You never got your anime

>you never got your anime
>you never got more popular than your sister
>you never got as useful as your sister who helped various TM characters with glasses and even artificial bodies
>you never got a sequel to your VN
>you never got a single good fig
>your fate/go clone instantly outperformed you
>you will never be relevant in TM ever again

What went wrong with Aoko?

Other urls found in this thread:

She's too perfect so Koyama wants to keep her to himself unlike how Takeuchi whored his waifu.

What went wrong is that she got her own VN instead of staying a fun side character.
It's like when you take a beloved bit actor and give them their own spinoff.

Mahoyo was garbo so nothing was lost really.

Her VN bombed hard and was ignored / forgotten already.

stop this meme, the VN sold well

They still advertise it on TM's website. It cycles on the front page with other stuff.

Because of her dumb brown hair

It was mediocre at best.

I've tried so many times, but I just can't get into that series.
I love the rest of his work, but Cornelius-Aoko domination is just so ridiculous to me that I can't do it.

You still got bangin' sweater puppies though.

That's something to be proud of.

>random side character no one cares about
>isn't a loli
Should've waited to be born so you could've be in a magical girl anime.

What are the actual numbers and how do they compare to your average VN?

>What went wrong with Aoko?

She and Touko never reconciled to face a greater threat.
Even in Battle Moon Wars, you could only have them fighting together in a single stage and they couldn't even support each-other due to Aoko not having enough range to keep up with Touko.

Let's be honest, even if you removed the Ero Fate is a better concept than the other Type moon stuff and would sell more on that concept alone

>EOP ITT trying hard

~half these are false/misleading


as a concept yes, but tsukihime is still better overall

>JOP w-will m-make crappy VN b-better

Wow, how pathetic.

Anyway, posting better girl.







Aoko is the best girl.


Every time.

Fuck off with your whore waifu. The original TM heroines will always be the best. Shoehorning those whores in newer games only makes the classy older heroines look beter by contrast. Only underage secondaries prefer those over ageless wonders.

>neo-tm scum tries to impress ME

How cute.

Scat completely replaced Aoko and she's way more popular, has quality figs and other merch announced already, she's getting all the attention from TM fags.

Meanwhile pathetic Aoko was forgotten already.

still not translated

Came here to post this.

She resurrected the poor guy that got killed by her psycho sister and kicked her ass easily. And would have killed her if not for that idiot nice guy.

>She resurrected the poor guy that got killed by her psycho sister and kicked her ass easily. And would have killed her if not for that idiot nice guy.

No one would like a retarded younger sister to kill superior Touko.

By the way, Touko is the only one who got a decent figure after Mahoyo. Says a lot about Japan's priorities.

It was my favourite of all the typemoon stuff.
After Tsukihime.
Fate is overrated
Also Soujuuro could kick shirou,s ass


>gives a punch and a elbow
>is about to die painfully because that utterly destroyed his body

>has swords spurting out of his body and gets kicked by an executioner
>still keeps at it

Nah, Shirou is the man.

Actually, Nasu has stated that Soujuurou is the strongest TM protagonist to date. Although he may just mean physically because I'm sure neither of the Shikis nor Shirou would have trouble killing him. I also imagine that he would have no trouble killing them either in a Souichirou/Saber way.

>aoko is from tsukihime
>everyone knows tsukihime is shit
>"what went wrong?"


>is about to die painfully because that utterly destroyed his body
>Ignores that he extends his hand to Aoko after punching Beo

Fuck are you talking about? He was fine before Touko kills him with a wind rune. Shirou is shit, the manliest thing he did was beat a half dead executioner.

>Believing anything nasu says, ever.

Did you forget his RM?


Why do people always create fake "us vs them" dichotomies? Do you really have to hate one character to like the other? You can't like both?
This is why I said that he probably meant in physical strength and that Shirou would probably have no trouble killing him. But that Shirou without his RM wouldn't have been able to stop Beo like Soujuurou did.

>You can't like both?

Welcome to any fandom, where critical thinking is overcome by insecurity every time.

Also i meant Nasu's RM, forget about it.

>powerlevels bullshit

What are you, twelve?

>your fate/go clone instantly outperformed you

Actually Tsuki/Melty Aoko outperformed Mahoyo Aoko, no one gives a shit about fate go.

>you will never even be a side character in someone else's anime adventure

>no one gives a shit about fate go.

You must be delusional because FGO is main priority of Type-Moon now.

Fuck all of you.


You can mumble whatever you want, kid, but the reality is different and it's clear as blue sky that FGO is TM's main priority for years and it's basically the only thing they are focusing on now.

No one cares if you like it or not, no one cares what you think about people who like it and what you think about their taste.

