Just finished marathoning this. I can't believe people made charts to illustrate the story progression. How can you be retarded enough to not be able to follow the plot?
I feel bad that normies shit all over Tomino and mad him feel bad.
Reconguista in G
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I like the touch of having him put his junk away. Most anime treat men like they have no junk at all.
Tomino even made them shit on the Gundam. He likes this kind of details I guess.
The only thing that really confused me was the names of the ships and what factions they belong to but it wasn't too much trouble.
G-Reco has the best Mobile Suit designs
G-reco had a ton of little details like that. I really loved that about it.
I don't really get how they put that much attention to make their day to day realistic and then went full magic robot on the fights.
People who got lost with the plot are retarded. G-Reco's main problem is not that the plot is complicated, but that everything that happens is utterly pointless.
Yeah no shit, all the people bitching about the plot being hard to follow were either retarded, shitposting, or both.
The show's problem was that the ending was rushed as fuck, same exact thing that happened to King Gainer.
My guess is people got lost because there were a lot of names that were thrown aroubd without them being explained until way later. Or I could be remembering wrong and this is just my recent Nihei binge messing with my mind
>ton of little details
Yeah they gave it some charm.
There was a point, but it was too all encompassing. Motivations weren't fleshed out enough though you could get the jist of it.
>you will never take a dump in front of three girls in a stuffy Gundam cockpit
why live?
Personally, it's not that the plot doesn't make sense. I understand what it's going for. It's just that the characters behave like they have ADHD.
>perfect fit
>this delusion
Did they help him wipe?
Braindead Raraiya was best Raraiya.
>a lot of names that were thrown aroubd without them being explained until way later.
Now I would of had a problem if they never explained anything but that wasn't the case. There's nothing wrong with learning shit as the characters do.
Just fucking kill yourself.
is this the K-on of the Gundam series? I dont know why its hated so much since I haven't watched it yet
OP, you have to understand that 90% of the discussion of G-Reco was just shitposting on all sides. By the same bored autists that spend all day on /m/ making the same Zeta Gundam and CCA shitposting threads over and over and over and over.
Absolutely. I'm not defending the people who didn't have the patience to understand, I'm just explaining why they might have felt that way.
It's like what happened at Turn A but worse! The way the characters react sometimes doesn't make sense. They answer questions nobody asked and the questions that indeed are asked, are met with a nonsensical answer. But, all things considered, I had fun watching it. Bellri getting fed up of being around the girls, giving them the middle finger, and travelling alone was perfect.
It had a massive amount of dedicated shitposters both on Sup Forums and /m/. I think you still can't talk about the series on /m/ without the thread being derailed to hell.
Looks like Aida and pink girl are jerking Bellri off while Raraiya watches.
And I'll say this: I had more fun watching G-reco and IBO than fucking Zeta gundam. Still not better than 0079 though.
>implying Raraiya isn't caressing Bellri's chocolate-covered asshole
ZZ > Zeta
>dont know why its hated so much
I can see why but to say it's incomprehensible is retarded. Worth at least one watch through just for the characters and setting. The directing works just fine for the action scenes.
Oh totally. I was surprised when Tomino apologized due to the reception. Granted g reco wasn't the best thing, but it was way better than the SAO tier shit out today.
when will we get another mecha series with as good designs as g-reco?
This guy gets it. ZZ is one of my favorite anime it saddens me how people can't handle one of the greatest comedies of our times.
Probably because they go in NOT expecting a comedy? Also, they fucked up Haman's development really good.
Now please buy 20 more Graze variants
When you marathon it i's obviously going to be easier to follow than watching it on a weekly basis along with every other show airing.
G-reco's problem wasn't that the plot was too complicated, it was that the plot was just shit.
It's an antinormalfag anime.
It doesn't give you instant gratification like trash such as Re;Zero, Sword Art Online, Gurren Lagann or Valvrave so it upsets their feeble brains.
It requires an investment of time and thought. People who hate it are the kind of people going to the theater to watch Sausage Party because it has a graphic scene of food fucking.
Kill yourself
G-Reco was just a less entertaining Valvrave for me
Valvrave turned into a snoozefest after they got to Earth
>dat little animal in the foreground
>all dem layers of vegetation an terrain
Seriously, so many details and love from the animators.
Wait, since when was this scanned?
>It requires an investment of time and thought.
if only the end result was worth it. kill yourself fag
The whole show was gorgeous. The animators are god tier.
Awhile. exhentai.org
it really wasn't the issue of keeping track of factions, it just felt like the plot was rushed extensively
every episode I watched felt like part of it was cut
the entire story plot/pacing was everywhere and really didn't give the characters time to develop
>MGs literally never
Your normalfag tears sustain me.
Found the retard
That's what kind of bugs me about some anime fans though. I've often seen quite lot of them make threads that's basically
>Hey Sup Forums, I'm watching the first few episodes of X and don't understand why is Y doing Z, please explain.
Like, why? Why not just you know, watch till the damn end first? If you're just waiting for other people to tell you, why even watch it in the first place. You could have just read the wiki/tvtropes entries.
I want to make Aida nee-san a mother.
>Oh totally. I was surprised when Tomino apologized due to the reception.
He didn't, though. That's ANN bullshit.
Bellri pls
>it was that the plot was just shit.
Does this show have wincest end? This is important.
Marathon makes it easier.
No, Bellri is a man or morals. Too much religious teachings.
Does he get with childhood friend, then, or is he a righteous abstinent man?
Childhood friend ended with the goldfish.
Bellri fucks off and goes exploring in Japan by himself, to the dismay of Noredo Nug
See here
fuck them for cutting four cour into two
Wasn't that mainly because Tomino himself felt that he's getting too old to handle long series like he used to?
My problem with it was that the individual scenes made sense, but overall it was a lol wut
Well that's just standard Tomino:ism. You sort of get used to it after watching a few of his shows, and you even start to appreciate the way he writes shit.
I mean sure everyone is crazy but Tomino also do not hold his punches and keeps it fresh.
>soldier is in the middle of an important sentence
>someone says something
>other guy didn't hear him, asks him to repeat it
The little things bumped G-Reco into my favorite Gundams.
Also the ED
At least we're getting movies right? right?
>ZZ is one of my favorite anime
It was probably more difficult to follow along having to wait a week between episodes compared to a straight marathon
It's not like Tomino's earlier Gundam works were any more or less 'difficult' to follow, so I'm guessing a lot of people who shit on G-Reco haven't been exposed to Tomino that much before going in.
When is TRY OVA gonna come out again?
Did he wash his hands or is he smearing his crotchmust all over the cockpit now?
It's always nice when siblings get along.
Bellri isn't into 2DPD, he chose the path of wizardhood instead.
That's wrong though. I'm not much of a Tomino fan and I haven't seen most of his stuff but 0079 and Zeta definitely were easier to follow for me.
Watching something weekly makes quite the difference especially if you're not all that invested into the show.
Yeah, Reccoa made so much sense.
She's living the life of a woman. She makes perfect sense.
>gassing innocents because you want the Newtype's D means living the life of a women
So progressive, Tomino-sama.
>he doesn't understand women
I wouldn't say her motivations made much sense but they weren't hard to understand.
Normie spotted
I would totally get along with Aida if she was my nee-san.
moar ball joints!
Why does every version of that picture have those ugly artifacts?
The original is like that.
holy shit it must smell so bad in there