GET IN HERE. Discuss Helicopter-Man's latest speech on the "Alt-Right"
Full Transcript:

>The Alt-Right has brought out many insights that are of central importance in approaching an answer to the two questions that I mentioned before that libertarians had traditionally difficulties answering, namely, of how to maintain a libertarian order and how to get to such an order from the current decidedly unlibertarian status quo.

>Yet many libertarians and fake libertarians are playing ignorant of human psychology and sociology or even devoid of any common sense. They blindly accept, against all empirical evidence, an egalitarian blank slate view of human nature, that is, that all people and all societies in all country cultures are essentially equal and interchangeable.

>Now outside egalitarian fantasy lands however, in the real world libertarians must above all be realistic and recognize from the outset, as he Alt-Right does, the inequality not just of individuals but also of different cultures as an ineradicable datum of the human existence.

1. Stop mass immigration.
2. Stop attacking killing and bombing people in foreign countries.
3. Defund the ruling elites and intellectual bodyguards.
4. End the Fed in all central banks.
5. Abolish all affirmative action and non-discrimination laws and regulations.
6. Crush the anti-fascist mob.
7. Crush the street criminals and gangs.
8. Get rid of all welfare parasites and bums.
9. Get the state out of education.
10. Don't put your trust in politics and political parties.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Now the same egalitarian (or as the liberalala libertarians themselves prefer to call themselves, "humanitarian") spirit also comes to bear in their answer to the question of a libertarian strategy. In a nutshell what they advise is this: be nice; talk to everyone, and then in the long run the better libertarian arguments will win out.

>To illustrate, take my former friend turned into a foe, Jeffrey Tucker, who gives us five don'ts when talking liberty. And I quote

1. Don't be belligerent.
2. Don't presume hatred of liberty.
3. Don't presume different goals.
4. Don't presume ignorance.
5. Don't regard anyone as an enemy.

>Those are the [five] don'ts. Now, quite apart from the fact that Tucker does not seem to follow his own advice in his belligerent condemnation of the entire Alt-Right as liberty hating fascists, I find his exhortation truly astounding. They may be good advice vis-a-vis people who have just sprung up from nowhere without any traceable history whatsoever, but vis-a-vis real people with a recorded history, they strike me as naive, unrealistic, and out are outright counterproductive, counterproductive in the pursuit of libertarian ends.

>For I, and I assume everyone else here, know of and have met many people in my life who /are/ ignorant, who /do/ have different unlibertarian goals, and who /do/ hate liberty as understood by libertarians. And why in the world should I not regard such people as fools or enemies? And why should I not hate and not be belligerent vis-a-vis my enemies?

>As a libertarian strategy then, I think Tucker's advice must be considered simply a bad joke. But surely it is good advice if one seeks entry into the state as some sort of "libertarian state advisor", and this may well explain the enthusiasm with which Tucker's humanitarian libertarianism has been embraced by the entire liberalala libertarian crowd.

Jeffrey Cucker on suicide watch.

Now the standard libertarian answer to this is the taxpayers as opposed to the tax consumers, yet while this is essentially correct, it is at best only part of the answer and libertarians could learn something in this respect from the Alt-Right because apart from the narrowly economic aspect there is also a wider cultural aspect that must be taken into account in identifying the victims. In order to expand and increase its power, the ruling elites have been conducting for many decades what Pat Buchanan has identified as a systematic cultural war aimed at the transvaluation of all values and the destruction of all natural (or if you will, organic) social bonds and institutions such as families, communities, ethnic groups, and genealogically related nations, so as to create inherently an increasingly atomized populace whose only shared characteristic and unifying bond is its common existential dependency on the state.

The first step in this direction, taken already more than half a century ago or even longer ago, was the introduction of public welfare in social security. Thereby, the underclass and the elderly were turned into state dependents, and the value and the importance of family and community was correspondingly diminished and weakened. More recently, further reaching steps in this direction have proliferated. A new victimology has been proclaimed and promoted. Women, and in particular single mothers, blacks, browns, Latinos, homosexuals, lesbians, bi-, and transsexuals have been awarded victim status and accorded legal privileges through non-discrimination or affirmative action decrees.


As well, most recently such privileges have been expanded also to foreign national immigrants, whether legal or illegal, in so far as they fall into one of the just mentioned categories or are members of non-Christian religions such as Islam for instance. The result? Not only has the earlier mentioned bad neighbor problem not been avoided or softened, but it has been systematically promoted and intensified instead. Cultural homogeneity has been destroyed and the freedom of association and the voluntary physical segregation and separation of different people, communities, cultures and traditions, has been replaced by an all-pervasive system of forced social integration.

Moreover, each mentioned victim group has thus been pitted against every other, and all of them have been pitted against white heterosexual Christian males (and in particular those married and with children) as the only remaining legally unprotected group of alleged victimizers.

