear from thin air, that's fucking bullshit and you should be ashamed that you can't see that because the kike lies have so thoroughly rotted your brain.

The risk is the person not being able or willing to pay it back dipshit, holy fuck


>-an end to the useless trash nigger-loving monarchy
you better replace it with a Absolute Monarchy. Republicucks not welcome

It used to be like that user.


>The Special Relationship is an unofficial term for the political, diplomatic, cultural, economic, military, and historical relations between the United Kingdom and the United States,

Oh, it's some whiny Brit thing. Good luck with Brexit without your US buddies throwing you some favorable trade deals then, cunt.
Maybe you should just stay after all. Oops. No. That's a "special relationship" too, isn't it.
Gee, you're really bad at forging non-equitable relationships. Maybe it's you? Just sayin'.

It sounds fuck all like NS

Congratulations for posting something 99% of Sup Forums agrees.

Actually Nazis banned women from politics, universities, the medical profession, the judiciary, etc. Women who worked were refused family loans.

NS Germany was a heavy patriarchy.