Which battle harem has the best school uniform?
Which battle harem has the best school uniform?
Stella a best.
It isn't.
Haven't seen a single episode of any of these shows and I'm proud
>inb4 muh DxD is good, turn off your brain
Might have to go with Trinity Seven on this one.
Man that show could've been so much better if the story wasn't off the spectrum.
>tfw haven't seen any of those
Should I expand my taste?
what about male uniforms?
I dropped all of these, but looking over it I kinda want to go back to finish Rakudai and Dragonar
Just Read AntiMagic Academy.
Good girls with her school uniforms:
Asterisk War
Blade Dance
World Break
Date a Live
Kuusen Madoushi
Infinite Strattos
SHIT GIRLS with her school uniforms:
shinmai maou
absoulte duo
trinity seven
Highschool DxD
I really like the IS uniform, it seems very appropriate for the show. The design and the colors are almost suggestive of the decal on a mech. IS sucks obviously.
Bag of shit and semen
Tsunshit and BIG DISGRACE of twintails
Kill yourself
Bahamut, corsets are the most sexual thing.
They're all shit but Hundred is the best.
>color wars
>chrome shelled fellios
Add them.
And why would I do that for a shit without worthless like you
Hundred = IS > HxH
not a battle harem but best uniform I've seen
It should. Although Negima had such boring uniforms, good thing they didn't wear them all the damn time.
Bahamut,Anti-Magic, Fafnir and DxD's uniform is kinda off putting for me since they kinda break the flow with emphasis on the chest
I'm a sucker for military-ish uniforms.
Followed by Anti-Magic and Absolute Duo.
Worst one has to be DxD
I have not watched a single one of those shows
Infinite Stratos, Date a live and Hundred by far.
Battle harems is not "taste", but "flavor".
Join us. Through dick unite, my man.
rakudai was pretty good for a battle harem
Feels like she is wearing nothing at all.
Corsets are lovely
>pretty good
It was above average at best.
What chest?
Stella is a fucking qt.
I doubt any of these girls have seen the shit Ouka has seen.
Absolute Duo and Bahamut's seems the most aesthetically pleasing to me.
Pretty partial to Anti-Magic and Hundred's just because of military uniforms.
Knew I should have watched this.
Stella and Rias are so fucking THICC.
But Claire has the best outfit.
It was pretty bad
>Make a uniform perfect to accentuate breasts.
>Have most of the girls wearing it be flat as fuck
Who was the genius behind this?
>complaining about perfection
Flat is love, flat is life.
Gonna go with Bahumut
Haven't even seen the show. Its the only uniform that is both not some lame buttoned jacket, and also not wildly boring.
Same guy behind this perfection.
That's great as well though, he must be a genius.
All of these anime are fucking terrible, anybody who likes any of these generic and boring bordering on ecchi pieces of shit is a retarded faggot
Antimagic, DaL, and IS third.
Bahamut and AD second.
But I have to be go for the simplicity of StB's.
What's up with the belts on Anti-magic?
HXH is the only one with exposed shoulders, so that one.
She also seems the sluttiest
I like the color coordination on Strike the Blood, Antimagic, and Bahamut. Everything else sucks.
She also seems like the most elegant one
>literally a DRESS
Bahamut, hands down. None of the others come close.
How many battle harem are there?
HXH and it's detached sleve straight up shoulder porn look get's a nod, but as far as an actual, wearable uniform or me it falls between Absolute Duo and Anti-magic
>good for a battle harem
just saying battle harem should put into context that 'pretty good' is only in comparison to the others
This one sported by best girl.
>ugly uniform
>a shit girl
You have my pity.
StB and Kuusen
Misaka a shit
I was on the fence at first, but on second thought Kuusen Madoushi does looks great if we go by the LN design. It has a striking balance between the darker and lighter colors and there's elegance and designer style that meshes well together.
Dragonar and absolute duo had such a nice opening. And the first ending of asterisk was good too.
I've seen every show here, and I'm sad. Cause I want more.
Goddam have there really been this many of these shows in the past like 3 years? And that's not even all of them.
>guys in this thread making decisions based on who their favourite girl is, as opposed to which uniform design is aesthetically the most appealing.
They all look pretty generic, to be honest.
The male uniform for StB looks comfy and cool.
Compared to what you fucker
Isn't that just MC's personal attire?
He never takes that shit off.
Shit demon with semen red x1
Shit with semen red with twintails
Shit demon with semen red x2
Incestuos pig shitty
Shit demon with semen red x3
Incestuos pig shitty
Crap with semen
Welcome to every fucking thread ever. Nobody on Sup Forums cares about thinking or opinions. Everything is just a thinly veiled excuse to post/talk about their dumb waifu for the billionth time.
Anyone who doesn't think these uniforms are fucking amazing can fuck off.
Now add Mahouka, Negima, Hagure Yuusha, and Daimaou
Trinity 7 or Date a Live
I know, I'm looking over these thinking "fuck, we really do get 1-3 of these a season the past couple years don't we". What was the progenitor to the trend? Index?
I'm not gonna go on record saying I unambiguously like isekai, but at least some of those shows like Konosuba and Mondaiji I'm ok with. I get just nothing at all out of these magic battle school harems.
We can agree on one thing
Winter Uniforms > Summer Uniforms
Need to add battlesuits/sports uniforms
EXE uniforms or bust
Did she win the Takerubowl?
>A woman in pants
Too bad there isn't any new ones announced for next season, all we are getting is the stb ovas in November and December.
Asterisk and Bahamut.
Does this show count?
But the uniforms are nice
I don't know
Mondaiji isn't decent unless you've read the novels.
Konosuba is just coping with loss for 12 eps.