Hence as a result of the transvaluation of all values promoted by the ruling elites, the world has been literally turned upside down. The institution of a family household with father, mother, and their children that has formed the basis of Western Civilization as the freest, most industrious, ingenious, and all-around accomplished civilization known to mankind, that is, the very institution and people that has done most good in human history (they've done many bad things): that group has been officially stigmatized and vilified as a source of all social ills and made the most heavily disadvantaged even persecuted group by the enemy elites' relentless policy of "Divide Et Impere".

I spend a couple hours this morning transcribing this for that pastebin.
Really fucking good speech that deserves bumps.

This guy is not a real libertarian and doesn't speak for me.
Fuck racism and collectivism


Fucking faggot cuck.

Yeah I met Jeffrey Tucker at some Libertarian parties. The flamer always struck me as a bit pretentious and more interested in developing his persona than discussing philosophy.

Hoppe has got to be the foremost libertarian philosopher. Stephan Molyneux's approach is basically a laymans version of what Hoppe's argumentation ethics established.

>The flamer always struck me as a bit pretentious and more interested in developing his persona than discussing philosophy.
He's the kind of guy who became a libertarian because his shitty morally left-libertarian philosophy made it morally acceptable for him to fuck kids

I really hate how he's hijacked the movement. r/goldandblack is pure cancer.
I can't really say if he's malicious.

This. It's always the holier-than-thou ponces who turn out to be sex offenders.

1. Stop mass immigration.
The waves of immigrants currently flooding the Western world have burdened it with hordes of welfare parasites, brought in terrorists, increased crime, led to the proliferation of no-go areas, and resulted in countless bad neighbors who, based on their alien upbringing, culture, and tradition, lack any understanding or appreciation of Liberty and are bound to become mindless future supporters of welfare statism.

No one is against immigration and immigrants per se, but immigration must be by invitation only. All immigrants must be productive people and hence, be barred from all domestic welfare payments. To ensure this, they or their inviting party must place a bond with a community in which they are to settle, and which is to be forfeited and lead to the immigrant's deportation should he ever become a public burden. As well, every immigrant-inviting party or employer should not only pay for the immigrant's upkeep or salary, but must also pay the residential community for the additional wear and tear of its public facilities that is associated with the immigrant's presence, so as to avoid the socialization of any and all costs incurred with his settlement.

Moreover even before the admission, every potential immigrant invitee must be carefully screened and tested not only for his productivity but also for cultural affinity or good labor-needness. With the empirically predictable result of mostly, but by no means exclusively, Western white immigrant candidates. And any known communists or socialists of any color denomination or country of origin must be barred from permanent settlement, unless, that is, the community where the potential immigrant wants to settle officially sanctions the looting of its residents' property by new foreign arrivals, which is not very likely to say the least, even with already existing commie communities.

2. Stop attacking killing and bombing people in foreign countries.

A main cause, even if by no means the only one, of the current invasion of Western countries by hordes of alien immigrants are the wars initiated and conducted in the Middle East and elsewhere by the United States, ruling elites, and their subordinate Western puppet elites. As well the by now seemingly normal and ubiquitous terrorist attacks in the name of Islam across the Western world are in large measure a blowback of these wars and the ensuing chaos throughout the Middle East and northern Africa.

There should be no hesitation on our part to call these Western rulers responsible forces for what they really are: murderous, or accessories to mass murder. We must demand and cry out loud instead for a foreign policy of strict non-interventionism. Withdraw from all international and supranational organizations such as the United Nations, NATO, and the unit in the European Union, that intricate one country into the domestic affairs of another. Stop all government-to-government aid and prohibit all weapon sales to foreign states. Let it be "America First", "England First", "Germany First", "Italy First", "Turkey First", and "Smaller Bavaria First", "Vanuatu First", and so forth, each country trading with one another and no one interfering in any one anyone else's domestic affairs.

3. Defund the ruling elites and intellectual bodyguards.

Exposed and widely publicized, the lavish salaries perks, pensions, side deals, bribes, and hush monies received by the ruling elites, by the higher-ups in government and governmental bureaucracies of supreme courts, central banks, secret services, and spy agencies, by politicians, parliamentarians, party leaders, political advisers and consultants, by crony capitalists, public educrats, university presidents, provosts, and academic stars. Drive home the point that all of their shining glory and luxury is funded by money extorted from taxpayers and consequently urge that any and all taxes be slashed: income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, inheritance taxes, and on and on.

4. End the Fed in all central banks.

The second source of funding for the ruling elites, besides the money extorted from the public in the form of taxes, comes from the central banks. Central banks are allowed to create paper money out of thin air. This reduces the purchasing power of money and destroys the savings of average people. It does not and can not make society as a whole richer, but it redistributes income and wealth within society. The earliest receiver of the newly created money, that is, usually the ruling elites, are thereby made richer and the later and latest receiver, that is, the average citizen, are made poorer. The central bank's manipulation of interest rates is the cause of boom-bust cycles. The central bank permits the accumulation of ever greater public debt that is shifted as a burden onto unknown future taxpayers or is simply inflated away. And as a facilitator of public debt the central banks are also the facilitators of wars. This monstrosity must end and be replaced by a system of free competitive banking built on the foundation of a genuine commodity money such as gold and silver.

