It strikes me hard that sometimes even memes are dying. It has been several years since >pic related

It strikes me hard that sometimes even memes are dying. It has been several years since >pic related
Remember all the various versions that this song has created? So much work and so much effort was put into these videos and now the meme is dead.

Here's the most sad caramelldansen ever.

>memes are dying
Because Sup Forums nowadays are a bunch of nofun hipsters who can't tolerate when anybody becomes too enthusiastic about using a meme and disparages them for being allegedly underage or some kind of Sup Forums or Sup Forums or /r/anime immigrant.

Happy things like Caramelldansen don't exist in the current year.

Was always a shit meme, thanks for making this thread OP.

Kyonko does funny things to my dick.

Memes are an insult now. Get in with times. If you like memes you're a scum redditor 9gag facbook faggot.

Times have changed OP, and Sup Forums with it. This isn't a bad thing or a good thing, it just is what it is. Enjoy the parts about Sup Forums you like now, because this too won't last forever, eventually moving to join the innocence of early Sup Forums. We'll manage, because this is still the best place to discuss anime on the internet and that's unlikely to change.

I was gonna say, it's been fucking forever since anyone even mentioned kyonko. We used to have threads about him/her.

It's also been eons since kurokona was a thing.

So what became of that Kyonko VN that animesuki was making?

I guess people lost interest just like they generally have in Haruhi overall. Fucking Tanigawa basically has left the novel series on permanent hold.

Because memes have lost meaning, every 14 year old and middle aged housewife with a smartphone can put words on a picture and pass it around like wildfire.

If by several years you mean literally a decade, then yes, it's been a while and the meme deserves to die.

That was pretty garbage meme.
Really makes you think about how low standards were back then. I guess they're still pretty shit now though. But one one pretends they aren't.

user... Cock Mongler, That fucking cat, whatever the fuck you posted... Memes come and memes go. You have to know when the hype is dying and let it go gracefully. Otherwise you turn it to shit and make everyone hate it.

Memes have evolved we are in the post-ironic era of memes, the era of new sincerity is just around the corner.

>several years
It's been about eleven, user, of course it's dead. What the fuck do you expect, do you also want us to go around posting rickrolls and mudkips and singing the badger song?

Never saw all the different versions of Keit-ai nowadays?

Granted, just changing around words in a chunk of text or superimposing 'Keit-愛' onto existing anime takes a little less effort than drawing, but just you wait.

That was pretty good.

Wow, I just remembered how just such a short time ago that shit was spammed everywhere for a few weeks and now it's just dead.

Humanity right now is at the very least on third or fourth level of irony right now.

Sup Forums specifically, maybe level 2.

One time memes were fun.

Now it's not.

Nostalgia Thread? I remember those fun Velox Fate comics and all the fun Geass threads. Geass was 10 years ago holy shit. I also remember the fun when the dead three were big and before Mysterious Girlfriend X went to shit. Also fun stories like Nurse-kun and Polish Waifu. Also comfy Christmas threads where people posted Santa Archer and shared all their files. I miss /rs/ so much. ;_;

Image macros have always been the lowest form of meme.

Summer ends.
Memes settle down into the earth.