Who would be the best Atelier anime MC?

Who would be the best Atelier anime MC?

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Rorona, no contest.

I'm a bit biased though.


I know who the best Atelier girl is.


Rorona's too retarded. She'd probably go missing halfway through the story and wind up drowning in a river somewhere.

That's why she's the best.
C'mon, put 'em up.


The absolute worse choice as she has the personality of a rock

Rorona or Shallotte

Wait, the green-haired girl is a co-protagonist in Shallie?
Shit, I thought it was just the black-haired girl.

Maybe I'll just import Shallie Plus instead of waiting to support a localization, I need that cat-ear hat in my life.

>Implying Rorona has personality
She just another generic moeblob. You probably just mad Ayesha love sucking oldman's dick.

Generic moeblobs generally don't try so hard to become functional members of society despite their life circumstances.

>Ayesha love sucking oldman's dick.
>implying its not the other way around
Keithgriff wishes he was half as talented as Ayesha


I see Sup Forums has good taste in games,as opposed to 4chans "gaming" board.

I want to cum inside Corneria

Sup Forums is best /h/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
This has always been the case.

Astrid. It would be a series where she travels the world and teaches alchemy to cute young girls while molesting them.

I honestly thought about posting that myself, I've always wanted Atelier Astrid.
We're never gonna get it, of course, but it basically writes itself.

So what's the deal with best husbando Logy? Why is he in Sophie?

>mfw 5kumi fucked up Eschatology.

He's also in the new Atelier, along with 11 year old Escha. Pure fanservice, the series has gone to shit, Ayesha was the last good game

No cross-universe intrigue?

Nothing wrong with fanservice.
Hagel and Pamela were also in several series.

Someone at Gust definitely has a boner for him

Speaking of Hagel, when was the last time he was in an Atelier game? Are they just making Logy the new Hagel role-wise?

Klein. I just want Atelier Iris anime in general, I want to see Lita and Norn animated.

What did you guys think about the already existing atelier anime? Even though the animation was garbage,it convinced me to try out the games. Mechanical ara ara best girl.

If it really convinced you to try out the games, I will begrudgingly admit it has a reason to exist.

Based. Iris 2 is better though.

Iris 2 is great too, Felt and Viese are adorable together.


Best Girl

Meruru Totori >> Tototri Tototri

Why? I'm legitimately curious.

I get this though, Meruru Totori definitely does it for me.
I was really looking forward to Meruru Rorona and then they pulled that fucking youth-potion bullshit and all that enthusiasm had to go somewhere.

I agree.

Because she's likeable, reliable, cute and a great alchemist with nice armpits and a sexy body.

I wish they did a sequel to Arland trilogy, I really want to see adult Meruru
And yeah, the youth potion was the worst thing ever

Ayesha. She grows quite a bit over her story and the Dusk setting during her game had a lot charm mystique to it. Plus she's not a lesbian since she pleases old men for alchemy lessons.

I'm still so fucking furious about it. Ugh.
The wasted potential.

Hm, fair enough.
I guess I like Rorona because she's unreliable and not a great alchemist, so this makes sense to me.

Ah fuck, so he got Pamela'd.

Damn, too bad we don't see Escha and him got married.

>loli Escha

Now I'm conflicted.

Escha is not the same without her apple-grown oppai

>loli Escha
What alchemy is this, I need to learn more.

And tail.


Don't sexualize the Ateliers!

Was Sophie good?

I heard they removed the deadlines?
I kind of want to play it just to see what that's like.

Sophie was really cute at least.

The book, kind of meh.

In the new Atelier the older sister look nicer too.

I guess that's what happen when you have two artist.

I don't have to, they do it themselves
Just look at those mahotsukai tiddies


Shallistera is so unsexual
Even Totori was more erotic(mostly due to her obscene outfits)

I think Firis is going to be very cute

Green was pretty cute though.

Pairing her with the witch was pretty unexpected though.

Holy crap.

>Shallistera is so unsexual
Most suited for marriage though.

How come?

Not terribly stupid
Reasonably small breasts
I'm out of ideas but she was just better than the other girl.


Her forehead is too big.

I want to flick it

She looks so much older with her hair down.


Sterk had a rough life

Is that squid staring directly up her skirt.

Aren't you?

Sophie had a few jokes about Logy's potential as an alchemist. I wonder if Firis will joke around about him being a lolicon.


Well yes, but I'm not a squid. I only smell like one sometimes.

My queen Mari and

Miruca was one of the few good things to come out of Atelier Shallie

>atelier thread shows up when I feel sleepy


Really good, all the usual goodness and comfy from Atelier but you can keep playing to your heart's content after finishing the story and also no more crappy time limits so you can do things at your own pace.

Sterk needs an anime about him and the crap he has been through.

Klein from Iris because he is a man.

That is the face of a wanted felon known to have misused alchemy to desecrate precious ancient ruins and technology.

World would be a very wonderful place if all felons look like that.

>no more crappy time limits

Which absolutely destroyed any challenge the games once had.

Mindless zombies can now finish here games

Not that user but I can see his point. Atelier has to be some of the most comfortable packages to have been created in a long time for video games.

I can understand that having the time limit to make a boat and go kick some monster ass would be appreciated but then by the same token having time to just travel the land and commit serial acts of alchemy at one's own pace is also it's own form of enjoyment.