How bad is Commie these days?
How bad is Commie these days?
>bad dawgs
truly the pinnacle of Sup Forums meems
tuffdawgs dump thread
Somehow worse than CR rips, the commie translators are a bunch of cucks too.
herkz needs to kill himself
Holy shit is that a new tuffdawg? Is that even possible? Or just a touched up old one?
As bad as ever.
they are single handedly keeping fansubbing alive
CR's translators are cucks too, they're just not attention whoring faggots.
Just bad enough to keep the hate alive
They're called "big dogs", you fucking small dogs.
I need to fill up my big dogs folder.
commie is dead they can't even edit some cr subs
this is the best one imho 2bqh.
Didn't I wear these shirts in the early 90s when I was high school?
If you mean the Dog and not the accompanying text you might have.
Hi Herkz!
CR also inserts shit maymays in some shows. And the front face of CR is also embarrassing attention whores. Just look at their twitter account. It's not use trying to determine which of commie and CR is more autistic. They're cut from the same cloth.
Why do you care?
I mean if you think their translations are bad and are actually qualified to back that up that's one thing, but if you don't like that they are "attention whores" why would you look at their twitter in the first place and how does that have anything to do with their translations?
Big Dawgs are the best. I think my Uncle actually had some big dawg shirts.
>cut from the same cloth
I didn't know commie devs were millionaires who got their start by uploading other fansubbers work and having people pay to watch it
it sure is a small world
They get enough donations to spend it on sending some faggots to conventions or something. Cut from the same cloth doesn't mean identical.
>don't judge a book by its fucking author
This is too old
>early 90s
>high school
And I thought I was too old to be here at 31, Jesus Christ.
meanwhile, at Crunchyroll HQ (this was 3 years ago, it's probably even crazier looking now)
fyurie is too busy shitting on other people's release on nyaa and being a faggot on twitter.
Gee, I don't know.
but that is the opposite of the top translation
This image seriously triggers me. God dammit.
Periodic reminder that Xythar is an SJW who had a meltdown on twitter a while ago.
Holy shit no wonder they peel away so many people from sub groups. It's free vs that. Well, assuming translators actually go to those offices and aren't e-commuting part-timers handed scripts (which I'd guess is the case).
The girl literally says マジで which is "maji de" (seriously). They took the liberty of localizing the next phrase.
What's that site senpai
All of Commie are. The name isn't just for show.
Hes not a SJW, just a liberal.
Would a liberal get salty over a video game retailer's decision to sell the latest DOAX game to the west?
they peel away the ones who think they have what it takes to actually translate when they barely have a rough grasp on children level conversational japanese.
Other than that, CR only does contract work, they don't actually employ translators. AT&T does it for them
>CR writes the anime that they sub
You first
Kill yourself herkz, you tranny faggot.
SJW are a variety of leftist so yes.
>these reddit dogs
fuck off
Herkz just browses Sup Forums nowadays to find something to complain about on twitter.
fuck off newfag
>How to trigger old Sup Forums
Anybody have the
>rewatch Gurren lagann
also this is their comms major dropout (or maybe she actually completed, i don't know) that runs their social media accounts.
I'm not sure what pokemon has to do with selfies but it's definitely not related
Pretty much.
Oh good, I'm glad herkz finally saw it. I made that image literally years ago.
By the way, fuck Commie.
I actually like a good number of commie's subers, the only one I just can't stand is Herkz.
they're all just a bunch of liberal cucks who butcher the Japanese language with their dumbass memes
Hit too close to home?
That's just anither blanket term anyway, but who the fuck says "my sides" in a conversation? Nobody does. Nobody.
Just learn japanese instead of bitching about meme subs.
"Too close to home" in that I think that exchange is retarded, yes. "My sides" is literally only a meme. It is not a phrase average people use in conversation. Herkz is an idiot.
The shitstorms over scanlations used to be worse.
What's wrong with "seriously" or "no way"? When there's basically an exact translation of the phrase that is just as short and concise, what makes them think of writing a roundabout "translation"?
>posting herkz twitter account
Just phoned my dad at the Sup Forums HQ. Enjoy your ban.
The problem with this one is a dawg wouldn't use the name Chibi vampire.
the first part of your post is literally pro-localization. The second is anti. It's kind of a head scratcher to respond to.
Commie still fucking memesubs? Why?? How many more years of shitting on them will it take
FFF too
CR (and pretty much every anime translation studios) works like videogame localization, if they think they have a better joke than what's in the script or they think they fit a joke (read: meme) in there, they'll do it.
If you think that the closest literal translation to an expression that actually conveys its nuance is "localization" then I'm not interested anyway.
Dubs would be a closer equivalent to game localization I would think. Seeing as the original dialogue in Japanese would be odd paired with the script-writing garbage that happens in localization (as it often is with Commieshit) CR and co. can't stray too far from it.
I thought FFF was one of the better groups? Don't even know what to believe anymore...
Sadly they share a lot of staff with Vidid/Commie/etc - like Xythar, for example.
Subbers have overblown egos and think they can write dialogue that's more interesting than the actual script.
Jesus, what a fucking idiot.
What fansubbers can even be trusted this day and age?
Trust nobody, not even yourself
Here's some of their more recent work.
Be honest with me Sup Forums, should I do something with my life and learn barebones nip for cartoons?
I guess I'll post a relevant big dawg
I like this one
>I'm not sure what pokemon has to do with selfies
Look at her hair. Does it remind you of a palm tree a bit? Exeggutor?
Wow that's awful
Learning a language is fun and fulfilling so yes.