5. Abolish all affirmative action and non-discrimination laws and regulations.

All such edicts are blatant violations of the principle of equality before the law that, at least in the West, is intuitively sensed and recognized and as a fundamental principle of justice. As private property owners, people must be free to associate or disassociate with others, to include or to exclude, to integrate or to segregate, to join or to separate, to unify and incorporate or to disunite, exit, and secede. Close all University departments for black-, latino-, women-, gender-, queer- studies and so forth as incompatible with science and dismiss its faculties as intellectual impostors or scoundrels. As well, demand that all affirmative action commissars, diversity and human resource officers, from universities on down to schools in kindergartens be thrown out onto the street and be forced to learn some useful trade.

It was a mutual thing. White beta male, low self esteem, orbiters liked him because he was their token gay that they could use to separate themselves from trad cons. They adopted him because the left painted libertarians as anti-gay trad cons in disguise, just like they would later adopt and accept feminist harpies because the left painted them as virgin male loosers. The same thing happened to the atheist movement.

Fuck off bud

Bump from Portubro

Heil Hoppe!

Holy shit man haven't seen you post in a while. What's up?

Nothing special, just busy with work thats all. Glad to see Hoppe's speech lived up to the hype.

C R U S H T H E A N T I - F A S C I S T M O B

6. Crush the anti-fascist mob.

>The transvaluation of all values throughout the West, the invention of evermore victim groups, the spread of affirmative action programs, and the relentless promotion of political correctness has led to the rise of an anti-fascist mob tacitly supported and indirectly funded by the ruling elites. This self-described mob of social justice warriors has taken upon itself the task of escalating the fight against white privilege through deliberate acts of terror directed against anyone and anything deemed racist, right-wing, fascist, reactionary, incorrigible, or unreconstructed. Such "enemies of progress" are physically assaulted by the entire anti-fascist mob. Their cars are burned down their properties are vandalized, and their employers are threatened to dismiss them and ruin their careers. All the while the police are ordered by the powers that be to stand down and not to investigate the crimes committed or persecute and punish the criminals. In view of this outrage, public anger must be aroused and there must be clamoring far and wide for the police to be unleashed and this mob beaten into submission.

>Now a query again for liberalala libertarians and the Stupids For Liberty who are sure to object to this demand on the ground that the police asked to crush the anti-fascist mob are state police. Question to them:

>do you also object on the same grounds that the police arrest murderers or rapists?

>Aren't these legitimate tasks performed also in a libertarian order by private police, and if the police are not allowed to do anything about this mob, isn't it okay then that the target of these attacks, namely the so called "racist-right" should take the task upon itself and of giving the social justice warriors a bloody nose?

>C R U S H T H E A N T I - F A S C I S T M O B

I'd like to see some OC with this subtitle.

Thank you OP. Despite being big monarchists, Hoppe's new speech is putting a lot of energy into a big group of my political mates.

Hoppe really is outlining libertarian ideals in a unitary state of a homogenous, stable and conservative western culture.

Gotchu senpai

Based. Now if only most libertardians were like him instead of being faggots.

based hoppe

Can a learned libertarian explain to me how one could prevent a rich elite that would rise from a libertarian environment from bankrolling a state apparatus that would defend their interests and erode the liberty of the people in favour of collectivizing power in the hands of the few rich that can afford it?

Basically, how do you combat a group that could afford to, for example, simply annex private land by force alone and establish what would be considered a new state with its authority backed by brute force (basically what exists now)? How can you keep a libertarian society libertarian when the market will inevitably place great wealth in the hands of a handful of men that will no doubt have the ability to bankroll an army capable of annexing private land? What prevents them from simply doing so in utter disregard for liberty? It seems contradictory to all human history to trust people would not simply kill each other and seize property if they could.

Seems realistic.

On the same subject.


funny how i once considered myself left wing yet i agree with most of what you said

hail /lrg/!

These points mainly touch on professional production of defense; discussing Che Guevara style, ideologically-driven guerilla freedom fighting relies on too many assumptions for my taste.
1. If you want to provide a defense arsenal of scale capable of deterring possible intruders, there has to be some excludability sacrificed; why defending only your backyard or neighborhood is inefficient surely requires no explanation. Thus, whenever an insurance company invests in defense, an opportunity opens up for its competitors to undercut, to provide the same insurance plan for a cheaper price. The reason being, of course, that the competitors don’t bear the costs of maintaining defense infrastructure, but instead, rely on other companies to provide the not fully excludable and costly good of safety.
2. Some people will be satisfied with just the safety (the safety arising out of other people buying plans and funding defense) and won’t feel the need to buy a specific insurance plan to insure themselves for possible property damage in case of a war. At the present, this "war damage insurance plan" could be provided for consumers at a low price, but the demand’s not there, still.
2.a. Besides, if avoiding property damage is really what motivates people, just flat-out surrendering would make more sense than entering into an armed conflict, especially with a state.
(2.b. I’m taking for granted here that the ancap order is not facing large-scale ideological discord inside its borders.)

*If you want to have a defense