It's just how it is. And with FGO Aoko was instantly replaced by way more popular Scat.

That's good and all but this isn't an FGO thread.

I want to fuck Aoko.

Jeannu is honestly better than Aoko in every possible way.

I will never give a shit about any of what you just said

Make reddit post about it.

Because people are stupid and as I keep saying this fanbase can't seem to comprehend any scenario that isn't some sort of bitter argument. To show appreciation for something you must always have to knock something comparable down or maybe you don't even really need to do the former because I'm pretty sure the latter suffices when you speak dumb millennial anime fan.

I guess it is now since this shit always gets hijacked to be about that game one way or another. Haven't you noticed? For certain things no matter what they always end up being about one very specific beaten to death sub topic and false dichotomy arguments after the first 50 or so posts. Also brain dead posting and no it's not because it's summer. Mark my words any semblance of functioning anime fandom will be fully dead by the time 2017 is underway. I don't even know entirely what it's going to look like but we're already getting plenty of signs of it.

I legitimately just read this as meme meme meme meme meme. It's cool that Sup Forums shitpost speak autotranslates in my head as the gibberish it is now.

I honestly wasn't even aware that this company did anything other than mass marketed Fate/Whatever stuff anymore.

You're still giving too much credit. It has nothing to do with insecurity, people are just stupid shit heads that aren't even thinking when they post hence the phrase shitposting.


Just because you are fucking in your head, it doesn't mean your opinion is any relevant. Thank you.

Is it me or is Sup Forums angrier and pissed off about absolutely everything more than ever? I really don't remember this board being this fucking bitter and unrelentingly stupid over absolutely everything. It's like Sup Forums literally understands how to have two discussions now, sex chat 101 with pics (tolerable) or schoolyard playground tier insult flinging over who gives a shit topics (neither funny nor clever). Either way it just makes the site look like it's average users age can't be much higher than 13 maximum anymore.

Just recently they were advertising the new Melty manga in the news section.

Even translators dropped Mahoyo and Aoko because it's shit.

Any doujinsjin with her?

Scathach is immortal too user.

But the VN is good, user. And she's a great character.

Oh Sup Forums is also getting increasingly bad at typing out coherent sentences. Like this was supposed to be some sort of clever insult I take it but whoops it's meaningless incoherent babbling instead.

>Office Lady Scathach

Yes please.

Why is Sup Forums so fucking bad at everything now?

ESLs with a poor grasp of English and underageb&s have been coddled by Reddit and now think their opinions matter.

>Type-Moon has become casual pandering garbage, with the fans being even bigger weeb kiddies than before

Joan of arc? Not that I know of. You should ask the another Anons

On ge hentai there is one where Kirei fucks her in the church (no rape, she acts like a complte slut). Also an Apocrypha one where Sieg bones her.

Just look up "ruler" or "Jeanne D'Arc" on the panda

Wish thanks guys. You didn't even bother to post the links.

>ge hentai

Fuck you they are helping you.



It was way better than Tsukihime

All of those failed to turn me on. Fuck. I knew it. I can no longer get turn on by cheap shit. Fuck fuck fuck!!!

Same here, I went back to 3D because animu hentai had become boring, it's like a cycle.

I know right? But I don't want to pay for porn. Fuck!!! For fucking sake. I fucking knew. I should have never borrowed that account.

God damn it. Can no longer have sex or get turn on because my standard have become way too high. I shouldn't exist. Anons never buy a porn subscription, or watch too much hentai. Your standards will get way too high.

Fuck off.

>a clone with best red hair is more relevant and popular than her

She is a bland mary sue who can do no wrong.

She does plenty wrong and canonically is a mid-tier magus.

>canonically is a mid-tier magus.

>This VN was shit guise!
>Lemme post this superior jew card grinder instead

It was shit and FGO is better and more appreciated by TM fans.

Yes, it's said multiple time in the VN. She's only good at throwing dense concentration of prana at people i.e. offensive stuff. At everything else she's goes from low tier to upper mid-tier. Except the true magic but that doesn't require any skill. Even when she uses her true magic to temporarily gain 10 years of experience she's still only good at offensive stuff.

As the fuckif that was a sign of quality.
TM fans are cancerous shits who want Fate milked forever instead of actual new works

She doesn't need anything else but her destructive power.

>As the fuckif that was a sign of quality.
>TM fans are cancerous shits who want Fate milked forever instead of actual new work

What quality?

New TM works are way higher in quality than garbage like Tsukihime.


Sure but she's not a mary sue. Touko is way closer to being one. Although I'm not the type that sees Mary sues in everything like some.

Name? Link?

Because I want to know. Bump