ITT. underrated anime movies

ITT. underrated anime movies.

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Are you kidding? The only good thing about that movie was the visuals.

The MC was annoying as fuck yelling "TUUUUULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" all the time. The girl would have been interesting, being from another time period and being "SPESHUL" but she wound up meaning nothing to me by the end. Main villain was underwhelming, final fight was boring, climax was underwhelming, and the reason that everything happened in the first place wound up being fucking stupid. It's got nothing on Nausicaa and Mononoke Hime.

End of Evanglion. Majority of people who like it don't realise how great it is.

That sameface.

>ITT. shitty movies

There was this Japanese film about some kid from 1940s post war japan helping some old man in taking care a dead cherry tree. I honestly do not know the name of it but it was actually pretty good

It was ok. Nothing great except for the animation and visuals. Story and characters were sub par.

Dog of Flanders, although it peaked before the end.
MC made a retarded decision

This. Despite looking gorgeous, OP is one of my least favourite chinese cartoons. Everything after the first 15 minutes is garbage.

Great OP song, pretty 6/10 everything.

Ending was bad, he should have stayed a tree

5.5/10 at best but the OP is god tier:

Here ya go

eoe is not underrated, most people love it

I downloaded that and never watched it. Is it good?

Its extremely 70s and sort of trippy, but if you like a bit of artsy stuff its really enjoyable.

Trash movie even by Gonzo standards

This movie is pretty good. Very ghibli-esque in design, but more modern.

The environmental message is so embarrassingly hacky combined to with boring characters

It was a mediocre, forgotten schlock of a movie where there are far superior ones

Barefoot Gen

Don't remember the title, but the manga about sniffing glue.

Absolutely hilarious.

Princess Arete
Crayon Shin-chan movies besides Adult Empire

Wow fuck that seems really familiar but I also can't remember a name or anything

Patema Inverted

rthis is actualy really nice

Hibernation girl was cute

I didn't think it was that good.

Is that the one with the webm where everything's getting torn up by the nuke? Or is that from something else?

Why not?
It had two likeable leads, a unique setting, great animation, scenery, and a nice (if somewhat predictable) twist at the end.

>ITT movies with a cool picture that are actually shit
Thanks for the thread

"Tula" means "cock" where I love.

>where I love
I bet you love cocks in yer ass.

Shounen to Sakura

It's like a discount Miyazaki movie.

My Neighbors the Yamadas
Gauche the Cellist
Princess Arete
Tamala 2010
Animal Treasure Island

The first one isn't underrated

confirmed for shit taste

that movie sucked

Where do you love? Gas station bathroom?

I've never seen anyone but me declare it a top 5 Ghibli and most of those who have seen it don't really appreciate it.